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High Acid Levels Lead to Cardiovascular Disease


When you consume food that's high in acid or heavily processed, or food that causes an allergic response in your digestive system, the food will not be absorbed properly into your body as nutrients. Instead, some of the food will be absorbed into your bloodstream as acid waste. The remainder of undigested food will linger in your intestines and putrefy, causing further release of acid into your bloodstream. The result is a degeneration of all your body's systems, including the cardiovascular system.

Improper digestion also creates the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive. When the bacteria move into the cardiovascular system, the arterial walls become inflamed. No amount of treatment will help, unless the root cause - excessive accumulation of acid - is removed.


When acid lingers in the bloodstream, it attaches to the artery walls and reduces blood flow just as easily as "bad" cholesterol does. Vital nutrients and oxygen do not reach the body's cells as easily, and all major organs including the heart become vulnerable to degenerative disease. If the acid plaque breaks off and clogs the bloodstream, it can cause a heart attack.

Bacteria that move into the cardiovascular system increase the risk of heart attack. In trying to fight the bacteria, the body's immune system causes the arterial walls to become inflamed, by sending greater blood flow to enlarge the tissues and trap the germs. The increased blood flow and inflammation causes the acid plaque to break off more easily, and also increases blood pressure. Unless the acid accumulation in the body is reduced, your risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease will continue to increase.


Fortunately a reduction in body acid is possible through proper diet and supplements. As you focus on a "heart healthy" diet, you need to take a look at the bigger picture. This includes a "pH healthy" diet as well. You need to reduce your intake of acid-causes foods and increase your intake of foods and supplements that neutralize the acids already present.

It's also important to increase your production of digestive enzymes, to stabilize the acid-alkaline (pH) balance in your digestive system and to reduce and eliminate the accumulation of acid through the digestive process. The right natural foods and supplements can help boost your body's production of digestive enzymes.

If you truly want to change and help your body heal itself you need to take a proactive approach. Don't expect to feed your body processed foods, not exercise, then pop a pill and be all better? it just doesn't work that way. If you want to bring your body into pH balance then you need a complete approach. A great place to start is the Immersion Kit, you can learn more by going to

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