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Five Quick Ways to Speed Up Cash Flow At one point or another, almost every business runs short of cash. Whether due to normal fluctuations in demand or an unexpected decline in sales, cash shortfalls are the bane of every company, and are responsible for sleepless nights for many business owners. Do You Microbifer in Your Cleaning Business? Microfiber cleaning towels have been around for about ten years now. When I first heard about them they were being sold through distributors in an MLM business. Since my business was professional house cleaning, I couldn't see how they could benefit me due to the high cost. Going Public: Now that You Have Successfully Made the Transition, What Do You Do? Ok, you have successfully accomplished your dream of being the CEO of a public company. The stock of your company has a symbol and you are continually going to the computer to check the price, you tell all your relatives and friends and you even tried to encourage them to buy the stock. Book Yourself Solid Key #5: Go Forward With Gusto & Articulate What You Do Want your small business to flip instead of flop?! Statistically half of the entrepreneurs reading this will be out of business in three short years. Establishing a long standing, profitable and successful business absolutely depends on your ability to convey a clear message. A heartfelt message that tells clients exactly what you do, the specific 'invest-able opportunities' you bring to the table and all the ways clients will have a bigger, better, fuller life as a result of working with you. Boston Suburban areas a good choice to run a business BioTechs even with the latest news had shed over 1000 jobs two years ago, as it was reported by The Financial Times, WSJ, and Bloomberg that only 17 of the nearly 1300 BioTech firms were actually profitable. In 2002 the number of jobs were in the 30,000 range in Biotech. 600 layoffs came from Millennium Pharmaceuticals. And the VCs are were barely interested as they hardly even look at tech deals with all of them netting less than 3 Million in venture capital for computer software and less than 10 million in biotech in 2003. But that was then and this is now. Unemployment has dropped, money is flowing the fallout mortgage loans stopped bleeding and money is coming back for investment in all sectors. Nano and Biotech both good. Expanding A Mobile Car Wash Business What is the best time to expand a mobile car wash business? If everything were perfect and you could choose the best time to buy a new mobile car wash rig, you should buy it in April and have it running by the 20th of May. If you have 1.5 times the business of your first unit, then you automatically have enough business for one-half of a second truck, van or trailer unit combination. In June, the seasonal increase would take care of the rest. That is the simplest way. If you buy an additional truck in November and it is ready by the 20th of December, you will have holidays and rain. Unless you have a huge industrial account base, we don't recommend this to you. Marketing - The Way To Make What Youre Really Worth You only have so much time in a day right? Public Relations: Antidote for Small Business Failure When small businesses fail, the wreckage is often assigned to undercapitalization, among other mistakes. Seldom is failure attributed to a lack of effective communications that might have modified the behavior of sales prospects in a positive way, thus averting bankruptcy. Local Government Relations for Small Business Most small businesses simply go about their daily business and serving customers without ever worrying about local government relations. For some it turns out okay but for others it can become a disaster. You never know when a new project down the street may call for new plans to adjust the roads or put in center medians. If you are on a busy road you rely on traffic from both directions. A five-month road project can kill a business and what if it is in your busy season. If you are in retail that could be Christmas Time; imagine half you customers not being able to turn into your driveway? Then imagine after the holidays are over you have to deal with a center median which does not allow cross-over traffic. Or a do not cross over the line sign with a police car enforcing the new laws from your drive way leading into your business? The Benefits of Using Freelance Consultants / Trainers for Your Project What are the benefits of using a Freelance Consultant / Trainer for your next project? Why Does a Business Fail and What Can You Do to Stop It? I believe the number one reason why a business will fail is lack of planning. This can be due to various reasons, perhaps because the market research wasn't sufficiently carried out in the first place, or because the financial burden was higher than was planned for etc. Fleet Washing Expansion Considerations Many times small businesses want to expand their businesses and are not sure when the best time to do that might be. The key of course is cash flow. Will your current and brand new accounts afford you the cash flow to expand? Let us run thru a scenario with you and just so you know this is good advice, I own the Truck Wash Guys and have been doing this a while. Each time a franchisee wished to expand and ask for advice, I would look at their situation and determine if it was a wise idea. Sometimes it was, but often it was not. So let us look a hypothetical scenario for a moment: 7 Tips to Improving Your Cash Flow Cash is King... That is what everyone tells us and it is true! You cannot function successfully in any business without proper cash flow. So if this Cash Principle is so well known, then why is it that so many businesses struggle? Sometimes the obvious is not always so obvious when you are entrenched in running the day-to-day aspects of your business. Here are 7 Tips to Improve Your Cash Flow! How to Sponsor an Event for Fun and PROFIT How do you sponsor an event and get personal introductions at the same time? How to become a Career Coach for Profit A career coach could be simply defined your job seeking partner. A career coach could be a career management coach, who helps you in managing your career or a career marketing coach, who helps you build contacts, posts your resumes, tries to find the best jobs for you and helps you secure the best jobs. He basically tries to market you effectively in the job market. Are You a Small Business Lone Ranger? Take My 10-Question Quiz To Find Out! So what exactly is a "Small Business Lone Ranger?"� A "Small Business Lone Ranger" is a business owner who does all the work themselves. How to Promote Your Business by Entering Contests You are probably hard at work promoting your business (and if you're not, you should be!), but if you haven't submitted your profile to any contests yet, you may be missing a golden opportunity. A Lesson From ?The Apprentice? That Can Make You A Master I have to admit, I was curious. When I saw previews of a new show called "The Apprentice," it made me want to at least watch the premiere to see what was going on. Immediately, I was hooked. The whole idea of candidates - from all walks of life, not just college grads fresh from their commencement ceremonies - vying for a position in one of Donald Trump's organizations piqued my interest. What kept my interest were the real-life advertising lessons every business owner needs to be reminded of. Why Small Business Must Turn to PR If small business had no important outside audiences, it wouldn't exist. Where to Find a Cash Windfall of $10,000 to $1,000,000 -- You Never Knew You Had There is a rather famous true story called "Acres of Diamonds". ![]() |
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