Small Business Information
What Happened to the Money and Freedom?
Ask anyone trapped in a cubical about their entrepreneurial dream and they will tell you, ?I want to own my own business. I?ll make more and have more time.?
Small Business Security No Passing Fad
How careful are you with the data you collect from your customers? How about the handling of money in your business. And passwords? What controls have you put in place to protect computer data?
Business Development Is Not An Event
Cash flow. To stay in business, you've got to keep a steady stream moving through your company.
5 Good Reasons a Self-Employed Professional Should Take Vacation
So you think you're not justified in taking time away from your business because you're self-employed? Here are five great reasons why you should definitely take a vacation:
Becoming Recession Proof
A lot of business owners I?ve spoken with lately have commented how their business is slow because of "the recession." If you are one of these people, you might want to reconsider your position. Before blindly saying a condition is being caused by a recession, you might want to ask yourself, "What will it cost me to buy into this?" Consider if you will that your thoughts create your reality. If you doubt that, study any spiritual, religious, philosophical, writing over the last 5,000 years and you will see this lesson over and over. For example, "The destiny of man is in his own soul," Herodotes (5th century B.C.). "Our life is what our thoughts make of it," Marcus Aurelius (121?180) and on and on throughout history, people have been carrying this message.
Youll See It When You Believe It - Growing Your Business from the Inside Out
What unspoken message are you sending your clients and customers? Is your personal energy field projecting positive, high vibrational energy or just the opposite? The latter will cost you business--and worse, you won't even realize it. The energy I'm talking about here has been called many things, "being in flow," "in the zone," "locked on", "jazzed", "sending out good vibes," (that last one is for anyone old enough to remember the 60's).
Get Out Of The Rut And Back On the Track
Do you sometimes find yourself just going "through the motions" of your business from day to day? Has the excitement gone out of your daily routine?
Grab Your Consumers Attention in a Cluttered World of Marketing Communications
A cluttered world of marketing communications diminishes the ordinary. The consumer can no longer be bother with the dull, trite and a boring hodgepodge of marketing communications that are pandered in front of them every day. They simply haven't the time, nor are they willing to figure out what irrelevant messages warmed over with pseudo-showmanship the marketer is selling them.
Covenants Not To Compete: Another Franchise Quandary
Imagine that you have operated a successful franchise business for the past several years. Your franchise agreement?s term expires in the near future and you are contemplating whether renewing the agreement would be a wise business decision. In the past couple of years it has become all too apparent that you are receiving little, if any, benefit or assistance from your franchisor. Yet, you continue to pay the franchisor thousands of dollars each year in royalties and other fees. You therefore decide that it would make better ?business sense? to operate independently after expiration of your franchise term. After all, you are very familiar with the business and have worked extremely hard in developing and establishing a solid client base to enable you to continue running a profitable and prosperous operation.
The Perilous Franchise Agreement: What Did You Sign?
Purchasing a franchise has become one of the most popular avenues for individuals looking to escape the rigid work day of a 9 to 5 job and take the leap into the world of independent business owner. After all, who doesn?t dream of being their own boss and controlling the limits of their own financial future? For anyone looking to act on their entrepreneurial spirit, franchising can indeed offer many attractive qualities that can provide excellent growth and earning potential, as well as satisfy that longing for independence. On the other hand, individuals that jump into franchising too quickly without adequate planning can find themselves mired in financial and legal problems. Even the most sophisticated businessperson can fall into this trap and be left scrambling to understand exactly what they signed.
Time to Sell your Restaurant? Some Advice from Restaurant Consultants, Inc.
As a specialist in getting restaurants open, it is surprising how many people ask, ?How can I get out of my restaurant?? Reasons for this question vary greatly, from a death in the family to a merger with another firm, to the end of a lease.
Essex Accountant: Accountancy Firm MVP for Your UK Business?
Most business owners know when they need an accountant, but they do not realize how important the task is or how much their results can vary. No other job position outside of your own is going to affect your bottom line like an accountant and contrary to common belief, the job is not just about crunching numbers. A good accountant or accountancy firm must know how to crunch numbers that will allow them to provide practical suggestions from useful information that will pave the way for you to make accurate business decisions.
Forming a Corporation ? Investors
You?ve come up with the best idea since sliced bread, figured out a business name and formed a corporation. There is, however, one small problem. You need money. Welcome to the world of investing.
Small Business Opportunities Magazine Business
A Small Business Opportunities Magazine is one of the new small business opportunities opening up everyday. More and more companies are looking to outsource for basic services, cutting their budgets in the process and increasing profits. With this happening globally, the small business opportunities available are increasing. This process will only benefit the company's bottom line, but will also open the door for more employees to own their own businesses and take control of their lives.
13 Steps to Protect Yourself from Your Bank
The success of your business is critically dependent on how well you negotiate and manage your financial partners. Banks, investors, credit cards and financial services companies work for you. Therefore, you need to be sure you are working together, understand the plans of each and have the best idea of what and how things will happen when times get tough.
