Small Business Information
Franchise Territories are Generally Delineated On a Map; Why?
If you own a mobile service or home based franchise your exclusive territory will be delineated on a map in the attachment of your franchise agreement. You will be assigned generally a single city, county or region and another franchisee or team member of the same system will not compete with your although may be right around the corner. You will only drive or be required to service clients as far as your exclusive territory boundaries. Unless of course there is no franchisee in the next city over, then might be willing to temporarily expand your market region if it is okay with the franchisor. You may go to that city periodically for special people or special clients that have needs of services. This is why we have exclusive territories in the franchising industry.
Why Do Franchisors have Exclusive Territories
The reason we Franchisors call it an exclusive territory is because we will not sell that area again to another franchisee. That is your area to market and to conquer and to generally obtain as much market penetration as possible. If you are a home-based business or mobile franchise then this is a serious issue. You can put as many service units in your area can support and try to make the most reasonable profit you can per each service unit you put into your exclusive territory. Most franchisors charge a percentage of the gross income and probably make a little off every service unit you buy, so they want you to expand.
Cabinet Refacing Business Opportunities
With all the cabinet refacing business opportunities out there, you could have a home based business that grows in this expanding industry. You?ve wanted your own kitchen updated, or talked to friends and family who have put out thousands of dollars remodeling theirs. It is an industry that will expand continuously, as homes are getting older and people want a new modern look.
Dispute Resolution; Competing With Other Franchisees
If you are in a franchise and have a territory dispute with another franchisee you need to prevent a lawsuit use dispute resolution techniques to resolve the dispute. Competing with other franchisees is a subject that franchisors would prefer not to need to talk about. This is a real problem for some types of franchises. For instance mobile service businesses and home based franchises.
Environmental Pressure Washing in Pennsylvania
If you run a mobile car wash, mobile fleet washing company, mobile auto detailing business or a Pressure Washing firm in Pennsylvania there are things you should know. Pennsylvania is serious about cleaning the environment.
Excuses Franchisees Make; When They Violate Exclusive Territory Agreements
One of the biggest excuses franchisees of home based and serviced based franchises make when violating their exclusive franchise agreement with their franchisor and fellow franchisees is: My Family Works There. As a franchisor, I cannot believe how many times neighboring franchisees steal each others clientele or work outside their exclusive franchise area. This jeopardizes trust within the franchise system between franchisees and franchisors.
Mobile Car and Truck Washing Vehicle Placement
To maximum potential profits and dollars in a mobile washing business it pays to set up in your mind in advance the best and most strategic place to park, before stopping to wash. You will obviously want to park your rig in a location that allows you to do as many cars as possible without moving the vehicle. For instance; let us say that your hose for water is one hundred plus feet but your vacuum hose is only forty feet, so if you have four cars in close proximity and one is a vacuum, park closest to that car. This way you can wash all four cars without moving the truck or rolling up the hoses, thus maximizing efficiency.
Pressure Washer Companies and Steam Cleaner Maintenance
If you run a pressure washing business it is a must that you understand and take care of your equipment. It is your livelihood. Proper maintenance is a must. If your equipment does not work; you make no money.
Routine Maintenance of High Pressure Hot Water Motors
If you run a pressure washer business you need complete uptime on your equipment, break downs can be costly if your billing rates are $100 to $150.00 per hour. If you are bidding by the job there are times when it is absolutely a great profession to be in. That is if your equipment is working properly. Here are some preventative maintenance for your high-pressure hot water skid unit.
Comparing Boston Area for a mobile car wash business
The Boston suburbs seem to be rich with possible locations to wash cars and a mobile car wash would be well served in that market. The customers have good jobs, high paying salaries and indeed demand such personal car washing services. They desire these services at home and at work. The economy is strong and many high paying jobs exist there. Housing and growth in the real estate of single family dwellings is still up sharply in the subs:
Boston Market; Mobile Auto Detailing
Boston itself covers 50 square miles of concrete and traffic, well city limits actually exactly 46 square miles, the entire metro area can be and is often over stated at 1100 square miles, but more realistically about 380 in our humble opinion. And you know some of that is water. And MASS is called MASS because of the number of communities and cities, similar to all the PA cities, townships, communities and three houses on a rural road deserves a new name game? In case you think I am kidding check this out.
Boston Suburban areas a good choice to run a business
BioTechs even with the latest news had shed over 1000 jobs two years ago, as it was reported by The Financial Times, WSJ, and Bloomberg that only 17 of the nearly 1300 BioTech firms were actually profitable. In 2002 the number of jobs were in the 30,000 range in Biotech. 600 layoffs came from Millennium Pharmaceuticals. And the VCs are were barely interested as they hardly even look at tech deals with all of them netting less than 3 Million in venture capital for computer software and less than 10 million in biotech in 2003. But that was then and this is now. Unemployment has dropped, money is flowing the fallout mortgage loans stopped bleeding and money is coming back for investment in all sectors. Nano and Biotech both good.
Pressure Washing Business; Steam Cleaner Fuel Maintenance
It is essential that you fully understand how the fuel system works on your hot water pressure washer or steam cleaner. If you mess it up it could catch on fire and if you are not right there to put it out, you could potentially lose your machine. This type of equipment has been known to explode and Hydrotek out of California actually has a CD Rom video of a machine exploding when a fuel leak is ignited just to show operators what could happen. We recommend the Hydrotek Hot Water Pressure Washers. Some people prefer Landa, but we have tried them all.
Setting Up as an Electronic Repair Authorized Service Center
If you plan to upgrade your workshop into an Authorized Service Center, this should guarantee plenty of work and a secure future. Setting up from scratch as an Authorized Service Center is not an easy job. Your workshop need to meet the manufacturers? requirement first before they can appoint your company as an Authorized Service Center.
