Small Business Information
Street Wars Between Mobile Car Washers and Mobile Auto Detailers
There is much competition in the mobile auto detailing business. There are two different lines of reasoning emerging as to how the business should be run. One is go for volume and discount and wash the world. The other is go after the high end customer which is 10% of the market, do exceptional work and charge as much as the market will give. These two principles are the reason for a war between mobile auto detailers and mobile car washes. Mobile car wash companies are often seen washing the Honda car for the single mom in an office complex. While the auto detailers would not touch the car unless she was a total babe and they thought they might get a date out of it.
Expanding Franchisee Advice
Franchisor expansion policies are not as simple as one might think. On the mind of every businessperson is the idea of expansion. We think we will make more money when you expand to a second, third, fourth, etc. unit, store or work truck. So you would think if you are franchisee of a large franchise system that the franchisor would want to help you into that additional outlet as soon as possible or, like some franchisors, much sooner. After all they will make more royalties and have an additional unit or push pin on their map of the country or state. The franchisor?s goals are actually more complicated than that. Our goal is your success-profit-happiness. Running an additional unit can create tremendous amount of headaches, which a franchisee may or may not be ready for.
Expanding A Mobile Car Wash Business
What is the best time to expand a mobile car wash business? If everything were perfect and you could choose the best time to buy a new mobile car wash rig, you should buy it in April and have it running by the 20th of May. If you have 1.5 times the business of your first unit, then you automatically have enough business for one-half of a second truck, van or trailer unit combination. In June, the seasonal increase would take care of the rest. That is the simplest way. If you buy an additional truck in November and it is ready by the 20th of December, you will have holidays and rain. Unless you have a huge industrial account base, we don?t recommend this to you.
Basic Psychology of Franchisee Ownership and Expansion
If you are a franchisee of a large franchise system; before you expand your franchise to include more stores there are some questions you might ask yourself. If, however, you bought your franchise to expand, grow and amass a small empire of your own, your franchisor will be the last person to stand in your way. Franchisors applaud those who are true entrepreneurs and believe in no limits. Your Franchisor will help you achieve your goals, even if they have to be the ones who push you over the top. No matter what your objectives are; for instance; To have a good paying job, more freedom, become rich or build a small empire; your franchisor is there for you in heart and soul. You must choose your destiny, keep them informed every step of the way and remember, the sky is not the limit, the ground is!
Private Franchising is not Real a Real Franchise
One major issue not being addressed right now in the regulatory definitions which guide consumers and lawyers in business opportunities and franchising is the new term being used; Private Franchising. The Federal Trade Commission decided it would revise its definitions of such opportunities in 1995, but failed to address this issue. The use of the term; Private Franchising has grown over the years.
Franchising VS Business Opportunity; What is the Difference?
The modern Franchise business model and the much different business opportunity are much different and dissimilar. The definition of these two business models should be broken into completely different parts to better fit the two-different business models and have their own set of regulations, which would contain similar stipulations with regards to prohibitions, definitions or basic rules of law. The Federal Trade Commission is considering a redefining of these two models under their legal description.
The Franchisors Heavy Load
Why are we over regulation the franchising industry, what purpose does it serve? Rules and laws are fine, level playing fields are nice, but the customer votes with their dollar and the entrepreneur and companies can only sell what people are willing to give up that unit of trade we call a dollar for.
Why the Over Regulation on the Franchising Model?
Franchising is the fastest way to build small businesses, provide jobs, create money flows. Currently the Federal Trade Commission wishes to increase the over regulation on the franchising sector. The way the Federal Trade Commission conducts itself provides little incentive or allows few new entrepreneurial companies to merge from the ashes to become the next Wendy?s Hamburger, McDonalds, Duncan Donuts, Century 21, KFC, Dominos Pizza, Midas Muffler, etc. Why? What are we really saying here? More complicated laws slows progress of the species, to move commerce forward.
Franchise Rule to be Revised; Why?
The FTC, Federal Trade Commission, is considering modifying the franchise rule. So far it has be a ten-year process; just imagine working that slow in your business? In 1995, 1997 and 1999 when the comments were first considered and taken in, which spans a ten-year period. When you combine those comments with this current rule making period they may have broken the record for the longest rule making session since voting on the slavery issue; one heck of a long rule making period by any means.
