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How to Buy Chocolate Then Forget to Eat It
Some Say I'm Strange. I Prefer to Think of Myself as Resourceful If you'd like to learn how to obtain quality chocolate, put it in a drawer and forget it's there, learn to use EFT and NLP techniques to conquer your emotional eating. That's what I've done, and it's such a freeing thing to be able to feel right with the world, be happy with myself, my shape, and not feel controlled by something like food. I eat what I want, but I do make an effort to make good choices (usually). For example, last night I baked a cake I made on Easter and totally loved (Better than Sex cake). This thing is nothing more than yellow cake, vanilla pudding and tons of whipped cream - not exactly diet fare, but when I can't get a certain food out of my head, I usually either make it or go and get it, and then totally enjoy it. That's what I mean when I said I eat what I want. So today, I have an entire cake in my refrigerator. Did I have a piece of cake for breakfast? No. My husband bought me some fresh local raspberries at the Farmer's Market yesterday, and I wanted them so I had some on my cereal this morning. The cake sits and waits. When I was in the kitchen I noted the remnants of last night's grocery shopping. I saw�a huge, individually wrapped cinnamon roll on the counter. I just "knew" I was going to want to eat something sweet last night since baking the cake was bound to make me crazy so I'd in anticipation of future hunger I bought the following: While watching a movie last night (Friday night ritual) I did start to get sort of hungry so I thought about what to do about it. I recalled how I'm feeling much better lately, getting back to a regular routine of exercise, and I just didn't feel like eating a lot of cookies. Yes, they were there, but I just wasn't in the mood to eat them. I had a pang of hunger, but I wasn't really hungry, it was nearly midnight for crying out loud! So, I ate one of those chocolate squares - remember, they're pretty small right? Well I ate it in four bites, letting the chocolate melt in my mouth. I take my time with chocolates and they satisfy me so much more than just popping it in my mouth, chewing twice and swallowing. I'm not in a hurry to get it over with. Discovering Lost Candy This morning I checked my body fat and it just happens I keep my Omron Body Fat Analyzer in the closet on top of a leftover chocolates box from last Christmas. I decided to look inside the box since I thought there was one of those chocolates still leftover and I was surprised to find two of those Christmas chocolates in there (Joseph Schmidt truffles - some of my favorites) and about eight squares of that very same chocolate I bought yesterday (Scharffen Berger). I forgot they were there. So, you see, I handle my cravings by buying the foods I want, then putting them away and maybe eating them, maybe not. For me it's the need to know I can have what I want - and keeping something nearby in case of emergencies. I also know if I leave things out where I'll see them, I'm much more likely to decide to have some, so I put them away. For you it may be different. Some of you won't want anything tempting in the house. That's okay too. We're all different. The only way you'll discover how you are is to tackle those emotional issues - the reasons you think you can't stop eating after a handful or two; the reasons you feel like it's out of your control, or not your decision how much you eat, when you eat or what you eat. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to buy your favorite food and leave it in a drawer long enough to forget it's even there? That's what it's like to not have an eating problem, and that comes from giving yourself permission to enjoy food. You are worthy, you do deserve to be happy. My methods can help - I know because they've worked for me, and I truly have had a sweet tooth since I was a kid. I used to eat bag after bag of candy - I once had 11 cavities in one dentist visit! Kathryn Martyn,�Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor,�author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com Get the Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.
