Hollywood Weight Loss Secrets - Five Things to Avoid!

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As an employee of famous fitness star Kathy Smith, personal trainer of many movie stars, and best selling author, it came to my attention of a few things that prevented Hollywood types from losing the weight they wanted. Here they are;

"Exercise Resistance" or ER means a conscious or unconscious block against participating in a regular active program. Studies show that some people have barriers built up from past experiences that give them a negative mindset toward exercise and food. In many cases, this prevents a person from starting or following through on an exercise program.


I thought the golden years were supposed to be filled with relaxing things to do, not more activities I usually put off before?

Not wanting to exercise is one thing, but resenting exercising can be paralyzing. There are only a small percentage of people that truly like to exercise. And most do it for a sport or profession. That's usually not true for the average person.

Building up resentment toward exercise goes much deeper than just not liking the effort it takes to do it. Resentment brings out a rebellious attitude in us.

"It is down right maddening that our bodies are aging and we can not do what we used to do!"

Every say or think that? We feel it and we see it happening right in front of our eyes. Inside, we are like children. We stomp our feet, cross our arms and say, "You can't tell me what to do; I'll show you."

The sooner you accept the fact that exercise is going to have to be a part of the rest of your life, the more likely you will start - the more likely you will continue exercising. Resentment is usually fueled by his cousins: Denial, Pride and Laziness. The best thing to do is never let them play together. Resentment is a form of pride.


Why should I start exercising? I will not follow through-never have. It will be just another failure of mine.

The only failure is not starting. Success is not measured in numbers. It is measured in your growth through the process. Just because your track record may show some ups and downs has no bearing on your future efforts. Plus, your self-worth is not based on how many times you started an exercise program. Fear of failure is an excuse to never try.


Why am I not doing this the way I know I can do this? I might as well not do it at all if I cannot do it right.

If you think for one second that you are going to be perfect in sticking to a plan, forget it. It's not possible for anyone. The truth is you will never be perfect. Once you reach a goal, you will have another one. It's a repetitive cycle, like running on a treadmill that will never stop. Perfectionism is an illusion.


Why does Jane look like she does and I have to work so hard at it. It does not seem fair!"

Life just isn't fair, is it? For some, it seems effortless to look thin and feel healthy. These people may even do the exact workout plan as you and get totally different results than you do. For you, it is a constant trip to the dentist's office. You dread it. You know it's going to hurt, and it may even cost a lot in the end. You are right that it's not fair, but that's life. You need to get beyond this. Comparing yourself to others and your past is a losing battle.


Why is it so hard to balance my fitness goals and lifestyle?

Unless you have such paralyzing health problems that you can't move, there is NO reason in the world not to get some form of exercise. However, you have to be smart about it and you have to be realistic in what you choose to do.

If your expectations are too high, you set yourself up for failure and then begin comparing yourself to others. In some cases, ER sets in before you even start. This is hurtful. Setting expectations that are too high is self-defeating before you even start.

Here is what I told them and I will tell you the same -

One out of three of you will break a bone. Half of you are on the verge of obesity and diabetes. A third of you will suffer a heart attack. Half of you will end up in a nursing home. And most of you are not living a life filled with confidence, good sleeping patterns, high energy or happiness. Why now? You tell me?why not now?

Do the math! Numbers do not lie. You either accept the road less traveled or you face the consequences. It's just that simple. This may resemble a scare tactic, but the bottom line is this is your reality. If you think for one second you are exempt, above reproach, or just relying on luck or faith, think again. Your best defense is a good offense.

Why now? Resenting the need to exercise is a waste of energy. Never starting because you are afraid of failure is a copout. Striving to exercise perfectly is a bit unrealistic for anyone. Comparing your present condition with how you used to be is a losing battle. And setting expectations so high that your lifestyle prevents you from accomplishing anything is a "bad attitude ready to happen."

Why now? Because these are all just plain excuses. The bottom line is, you will pay the doctor eventually if you allow any of the excuses to get the best of you. Exercising and eating right is the best thing you can do for your mind, body, and your heart. It will take work, but the benefits are priceless.

START LOSING WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY FOR GOOD TODAY! FREE MINI COURSE click here http://www.resolutions.bz Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor's DON'T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.


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