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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #5
Wow! You must be on fire by now burning and churning up those calories on your way to your ideal weight. I know that taking steps to better your life is not always easy. It takes courage to do this. Sometimes it's easier just to keep in the mind set of surviving and do what you've always done. When you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten. Is this what you desire? Or do you want something different, something that is absolutely amazing? You know what I believe? I believe you're ready to burst out of your shell and manifest everything that is yours by Divine right. You are so ready to soar above the clouds that nothing can stop you from achieving success. God has these plans for you, and he wants you thriving, not surviving. You're now recognizing what you need to do in order to obey His commands. To thrive means paying attention to yourself so that you can be all that God intends for you. If sometimes you feel that you're not living God's plan, He forgives you even when you're not connected to Him. Now, if God can forgive you, then let's work on forgiving yourself. I want you to take out a mirror and look into it while reading the following statements. If you don't have a hand-held one, then go stand by a mirror. ________________ (Fill in your name), I forgive you for _____________________ (fill in the blank with whatever it is you need to forgive yourself for). I know that you were doing the best you could. ________________ , I forgive you for _________________________. ________________ , I forgive you for _________________________. ________________ , I forgive you for _________________________. There might be several things you want to forgive yourself for or you might just have a few things. The important thing is to focus on forgiving so you can release it. Last week I worked with a client who had an amazing break through. Her core issue was not forgiving herself for making mistakes in her second marriage, which led to divorce. She has been very hard on herself for seven years because she thought she asked all the right questions and should have known better. I did chakra work with her and the message was loud and clear?..FORGIVE YOURSELF. (Incidentally, I will explain chakra work in another lesson). Now, while looking into the mirror, take your right hand and form a fist and rub over the heart and repeat out loud: Even though I have had the issue of not forgiving myself, I deeply love and accept myself and this issue is healed. Divine Love floods my whole body with light and every cell is filled with love. Say this ten times. In addition, while the mirror is in front you, tell yourself, "You look marvelous, baby!!" How do you feel? Stupendous! Awesome! Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious! (Okay, I am a fan of Mary Poppins and I love that word). Practice! Practice! Practice! (Affirmations, Rapid Eye, Emotional Freedom Techniques, gratitude, forgiveness). The more you do it, the more it just becomes natural to bring in all the positives and surround yourself with them. Your ideal weight is already there. Believe it! Know it! Expect it! I appreciate you and your efforts and am so grateful that you're part of my life. I am sending you pink light energy. Hug yourself with this light and be surrounded in love. Love and hugs, Tami Close Weight Loss Expert www.tamiclose.com Tami Close is an Integrative Body Therapist and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight loss management practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. She is also a Reiki Master. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others. http://www.tamiclose.com http://www.closekeptsecrets.com
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Saboteurs to Your Weight Loss Plans Saboteurs are people and thoughts that are going to sabotage you when you are at all weak in your bid to better yourself. I can identify many internal and external forces that will try to stop me from what I want on an almost daily basis. Half of our Nation is Overweight! Experts say obesity will overtake smoking as the biggest health problem of the decade. They are predicting a quarter of the population will be suffering from weight related diabetes by 2013. Leaning Toward Lean: Clear Thinking For Better Health(Care) Mindfulness is all about paying attention. It's amazing what can be accomplished when mindfulness is applied to systems that need all the attention they can get. Bathing Suit Season - A Lifestyle Guide To prepare ourselves for the Summer Sun we want to do more for ourselves than just watch what we eat. We want to get every part of ourselves moving, metabolizing and breathing. The Mind Body-Fat Connection Negative thoughts, symbolic protection, being who we really are .. South Beach Diet The Review Diaries The Review