How I Easily Lost 21 lbs. in Just Weeks- Without Getting Hungry!

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I was shocked. I started to cry...

After the holidays, I stepped on the scale and discovered I was 30 pounds heavier than I had ever been in my life.

I'm a 56 year old grandmother (somebody please tell me how that happened) and it occurred to me that this time, I might not be able to lose those extra pounds.

Luckily, my health is good. I decided to do a little research into the problems and causes of obesity.

While searching for information on weight loss surgery, I happened on a study from Japan on apple polyphenols. It said that animals given these apple phytochemicals lost almost 30% of their organ fat after only three weeks. In addition, these lab rats also increased muscle strength.

"Wow," I said to myself. I wondered if it might work for me too. It occurred to me that the apple chemicals might be "rejuvenating" the lab animals, since organ fat increases with age. Other studies said these polyphenols were very safe. So I went to the health food store.

"Apple polly what?" said the sales clerk. I knew I had to look elsewhere. Finally, I found a web site that had it for sale. I started taking it every morning.

Immediately, I felt a new surge of energy and clarity of thought. So far, so good!

Then, I set about changing a few of the items in my diet.

First, I cut out refined sugar, and substituted diet colas and sugar-free candy to satisfy my sweet tooth. (There really have been some great improvements in the taste of sugar-free choices in the last few years. My favorites are diet Mug root beer, and Russell Stover sugar-free candies.)

I also added 5HTP to my daily supplement regimen, to help curb my carb cravings.

I stopped cooking with unsaturated oils, and switched to virgin olive oil. I limited my carb intake to � cup per meal, while keeping my body satisfied with plenty of beef, turkey, chicken, fish and cheese.

I ate as much as I cared to of protein, wholesome fats and unrefined carbohydrates, and gradually felt my body align to a healthier balance. Then, I began to slowly make my portions just a little smaller, one teaspoon at a time. I hardly noticed the difference!

To ensure that I was not denying my body adequate nutrition, I take a very good multivitamin formula. To this, I added extra calcium daily, in citrate form- the most absorbable.

Since I'm getting older, I also began taking DHEA for hormone balance. And, to stabilize my blood sugar and promote weight loss, I added konjac glucomannan to my pill routine.

In just 11 weeks, I have lost 21 lbs. on this program, and I have never been hungry.

And there are added benefits that I didn't expect. My skin is softer and smoother. My hair is growing thicker and faster, and my energy level is more like a 30 year old. My fingernails are healthier and stronger than they've ever been, and the "ridges" in my nails have smoothed out.

And the best part, besides losing the weight, is this: the embarrassing age spots on the backs of my hands are also going away.

Most importantly, I am not starving myself. I don't feel deprived. I have simply substituted some healthier eating habits, in a gradual way, so as not to shock my body.

This is a way of eating that I can sustain, unlike most diets I've tried. I can easily do this for the rest of my life, and continue to allow my body to find its own perfect weight.

My fat and weight loss is gradual and consistent, right in line with my doctor's recommendations for safe weight loss- about 2 pounds a week. I am well on my way to my ideal weight, just by following these few simple steps. Only 9 more pounds to go for my target!

My simple 10 point weight loss program is working perfectly for me. And the full details, including dosages of the supplements, are available at the web site link at the end of this article.

If you sensibly and gradually make small changes to the way you eat, and use some of the wonderful supplements now available, you too can be a much slimmer, healthier and more attractive person- at any age.


Katrina Kern is an author, women's health counselor and former practicing nurse. Get all the exciting details of her simple 10 point weight loss plan at


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