More Rules for Franchising?
The FTC- Mighty Federal Trade Commission has unilaterally decided to change the franchise rule. They changes are sure to hurt American business, Franchisors and the over 400,000 Franchisees in the United States today. These regulatory changes even if mere interpretations and opinion cause events which have unintended consequences. Such changes are rarely forgotten as one simple stroke of a pen by a Federal Trade Commission attorney who does not understand the real world of franchising can wipe out several quarters of profits.
Who Does Over Disclosure Really Hurt In Franchising?
Costs of over regulation and over disclosure end up hurting the very consumer that the regulatory bodies are trying to protect. Over disclosure and over regulation is in itself the worst evil of civilization, as it stifles free enterprise, innovation and free markets. In franchising the disclosure documents have in fact grown to over 200 plus pages in length on average. You should be happy you are not a tree in the forest right now.
The Number of Pages in the UFOC in Franchising is Still Growing Today
Today required franchise disclosure documents are over 200 pages generally. How many pages do you think the Uniform Franchise Offering Circular; UFOCs were 35 years ago for these ten-foot tall pillars of the franchising community like Kroc, Monhan and Rosenberg founded their companies? They were of course the founders of McDonalds, Domino?s Pizza and Duncan Donuts.
FTC Adding to the Franchise Rule
Last summer the FTC put forth a report and then asked for comments on modifications of the franchise rule. There has been no real significant changes since the 1970?s, but lots of opinions and case law along the way. All these complications of rules and the rules proposed today by the Federal Trade Commission do not help franchisors remain efficient or franchisees sell more pizza, hamburgers or donuts.
Too Many Lawyers in Franchising Today
Attorneys and Lawyers are ruining the franchise industry. It is too bad too, because franchising represents over 400,000 businesses in our country and accounts for just over one-third of every consumer dollar spent in this country. By over regulating and over lawyering the industry we are weakening our free markets and suffocating our up and coming entrepreneurs.
Lawyers Everywhere Telling Regulators What Laws to Make
The Federal Trade Commission decided to sit down and revamp the franchise rule of the 1970?s. They started to do it in 1995 and postponed it then had some comments collected in 1997 and then in 1999. One thing, which is very interesting is most all the comments came from attorneys who specialize in either suing franchisors or suing franchisees. A little conflict of interest isn?t it. Worse off; the government looks at their comments closely when determining new rules of law. Lawyers are out to make money suing business people, not helping free-enterprise, few of them have ever worked an honest day in their lives.
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The Types of Skip Trace Accounts
First, we need to define the different kinds of skip trace. There are three basic types of skip trace accounts, they are:
Small Business Credit Card Advantages
Obtaining a business credit card enables the small business owner to separate personal expenses from business expenses. Offering business credit cards to their employees eliminates the need for employees to use their personal credit cards or cash to make company purchases. Employees using a business credit card will not need to fill out expense statements, wait for approval and reimbursement from their company. Transactions are itemized and reported on quarterly statements that make it easy for management to make changes if needed. Business credit cards can be provided to the employees with preset spending limit and helps in controlling employee spending.
Dealing With a Crooked on the Take Government Worker
Many government department heads are on the take. Oh they'll jump up and down and swear legitimacy, but it just is not so. Over one-third of Americans will lie to a small business owner to save $2.00 and that same one-third of our population works in government. I am not condemning anyone, merely pointing out fact thru observation and 27 years experience dealing with governmental department heads. Now then two-thirds are honest and would never think of defrauding the public or taxpayer. We are not talking about those fine folks in government in this article. We applaud their public service even if half of them are totally inept, they are not crooks, so let that be known right here.
11 MONSTROUS Small Business Marketing Mistakes and How To Avoid Them
Increase your profit potential by identifying ? and avoiding ? these 11 marketing mistakes.
Why the Over Regulation on the Franchising Model?