Diaries She Unlimited MagazineThere are masses of carbohydrate diets like the Atkins Diet and The Zone. Now Hamptons diet meets South Beach. Lose Weight, Get Fit, and Live Longer If all we have to do is exercise to live a fuller and healthier life then why isn't everybody doing it? Not enough time? Too expensive? Unmotivated? Well the fact is everybody wants to be healthier but it is time consuming and expensive. Or is it? The problem is that an individual's health is not given a high priority until it's gone. Changing Our Eating Behaviour Changing our eating behaviour is one of the critical lifestyle changes necessary if we are going to successfully lose weight and keep it off.For many people, changing eating habits is one of the hardest things they'll ever do, as anybody who has gone on a diet and tried to stick to it can attest. Does Fat Free Really Mean Free Of Fat? Do you know what the words really mean on food labels?In this article, you'll discover everything you need to know about how to interpret food labels and make the right food choices.So what does "fat free" really mean?To be labeled "Fat Free", the food must contain less than � gram of fat per serving. What Is Fat Burning Food and 5 Ways To Implement It Into Your Diet Many people (especially on the net) claim that you can eat fat burning food exclusively and lose weight. While I do support the idea that it's not how much you eat when trying to lose weight, its what you eat - I do not support the idea that if you eat a lot of strawberries almost to the exclusion of other foods, that you will lose weight. An Introduction to Gastric Bypass Surgery Obesity, once seen as akin to laziness and overeating, is now understood as a complex disorder having to do with genetics and hormonal as well as lifestyle factors. People seem to have very different energy requirements; some can eat half as much as others and weigh the same. Panic After WLS: Im Succeeding at Weight Loss: Now What? The fear of success arises in patients when they realize a genuine change is occurring and they are moving forward with their life. To have bariatric surgery is to pursue an allusive dream that is now being realized - many patients have dreamed all of their lives of successfully losing weight. Diet Sodas & Losing Weight: Is Diet Coke Good Or Dangerous For Healthy Weight Loss? Zero Calorie Diet Sodas: Good Or Bad For Weight Loss?Calorie-free diet sodas, like Diet Coke?, Diet Pepsi? or Diet-7 Up? seem very good for weight loss or maintenance, compared to their sugar-saturated counterparts. For example, just a cup of orange juice contains a whopping 110 calories. Starbucks and Kicking Bad Habits Many of enjoy sitting down at Starbucks and enjoying a cup of coffee, many of us drink the frappachinos. Starbucks in fact is celebrating the 20-year anniversary of the Brownie Frappachino, which was interesting. Weight Loss - Long Term Success Starts In Your Mind Making the Decision:Whether you are interested losing ten pounds that you put on in the last 3 months, or the 50 extra pounds you've had with you since college, the first step is making the decision to change. This step is often the most difficult and may take the longest time. The Papaya Diet: A Guaranteed Loser Search Yahoo for "papaya" and "kirstie" and you'll find at least a hundred sites that claim papaya is single-handedly responsible for melting literally dozens of pounds off the body of a popular actress.I can recall, from my own quality-time spent in line at the grocery store, virtually every food known to man being touted as the key ingredient in a new "miracle diet. Weighing-In On Low Carb Diets With all of the conflicting studies and fuzzy interpretation of information, it's no wonder that confusion reigns when it comes to the value and safety of low-carb diets. It seems like heated debates are raging everywhere! Whether it's Atkins, the South Beach or some other low-carb plan, as many as 30 million Americans are following a low-carb diet. 4 Tips for Fast Fat Loss Part IV Fat Loss Tip #4) Eat More ProteinYes, it's important to keep your protein intake high when dieting to make sure that you don't burn off any muscle tissue in your quest to get ripped. But that's not what I'm talking about. QuickTips for Healthy Weight Loss More than any other time in history, people are all vying to have the best, healthiest body. The health and fitness industries are making billions of dollars every year on herbal supplements , fitness equipment, gyms, and special diets. Weight Loss: Carbs? Or No Carbs? Dietitians just plain don't like low-carb or high-protein diets.Whether it's The Atkins Diet, The Stillman Diet, The Scarsdale Diet or Eat Yourself Thin Like I Did by Nancy Moshier, a popular, new book that recommends a low-carb regimen, medical experts say these diets are not part of long-term weight maintenance. ![]() |
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