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6 Simple Steps To LifeLong Weight Loss If You are sick of losing the same weight over and over, and feeling like a failure because your last "diet" didn't work, try these tips to not only lose weight, but lose it for good. I have watched hundreds of clients over the years and almost without exception, those that lose their weight once and for all have these six basic habits as a part of their lives. Diet Candy for Delicious Weight Loss There are currently over 100 billion dollars sold in weight-loss and energy products each year. Weight-loss is a very serious and emotional issue. Gastric Bypass Surgery - What Happens Afterwards? After patients have had gastric bypass surgery comes a very challenging and demanding few months ahead. It isn't easy, no matter what those success stories on the adverts tell us. Brinks Unified Theory of Nutrition For Weight Loss and Muscle Gain When people hear the term Unified Theory, some times called the Grand Unified Theory, or even "Theory of Everything," they probably think of it in terms of physics, where a Unified Theory, or single theory capable of defining the nature of the interrelationships among nuclear, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces, would reconcile seemingly incompatible aspects of various field theories to create a single comprehensive set of equations.Such a theory could potentially unlock all the secrets of nature and the universe itself, or as theoretical physicist Michio Katu, puts it "an equation an inch long that would allow us to read the mind of God. Why Should I Lose Weight? According to the BMI chart, if you are overweight, you may be more at risk of developing disease. That should be reason enough to lose weight. Your Metabolism and Fat Loss If you know someone that has been trying to lose weight and get into shape, you have probably heard words such as, "I just eat one meal a day to lose weight" or "I'm afraid if I eat, I'll gain weight" but sadly, this misnomer is why so many people are in the "battle of the bulge". People all over the world still believe that eating breakfast, or even three meals a day will cause them to gain weight. Dieting Strategy -- Stop Diet Drop Out Diet drop out, a significant problem for all types of diets, requires a new dieting strategy. Exchange it. The Folly of Diet Recipes Have you ever wondered why diet books always seem to have a section of recipes?Apart from the desire to make the book look larger and therefore more worthwhile, why should we be so interested in studying foods and ways to serve it when we are trying to avoid it as much as possible?It is inconceivable that we have reached adulthood without the basic skills to boil, bake, steam, or roast our food.We all know that these are the only low fat methods we should be using on any diet. Before You Burn - Information About Weight Training Routines For Beginners Information About Weight Training Routines For BeginnersSo you need to lose a few pounds? Perhaps you want to bulk up and strengthen and define your muscle tone? Maybe you just want to add a bit of variety to your exercise program? Weight training routines offer a great way to accomplish these goals. These types of training routines are used by professional athletes, fitness pros, and body builders. The Psychology of Weight Loss: Part 1 - The INSIDE OUT Mindset WHAT DOES BEING FIT REALLY MEAN?The "INSIDE-OUT" approach to fitness differs from that of conventional wisdom. Most programs work on diet and exercise alone. How To Get Past a Weight Loss Plateau Everyone who has ever been on a diet has hit a plateau at some point. It is that point where no matter what you do, you cannot seem to lose any weight. Low-Carb Diets - An Introduction According to a recent survey by the National Health Institute, about a third of overweight Americans who are trying to lose weight, are doing so by eating less carbohydrates (carbs) largely because of the increased popularity of fad diets like Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet.Who Invented Low-Carb Diets?The term "low-carb" was coined around 1992 when the USDA recommended that Americans include six to eleven servings daily of grains and starches in their diet. Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #8 Life is extraordinary filled with wonderful people to show up to teach us things. Mitzi, a special friend from high school, sent me a book, The Game of Life and How to Play It, when I was struggling with a sickness years ago. Diet Preparaton -- The Impact of Sleep and Stress When you have started a diet in the past, how much sincere and attentive focus did you give to preparing for your diet? Isn't it true that usually you are getting the food together a particular diet requires, buying yet another tread mill (or hauling out the old one covered in dust from the last diet), getting another gym membership, planning that last big blowout gluttonous meal you're going to eat because you are going to have to starve for the next eight weeks. The above really isn't an exaggeration. Weight Loss Secret -- Think Bodybuilding This little known secret has been used by bodybuilders for sometime now to achieve astounding results, including healthy weight loss when necessary.Keep in mind, however, that bodybuilders also practice the diet basics of healthy weight loss. Overweight - Answering Your Critics There are those that walk amongst us who have followed all the advice, diligently dieted and exercised with genuine effort for long periods of time, yet still fail to lose their excess weight. Even more heartbreaking for those of us who genuinely struggle with obesity are the accusations of sloth and laziness from those thin people who eat junk all day long and show no physical sign of their own gluttony. Pick Up Your Pen and Lose Weight! Although every dieter knows that keeping food records is a key to permanent weight loss, few understand the importance of also keeping an "emotional journal."�� In fact, one dieter lost 100 pounds, thanks in part to the insights gained through daily journaling. At The Dinner Table This Article was originally Published in The July 2004 Issue of The ZoneNet NewsletterIt was very hard having an overweight child. Wherever we were, people just stared. Caution! Watch Out For The Net Carb Trap! As a low carb dieter, you have probably been bombarded with all sorts of new food terminology. One of the phrases you've probably heard time and time again is "net carbs. Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #5 Wow! You must be on fire by now burning and churning up those calories on your way to your ideal weight. I know that taking steps to better your life is not always easy. |
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