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Vitamin and Mineral Facts

Vitamins & Minerals are essential to sustain life. Its what keeps us alive and healthy. Among many other things, they help us digest food, burn energy, grow hair, re-build muscel fibers, strenghten cells, and its what keeps our skin smooth. Since our bodies are made out of these certain vitamins and minerals, we need to consume these nutrients daily to replenish our bodys useages.

Minerals and vitamins are macronutrients. A macronutrient is something that our body needs in small amounts. This is different than nutrients that we need in larger amounts like proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Not only are vitamins and minerals macronutrients, but they are considered coenzymes as well. This is because they assist the enzymes in the body to carry out all of the daily activities as efficiently as possible.

The major vitamins are divided into two categories. One category is "water soluble vitamins" and the other is "oil soluble vitamins." Water soluble vitamins must be taken daily because they are not stored in the body, but are excreted quickly. Examples of water soluble vitamins are Vitamin C and Vitamin B (B-Complex Vitamins). Oil soluble vitamins are stored longer in the body's fatty tissue and in the liver. Oil soluble vitamins include Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. Both water and oil soluble vitamins are considered essential as the body needs them to function properly.

Have a question about vitamins? Try posting it on these Vitamin Forums

Tyler D Falls is the author of other health articles and helps run a vitamin resource site called Vitamin-Spot.

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