Franchising is the fastest way to build small businesses, provide jobs, create money flows. Currently the Federal Trade Commission wishes to increase the over regulation on the franchising sector. The way the Federal Trade Commission conducts itself provides little incentive or allows few new entrepreneurial companies to merge from the ashes to become the next Wendy's Hamburger, McDonalds, Duncan Donuts, Century 21, KFC, Dominos Pizza, Midas Muffler, etc. Why? What are we really saying here? More complicated laws slows progress of the species, to move commerce forward.
Find Your Niche & Follow It - Part 1
In this series of articles I'm going to show you how to find out if there's a hungry crowd for your information product BEFORE you write a single word.
Mobile Pressure Washing and Cleaning Scheduling
If you own a mobile car washing, pressure washing or auto detailing business you know that when your crews and machines are parked and working that you are making money. You also know that when those units and crews are driving or stuck in traffic you are losing your shirt in costs and inefficiencies. If you are to expand your mobile washing business to multiple units running in multiple cities you will need to have a strict scheduling policy and operations manual to insure that efficiencies are maintained. Today with the highest fuel costs ever in our nation's history and the increased traffic over the last five years it is ultra critical that you plot out your routes, customer locations and time with precision.
Is Your Business Making Money?
Is your business making money? Would you know?
Sexual Harassment - Its just not on!
Sexual Harassment is a disturbing part of employment life in the modern era and is unacceptable! From junior clerk to boardroom it continues on in its various guises from seemingly harmless fun to stalking.
Shocking Experienced Copywriter Reveals Little-known Secrets To Closing BIG Ticket Deals!
Successfully Adding a Service To Your Business
There will come a time in your business where you feel ready to add another service offering. To make this successful, there are ten tips to consider before moving ahead.
13 Steps to Protect Yourself from Your Bank
The success of your business is critically dependent on how well you negotiate and manage your financial partners. Banks, investors, credit cards and financial services companies work for you. Therefore, you need to be sure you are working together, understand the plans of each and have the best idea of what and how things will happen when times get tough.
How to Profile a Client
At first glance, this topic may seem a little repetitive, but you will find that although you have done homework before getting a contract and already know a fair amount about your client, you, however, do not know everything that is pertinent to the job. Once you have the project underway you will be adding to your knowledge of the client. In other words, you will be getting to know them more intimately than before. The information you had at the beginning is what the organization allowed you and the public in general to know. Now you are in a position to increase that knowledge and add to the client profile. This information will take time to accumulate as not all will present itself right at the beginning of the project. It is through your performance that it will surface.
Employee Induction - Are you Inducting your People - A Practical How To
In today's fast paced marketplace it is easy to neglect the small important things!
3 Ways To Make Certain Your Business Fails
Most small businesses incorporated in 2005 will fail by the year 2007. No matter the industry or the economic times in which the company was initially conceived, the fact remains that businesses fail on a daily basis due to general lack of knowledge and know-how. What follows are my opinion on three very common methods to ensure not only mediocrity but failure as a business entity in today's world.
Advertising - For Small Businesses (Part 2)
How to do it
Using Excel Payroll Sheet to Make Payroll System Easier
For the employees, payday is the brightest day; they finally get the compensation they so well deserve for the services they rendered. For the employer, this could be nerve-wracking, not because they don't want to pay their employees, but because some employers have a hard time calculating the payroll. Some have systems that are too complicated for them, while some are just not experienced enough and don't have the know how. If this is what's happening to the company payroll system, there is a big chance that there are many disgruntled employees because of many miscalculations and errors in the calculations and the deductions. In return, this could dip employees' output and put the business in peril.
Deciding Which State To Incorporate Your Small Business In
Once you've decided to incorporate your small business the next step is deciding which state to incorporate in. A common misconception is that businesses must incorporate in their state of operation. You can, in fact, incorporate in any one of the 50 states and the District of Columbia regardless of where your business currently operates.
Small Business Grants - Tips from the Pros
Every business starts with an idea or a dream. To implement this idea or to turn your dream in to reality you require finance. A grant supports the business ideas and turns the dreams of an entrepreneur in to reality.
Small Business Owners - Form a Relationship with Your Bank Manager
It's just like a marriage