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Is Emotional Eating Causing You to Blow Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan?
You've done everything right this time. You're eating lots of salad, fruit, and protein; using only low fat dressings and even staying away from white flour and refined sugar. But then?you have an argument with your spouse. You are bored, stressed, depressed and giving up. You walk by the pantry and see nothing that will satisfy the sudden urge for sugar, salt, potato chips, candy, or whatever your particular poison of choice. So you go down to the grocery store and find what you need, go home and pig out! Maybe you don't need to go to the store... maybe you've thought ahead because you knew this moment would come and you have a secret cabinet with all kinds of binge eating goodies! Ok, well that might be a little dramatic. But most people have found themselves following a good, healthy diet and all of a sudden, because of some emotional upheaval, they've found themselves in the middle of an overeating binge. It can really blow your whole healthy eating plan. So what's happening when you find yourself in this situation?And how can you stop emotional eating? First of all, when you go on an emotional eating binge, strong emotions are causing you to experience stress. This is when your body goes into "fight or flight" response. You either "fight"or you "fly". All your energy is directed towards one of these responses. Cortisol is released and normally, this causes the energy exerted in fighting or flying to be replaced with an increase in appetite. You are supposed to eat to replace the energy burned. However, in modern-day times, we are unable to follow through with the "fight or flight" response. Everything happens as it is designed to happen, except that instead of energy being burned, it is "stuffed" and we are left with an urge to eat. So what can you do to stop emotional eating? I have found a very helpful book, "Lose It For Life" written by Stephen Arterburn and Dr. Linda Mintle, who suggest making a list of alternate activities when you find yourself in such a situation, such as taking a walk, take three deep breaths or call a friend. One other very effective way to battle these urges is to pray. As a Christian, when I find myself having a problem with unpleasant emtions, I seek release and find strength when I turn to God. A moment of prayer can really help you find the balance you need to continue with your healthy weight loss plan. Sometimes we turn to food out of loneliness or boredom. The same technique could apply. Talking to your friend or playing with your dog could be infinitely more interesting than stuffing your face with a cookie. Copyright 2005 by Eunice Coughlin. Healthy Living for Moms encourages healthy living habits for moms of all ages and stages. For more information about emotional eating and other healthy living topics, check out http://www.healthy-living-for-moms.com/emotional_eating.html
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Drink ice-cold water and you'll even burn a few extra calories as your body warms it up!"If you are in the phase of rapid weight loss or have lost quite a bit of weight you know exactly why gastric bypass patients don't drink ice cold water - we're already freezing - even in the heat of summer. Does It Matter If You Are Overweight? Everywhere we look in the western world we are inundated with pictures, images, icons and inferences of the 'perfect' female shape! The truth is that many of these images are altered or enhanced in some way and do not depict the typical female form. The pressure to lose weight is immense when we are bombarded every day with media selling products based on slimness, sex appeal and fashion. The Ultimate Weight Loss Red-Flag Guide Weight Loss Red Flag GuideDespite claims to the contrary, there are no magic potions or effortless ways to burn off fat. There are thousands upon thousands of weight loss web sites, low carb diets, diet pills and other "so-called experts" that prey on desperate overweight people and use overly optimistic claims that get you to believe and buy into their flat out lies -- reaping billions of dollars each year while your left still overweight and looking for answers. Atkins Diet Plan - Whats The Catch The Atkins diet Plan breakfast can usually composed of eggs strips of bacon and coffee. A snack might include coffee with cream, and chunks of cheese. Take The Die out Of Dieting - Tips For Stress Free Weight Loss Not so resolved on that "New Year's Resolution" to be in shape this year? Not quite in the body that you wanted to spend this summer in? Are you sick of counting carb grams and worrying about all of the foods that you "can't eat" ? If You are tired of losing the same weight over and over, and feeling like a failure because your last "diet" didn't work, try these tips to not only lose weight, but lose it for good. I have watched hundreds of clients over the years and almost without exception, those that lose their weight once and for all have mastered these tips and made their weight loss Stress Free? Be Responsible for What You Eat -Studies show that people who are 20 or more pounds overweight underestimate their caloric intake by up to 1000 calories per day, while people of a normal weight under estimate by only several hundred, There are 2 main culprits for this. To Be or Not To Be: Low Carb... I get asked all the time, "what do you think about the Atkin's Diet?". Well, as a Nutritional Bio-Chemist, my opinion and answer to that question would have to be a biochemical response. How Did I Get So FAT! "I never saw it coming, how did I get so fat" is what people all over the world are thinking. Lets do a little math to see how we all got fat. Obesity And Fast Foods - The Lethal Link Obesity and fast foods - there's little doubt about the link. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United states. Weight Loss Doesnt Work Your brain has this really interesting system that is kind of like a search engine on the internet. It is called your RAS for short. Why Do All Diets Fail? There's a dirty little secret in the diet industry. The sellers of weight loss programs won't admit it, but no weight loss plan works for everyone. How I Lost 12 Pounds And Had Fun Doing It! You see it all the time; people agonizing over their exercise routine. You hear people in the gym say things like; "I will be doing good when I get out of here". Savoring Moments Through Mindful Eating We all eat. But how mindful are we of every bite we take?Your mother always told you to slow down and taste your food. How to Start Losing Weight and Keep Losing Weight I have put off writing a motivation article because of two reasons: 1) There is a glut of articles out there already; 2) My philosophy is so simple, I didn't think it justified an entire article. I was amazed at the incredible number of articles on the net and in the news that dealt with motivation to diet and exercise. Too Many Calories How many calories do you need? Well, that depends on a lot of things. Your age, sex, type of work, physical activity, all come into play. Overweight? - 5 Tips to Enhance Your Sex Drive You could try one of the many sexual enhancement drugs available today. You could sign up for very expensive workshops and retreats. ![]() |
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