Dropping Weight Too Fast After Gastric Bypass: What If I lose Too Much?

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Weight loss is so consistent and rapid after gastric bypass surgery many patients begin to fear they may become emaciated. They ask, "Will my body know when it's time to stop losing weight?" Patients fresh out of weight loss surgery usually find this question absurd - Impossible! Lifelong dieters don't become emaciated. However, patients nearing their goal weight become concerned as their body continues shedding weight rapidly showing no sign of stopping.

When patients are following the rules of weight loss surgery the body will stabilize at an appropriate weight, even as the patient continues with low-caloric food intake. The diet industry calls this weight the "set point." Body-weight set point is Nature's idea of what amount of fat a body needs.

Weight loss occurs when stored energy is used. By eating protein and exercising, the only available stored energy for the body to burn is fat. This reasoning concludes the body will maintain its weight when it has burned all of its stored fat, when muscles are used through living and daily exercise, and when nutritional needs through a careful diet and supplementation are met. Patients are advised to continue to exercise, take vitamin supplements, eat nutritionally with a focus on high protein, low volume meals while avoiding snacking. Failure to exercise and a decrease in protein intake will cause the body to consume muscle and possibly regain weight.

If a patient's weight continues to drop below a reasonable Body Mass Index (BMI) they must consult with their bariatric center to identify the cause.

Copyright � 2005 Kaye Bailey - All Rights Reserved.

Kaye Bailey is a weight loss surgery success story having maintained her health and goal weight for 5+ years. An award winning journalist, she is the author and webmaster of http://www.livingafterwls.com and http://www.livingafterwls.blogspot.com Fresh & insightful content is added daily, check in often.


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