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Fluoride: A Plot to Dull the American Mind

During the Second World War, the Germans used fluoride as a tranquilizer in the Russian prison camps. At the same time, American members of the Communist Party met to discuss adding fluoride into the water supply, in order to bring about overall lethargy and thus ease the introduction and eventual dominance of Communism in America.

Over time, the cumulative effect of drinking water laced with sodium fluoride is a slow poisoning of a certain portion of the brain. This causes a submission of the will, so that the person loses the power to resist domination, and makes him completely vulnerable to whoever wishes to govern him. The terminology used in describing this process is "narcotising" the brain.

Fluoridated water was first introduced in 1954, and more than 50 years later about 200,000 tons a year are poured into the drinking water of tens of millions of blissfully unaware people, in thousands of cities across America. Fortunately, hundreds of cities are refusing to allow their citizenry to be poisoned, but the average consumer does not even realize that there is a problem.

Besides the mind-numbing effects, fluoride has also been shown to cause cancer. In 1977, studies were published showing that fluoridation is definitely linked to at least 10,000 cancer deaths each year. The researchers also discovered that of the more than 120 million Americans being poisoned yearly, fluoridation was shown to be a direct cause of arthritis in 40 million people, dental deformity in 8 million children, and allergic reactions in 2 million people.

Interestingly, 13 years earlier the same researchers had shown that fluoride caused bone cancer and increased the rate of oral cancer. Other research has shown that fluoride can induce tumors and cancers, and that it can stimulate the growth rate of existing tumors.

According to the researchers, Dr. Dean Burk, former head of the US National Cancer Institute's cell chemistry section, and Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, a biochemist and president of the Safe Water Foundation, the results of these tests had been kept away from public knowledge up until the early 1990's.

Nearly 15 years later, fluoride is still polluting the water supply of hundreds of major cities across the nation.

And if that wasn't enough, nearly every toothpaste on the market still contains fluoride, and nearly any dentist urges parents to coat their children's teeth with a "protective coating" of fluoride.

There are, of course, alternatives available. Bottled water is commonplace today, although there is mounting evidence that plastic containers are leaching toxins (phthalates) into the foods and beverages they contain.

And safe toothpaste can be found as well. One must take care to read the ingredients label carefully, however: other harmful ingredients are often used, even in the so-called "natural" brands of toothpaste. Beware of the warning labels on your toothpaste, and use caution when allowing children to brush!

Neways International manufactures a tremendously wide range of safe products all without the use of harmful ingredients or toxins. It is the only company of its kind in the world. The mission is to produce the safest, most effective consumer products in the world without the use of harmful ingredients or toxins, and to improve the health, wealth, and happiness of people around the world.

The safe alternative Neways Radiance toothpaste cleans and strengthens teeth without the use of fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, or any other dangerous toxins or harmful ingredients.

Neways has helped hundreds of thousands of Independent Distributors in over 23 countries to achieve financial independence, greater freedom, and improved health. Even if you decide to simply be a consumer only, the safest alternatives available are with Neways International.

Charlotte Colby is an Executive Level Independent Distributor with Neways. She has had a lifelong interest in health and nutrition, and currently seeks to educate the public about the dangers of harmful ingredients and toxins in common everyday personal care products and cosmetics.

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