Starbucks and Kicking Bad Habits

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Many of enjoy sitting down at Starbucks and enjoying a cup of coffee, many of us drink the frappachinos. Starbucks in fact is celebrating the 20-year anniversary of the Brownie Frappachino, which was interesting. Has it really been that long? But of course that is the what the sign says as you go in. But what is really in this tasty treat? Well, a lot of sugar and caffeine and other chemicals that are not so good for you either. Starbucks definitely has its following and if you ever sit in a Starbucks and watch the long lines of fat people, you begin to think, is that what I am going to look like too?

If you watch the fat people in line at Starbucks they generally order the frappachinos and the skinny people usually order the coffee only type drinks. If you sit and watch enough you can generally predict pretty accurately who is going to order what. So much for people watching as we all do this at airports without thinking about it; what is the point? The point is that on observation it appears that Starbucks foo foo type drinks like the frappachino line is making people obese. It does it slowly, but it is obvious and you can see the correlation and trend.

I have been traveling the country and have been to every city in our nation over 10,000 people and have been to over 2000 plus Starbucks. As I have sat down with other patrons often the subject of caffeine and sugar come up as we sit and suck down our drinks. Generally the comments start out like this. "Well I know, I shouldn't be drinking these, they are fattening as hell!" This is accompanied by a couple of pats on the gut. They all know that it is the frappachinos that are doing it. Yet day after day they come to Starbucks and get their frappachino fix.

We need to realize that there are health risks to being over weight and we need to address those by watching what we put in our bodies. Has your Starbucks habit gone to far? Can you honestly kick that habit? You owe it to yourself to take a look at what the health care experts have to say. Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;


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