Law of Attraction Resolves Diet Controversy

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Who'd have thought healthy eating could be so controversial? Lunching at my girlfriend's house one afternoon, I held my tongue as her neighbors who'd joined us argued the virtues of their respective diets. And not like nice girls would!

Shelli is an avid high protein diet fan, while Debra is a food combining aficionado. Clearly they were both former debate champions, as neither would give up until she'd convinced the other the error of her ways.

Conflicting Info

The fact is we often run across conflicting information when it comes to good nutrition. Low fat, no fat, good fat, high protein, vegetarian, no sugar, low carb, good carb, juice fasts, vegan, food combining, whole foods, raw foods - the list of alternative diets can be exhausting even to the initiated. In fact, 20/20's John Stossel recently reported there's no scientific proof that even drinking eight glasses of water a day is beneficial!

And to confuse matters even more, we don't receive consistent results on these programs. While one woman feels fantastic on Atkins, another feels sluggish. One person can thrive on a vegetarian diet, while another develops intense cravings and low energy. What's a good-intending girl to do in the face of so much conflicting information?

What Really Matters

It's simpler than it looks. There are no hard and fast rules about what's good for these bodies of ours. What determines the condition of our body - more than anything - are our beliefs, intentions, and feelings.

If you expect a certain program to help you feel better and lose weight, that's one factor on your side. If you're able to feel good about yourself and intend successful results at the same time, you've likely got a winner. That doesn't mean your sister will have the same experience, however.

Tip the Scale in Your Favor

A little talked about, but much-experienced, universal law provides the answer to the questions about what diet works best. It turns out it isn't the diet that matters - it's what you THINK about the diet. Bottom line, it's the beliefs you have about the program and the results you expect that determine whether you'll get the body you want.

This universal law is known as the Law of Attraction, and it is all-powerful in delivering what you want.

The Law of Attraction says that "like attracts like," which also translates to "as you think, so shall it be." For example, a woman who feels fat day in and day out will have a difficult time achieving long-term results that make her feel otherwise, no matter how little she eats or how much she exercises.

However, someone who is able to consistently see herself in the body of her dreams, and feel fantastic in the skin she's in, will soon find reality conforming to her expectations - regardless of what she eats or how she exercises.

As an attraction coach specializing in helping women get the bodies they want, I find the biggest obstacle we experience in our weight loss success is the inability to focus on the end result. Invariably those who fail time and again habitually focus on what they don't want, rather than what they do. Changing this perspective is the key to creating a healthy body at a healthy weight.

But don't tell that to my girlfriend's neighbors. They're too busy arguing over the details that don't matter!

Jeannette Maw is a Law of Attraction Coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching. She specializes in helping women get the bodies they've always wanted by identifying their invisible obstacles. Learn more about Jeannette and the Law of Attraction at


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