How to Find Success in the Import Export Business
Take advantage of world politics today and start your own import export business. Are you organized, efficient, and ready to make your future in an opportunity all your own? Import Export Business Opportunities are expanding and there is room for you!
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Who Makes the BEST Business Partner
How do you find the best business partners?
Motorizing for Profit - The Craftsmen Have Left the Building
In the summer, I can't drive two blocks without seeing the activity of the construction industry. Road contractors, house builders and landscapers are everywhere.
Serious About Writing A Business Plan... Start A Business Plan Library
Tap these treasures of ideas. The best money you can spend
is money invested in your business plan education. Don't
shortchange yourself when it comes to investing in your
dream. Start gathering samples of business plans and collect
business plan books and get a business plan library started,
it can change your future. Here's what your library needs to
show: that you're a serious student of business strategy and
planning, finance and economics, selling, and writing.
Home Based Franchise; What About Future Expansion?
As a franchisor I am always asked by new and existing franchisees about future expansion. I find this to be a most wonderful question because I admire the strength of today's entrepreneur. With all and over regulation we still see hard chargers willing to battle the Tsunami of laws, rules and regulations as the debris rushes ashore. Indeed, with the Hurricane of lawyers presently in practice and Earthquake stampeding new attorneys getting out of law school, it is amazing the new warriors of free enterprise still press. Yes, in fact the modern entrepreneur has more floating and flying debris then ever before in our nations history. The of course want to shoot all the lawyers and regulators who have never made an honest dollar in their entire lives, yet no one has that much ammo and it is time consuming to run down all the much mold and slime.
The Step Zero Effect
The key to organizational focus and helping those who need what you do is knowing, precisely, what you do well -- and what you don't do well.
10 Cardinal Rules for Business Growth
After over 30 years of participating in hundreds of businesses,
competing in at least as many different industries, with
companies marketing both products and services, you begin to
develop and accumulate some fundamental businesses axioms or
"rules of thumb" that seem to make more sense everyday and gain
more value in business practice as your career continues to
advance and evolve.
Perception: What Are Your Patients REALLY Hearing?
Never underestimate the power of perception! Perception plays a major part in what is actually said -vs- how it is heard. And to patients...perception is reality!
Freelance Tips: How to Cope with Spring Fever When Theres Work to Be Done
We all know how glorious those first warm days of spring feel. The trees are blooming, the birds are singing... boy, it's sure hard to keep your head out of the clouds when the skies are blue and the sun's shining brightly.
11 Things Small Business Owners Can Learn From Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
1. Everyone Makes A Difference ? Despite not letting him play in their games, the other reindeer came to understand Rudolph's importance. Look for the talents in each of your employees.
Small Business - Big Business...Whats the Diff?
Small Business, Big Business ? What's the Diff?
Mobile Detailing Expansion Considerations
Expanding your business requires you to take a good hard look at your business (checking under the hood). You need to ask yourself. What am I making money at in my business and what isn't making a lot of money? It requires coordination with all aspects of your business. It requires a look at your schedule and where inefficiencies lay, if any. Just expanding is easy. Anyone can go out and buy a new truck. If you are expanding for ego sake, that's ok as long as you understand that it is your primary objective. If your ego is that important to you go out and buy a sports car for yourself, but realize why you are doing it. If you are trying to satisfy your ego, great. Just don't fool yourself.
Eight Ways To Improve Your Companys Cash-Flow ? TODAY!
Cash is the lifeblood of any business. As humans need air to breath and food to eat, your business requires customers that provides the primary substance that keeps a business in business: cash.
Small Businesses With Work Trucks; A Warning
If you are a non-operator owner of many work trucks, you should keep your business credit card with you not leave it in one of the trucks. You should not issue them to employees without strict guidlines. Employees may tend to abuse credit cards by buying things that are not an emergency such as tires that are over priced instead of simply plugging a hole in a flat or spraying fix-a flat into the valve stem.
Janitorial Cleaning Service: Getting Started
A janitorial cleaning service is one of the best businesses for a hardworking, blue collar person to start from scratch. Every business and every building needs to be cleaned once in a while - in some cases, many times each day. With the overhead involved with hiring employees to provide janitorial services, it is convenient for a company to outsource to a commercial janitorial service provider.
Small Business Success - It?s a Matter of Confidence
I was floored! I couldn't believe what they were saying! But there they sat -- three of the biggest film stars of our age -- telling the world they had issues with confidence. I was watching an interview where Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore were talking with Oprah Winfrey. Their conversation gave me a lot to think about in regard to small business success.
Take a Break - Have a Pity Party
Pity parties are nothing new. In fact, we do it all the time and I'm guessing that you probably go to many... you know, you get together with some friends and you'll bemoan the state of your industry. No one understands what we do and how we can help them. Companies are always spending less and less on the services I have to offer. I only get called in to sort things out when it's too late. Then they expect me to work miracles. Why don't people plan ahead?
A Business Plan Is Not Worth A Cracker To A Struggling Business - A Plans The Last Thing It Needs
Before you start a business we encourage you to prepare a business plan. Without it your business has a 92% chance of failing within the first 12 months. Sometimes your business plan tells you that you should not go into business at all!
From Birth to Death
Your product is dying. With the same inevitability that we humans move ever closer to death, so does every software application move towards its eventual demise.
Work is a Four Letter Word
I love work, I can watch it all day.
Shopping For a Franchise
Shopping for a franchise is easy if you know what you are doing. You can choose between radio adverts, newspaper adverts, personal recommendation, Internet, or visit a franchise exhibition. Attending a franchise exhibition allows you to view and compare a variety of franchise possibilities. Keep in mind that exhibitors primarily want to sell their franchise systems. Before you attend, research what type of franchise best suits your investment limitations, experience, and goals.