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Fibromyalgia: How Simple Sugars Turned Fatigue into Energy

Several years ago, Marilyn M. couldn't even spell fibromyalgia.

Now she can spell it backwards, sideways and every other way...along with the term 'chronic fatigue'. Both became a devastating way of life for her.

Hardly a moment passed without her being aware of the debilitating advance of the disease. Even the smallest activities, such as holding a pen to write, became impossible for her.

Doctors were not encouraging. They offered prescriptions to relieve the constant pain, muscle spasms, memory loss, sleepless nights and crushing fatigue. But they could offer little hope for recovery.

This was something Marilyn wouldn't accept. Instead she went looking for alternative answers.

That's when she discovered the Science of Simple Sugars.

She came very close to missing it. Her first reaction had been to dismiss it as quackery. The promises seemed too unbelievable.

But when she started reading about it, she discovered that the Science of Simple Sugars was a bonafide medical advancement. The archives of every premier medical journal contained articles covering the science. Even Newsweek carried it as a cover story several years ago.

Still she was not fully convinced. She kept asking the question, "How could anything as basic as simple sugars have such a healing impact on the body?"

But then she decided she had nothing to lose by trying them. After all, they were simply food. No more dangerous than eating a blueberry muffin.

It took almost a month before she began to notice a gradual increase in energy and a decrease in pain. After several months, she even began to feel normal.

Still not convinced that the sugars had anything to do with her recovery, she stopped adding them to her diet. Within days, the fatigue and pain began creeping back.

Today, the simple sugars are a part of her daily diet. As a result she can now take long walks with her husband without pain. And she has resumed an active lifestyle she once only dreamed about.

What are these simple sugars?

Just that...sugar. But not the grocery store kind that can cause diabetics a problem.

And this may surprise you. The sugars themselves don't have a stitch of healing power.

So why are they important? Because our cells must have them to function properly. And it is through properly functioning cells that the body can heal itself.

So why haven't you heard about this science?

If the Science of Simple Sugars included a miracle drug backed by advertising dollars and an army of drug reps, it would now be a standard medical treatment. But we're talking lowly 'food' here. Even when Newsweek splashed it on their front cover, it received little more than a small ripple of interest.

You need to learn about this science.

If you or a loved one is suffering from a debilitating or life threatening disease, you need to find out about this science. Don't depend on your doctor. And you won't have to dig very deep. There is a huge amount of information available.

This Science may or may not be right for you. But you will never know until you've taken a few minutes to check it out.

As Marilyn discovered, the simple sugars may not have any healing power but they certainly helped turn her health and life around. That was sweet news for her...and maybe for you.

Doug Grant and his wife Jan have helped many people learn about the Science of Simple Sugars. For more information visit

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