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The Advisory Board: A Business Owners Most Valuable Resource
As a company grows, the owner's role begins to change. More and more of the owner's time is spent "in the shop or in the field" handling day-to-day operations rather than focusing on high-level planning and strategic issues.
Making Direct Mail Work for Small Businesses
If you own a small business, then you know the value of affordable and effective marketing. Unfortunately, many traditional and online advertising methods are becoming quite expensive. This article will explain direct mail guidelines and methods.
There Are No Dumb Business Questions, Not!
Q: I'm curious. What is the dumbest business question you've ever been asked?
-- Norris W.
How the Humble Ice Cube Made Business History
Gather round while I tell you the story of Kennebec Ice. It's a story full of valuable business lessons even though it happened long ago.
To Buy A Fat Pig
What does buying a fat pig have to do with your business? Stick with me and all will be revealed.
Building A Business That Works For You
Before you want to build your business, you need to know why you are in this business.
Entrepreneur to Employer
You make the decision to go into business and for some time work from home or in leased premises and your business starts to grow.
Franchising Industry Burdened in Over Regulation
There were only an estimated 1800 active franchisors in this country at the end of 2002, that number down from 6000 in a single decade. It is not hard from this effort to increase regulations to see why. I believe the Federal Trade Commission's franchising expenditures should be cut by the same rate of decline after all they caused it. Why is the Federal Trade Commission favoring one business model over another, actually the franchising model lowers prices to consumers through economies of scale, efficiency of operations and competition. Any and all increased regulation over the franchising business model is a clear sign that the Federal Trade Commission is titling the field for the larger corporate box store and by doing so is hurting our country, decreasing competition in the market place and decreases choices for forward advancement of every citizen who wants to have a fulfilled life and a meaningful job. Shame on you, FTC; what an insidious consequence of this rule-making group at the Federal Trade Commission? Such a small group gets to decide the fate of hundreds of thousands of American workers and the destiny's of thousands of America's future bright star entrepreneurs and innovators. If this whole process is not evil, then I cannot even imagine what is?
Does Your Small Business Marketing Suffer From The Bulldog Effect?
If you're an entrepreneur responsible for your own small business marketing, there's a marketing method you should avoid at all costs, which I've coined the bulldog effect for reasons you will understand shortly. Keep reading to find out if you're guilty of using this technique in your own marketing and learn how to fix it.
Postcard Marketing ? Low Cost Visibility
You need to be visible to attract customers, right? But how do you get that visibility when you're short on cash? Here's an idea that's worked for many businesses. It's postcard marketing, and it's very affordable.
Don?t Quit Before You Get to the City!
We were more than excited. Our women's doubles tennis team had won our division, successfully competed in three rounds of the playoffs and had emerged as finalists in the city competition. We fought hard and the results had paid off, but things didn't always look so promising. Just last season we finished in 3rd place. Three of our members decided to throw in the towel and left to find new teams.
Start a Technical Writing Service
Technical writing services are employed to explain the details of a topic in a way that is easily understood by the readers. In todays information age, technical writing jobs are increasingly common. One would think that, eventually, everything useful will have been written! This is not the case, however, and your home-based technical writing company probably has a better chance for success today than at any time in the past.
Why Internet Shopping is the New Mall of the Future
Last year, trillions of dollars transferred hands on the internet with regard to sales, or as the internet wishes to call it, eCommerce. The internet is becoming an increasingly complex manipulation of do's and don'ts. However, one thing I am sure of is, what are you doing? The cliche says, "Either get in the game, or sit and watch from the sidelines." I've been sitting around long enough and recently took bold steps to leap into eCommerce.
Expanding your business.
Are you a small business owner who wants to expand your business? Do you need to add another professional location to your company to test and explore a new market? Does a prospect of spending thousands of dollars to find a right location, sign a new long term office lease, purchase or lease office equipment and hire new employees holding you back?
Are You Running Your Business or Is Your Business Running You?
Being a small or home-based business owner can be loads of fun and very rewarding.
Alliances: Drawing The Line
How far can you go based on your relationship with an alliance partner?
De-Ionization Decisions in Mobile Car Washing
Many mobile car wash operators would like to add de-ionized water to their cleaning process. However before you do this you need to understand the reality of the return on investment. You must also realize how the de-ionization process works.
Pressure Washing Companies; Pricing Dock and Deck Cleaning
If you own a Pressure Washing Company and wish to get business at the local Marina there are a few things you should know. You need to be careful in bidding these types of jobs.
More Business Card Uses
Why would you use an event pass?
Your Business and the Story of a Tree; Part One
This morning, I went to take a short walk outside. I've been feeling a little more flexible since this weekend, and I figured a stroll would help me keep that liquid feeling in my bones that I've missed so much.