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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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Weight Management Secrets That My Mother Never Told Me
There have been endless numbers of fad diets over the years, each one promising to free you from the bulge. You see numerous infomercials on the next so called proven weight loss strategy such as diet programs, supplements, and fitness equipment. In fact, there are certain companies that claim their product will just strip fat off of you simply by taking their supplement and going to sleep. I must say that I have seen some pretty absurd claims by companies over the years. There have even been many authors who have written about weight loss that preach their strategy is the only true solution to weight loss and permanent weight management. Most of you are aware of the weight loss networks that lure you into believing that by following their diet regimens, you will be free of your weight management issues forever. There are also those fancy gadgets that claim fat will just burn away simply by using them minutes a day. Well, I must say again, that although these claims all sound very promising, they hold little or no true validity. I am aware that some of these products, supplements, and regimens may have worked for some people, however, I have yet to see or hear of a high number of consumers who experienced permanent weight loss. In fact, if any of these so-called weight loss solutions worked permanently and on a grand scale, then we would not have the high percentage of overweight people in this country that we do. A point worth noting is that the United States has the highest percentage of overweight people among the industrialized nations. Things that make you go hmmm? The topic of fat has gotten much scrutiny over the last decade. A few years back I could remember seeing many commercials all marketing their products as fat free and very low fat. I also remember walking down the isles in grocery stores and seeing the vast number of products flashing Fat Free and Low Fat bold prints on their package. It seemed that people would buy these products in large quantities because they wouldn't feel as guilty eating them compared to the regular food product. If you have taken notice in the past few years, you no longer see the mass marketing of these products. Do you want to know why? It is because people have used these products extensively in the hopes that they wouldn't put on the weight and yet they still did. These people thought if the label says fat-free, then they could eat a fair portion and not have to worry about weight gain. This is a misconception and a total lack of truth that has been distributed by the government and the media. Even though these fat- free products contain no fat in them, they still have calories, sugar, carbohydrates, which an excess of any of these can cause weight gain. However, all things aside, the real issue behind obesity and weight gain has only an indirect link to food, calories, and fat. Fat is not the enemy of your weight issues. You have been programmed to believe that fat is the cause of your weight gain over and over. This is simply not true for everyone. Your body needs fat for survival and fat is also a good source of energy contrary to what most doctors and nutritionists would tell you. In fact, fat is very important to your overall health. The main issue is not fat in and of itself, but rather the types of fat that most people ingest on a regular basis. My point being that just because a food item has a lot of fat in it does not mean that you will gain weight if you eat it. Have you ever wondered why diets, pills and any other weight loss strategies never offer a permanent solution to weight management? Why is there no true answer at tackling the weight issue in this country? Is being overweight just a matter of circumstance or genetics? What if I told you that there is a permanent weight management solution for people who are obese or unable to lose weight easily? What if I also told you that the real cause of your weight gain is not food directly? Excess body weight is only a signal of deeper underlying factors. Usually, there are many subconscious and even unconscious factors at play with weight issues that are beyond a person's direct control. If one can bring these subconscious and unconscious factors to their direct consciousness, then they can be on the road to solving their weight issues forever. Suppressed emotions from past life events and your current emotional wellbeing have a direct impact on weight gain and the inability to maintain a healthy weight. Food is just the scapegoat used to blame our problems on it. Food does help to put on weight but it is not the direct cause for it. Here is the secret?suppressed emotions and a person's current emotional state can cause the brain to activate specific biochemicals in the body that program the cells to store more fat. How and why does this happen? From a metaphysical standpoint, being overweight represents a need for protection. This protection is being sought from past hurts, criticism, abuse, sexual advances, or some other traumatic event where you felt victimized. Children will often put on more weight after a divorce or a separation of their parents because they feel scared that they may be abandoned at some future point. The excess weight is their protection. The Key to Permanent Weight Loss A person's subconscious mind will always seek to protect someone who has experienced traumatic events from any possible future hurts. The subconscious mind equates fat with protection. Hence, via the powers of the subconscious mind the brain is manipulated to activate key biochemicals that are responsible for storing fat on the body. A primary function of fat on the body is for protection. This is why some people who are obese or overweight can eat very little and still gain weight. Just imagine the people who are overweight and eat considerate portions. It is no wonder that weight gain is such an issue with many people. They just don't realize that they have suppressed emotional issues deep inside their being. Am I saying that everyone with obesity and weight issues have deep underlying emotional and mental traumas? No, just that a majority of overweight people will. When someone is emotional, they will tend to eat foods that are fatty, salty, and sweet because these foods tend to comfort these people. They may be sometimes called comfort foods because they become a person's best friend when they are feeling emotional. In essence, food becomes the perfect escape for someone who has past emotional hurts and/or current emotional issues. Food gives them pleasure and is a substitute for whatever they feel they lack. If a person feels deep down (subconsciously) that they need love, well, food can be used as a substitute for the love they crave. Food does not judge, criticize, blame, yell, is always there when you need it, and it makes you feel better. Finally, the mystery of obesity and weight gain has been unveiled. The real solution to weight management is not so much to eliminate all foods that are high in fat or have extra calories. One should rather concentrate on discovering deeply suppressed emotions from past life events and to find current mental and emotional issues that may be contributing to your weight gain. This requires you to be extremely honest with yourself and your inner feelings. These inner feelings and suppressed emotions need to be transmuted. Protection for What? Since the mind typically associates fat with protection of the self, the question to ask yourself is? what are you protecting yourself from? Why are you trying to hide? Why do you "NEED" to be fat or overweight? If you can find out the "NEED" you have to be overweight, then you are half way home to resolving your weight issues. You will see that once you discover your "NEED" for being overweight, your weight will start to come down naturally. Yes, it is advised to incorporate a balanced diet and exercise. This will speed up your weight loss efforts. However, isolating your "NEED" to be fat and then resolving that need can give you the permanent solution you are looking for. You see, you might want to lose weight real bad. You may have tried so many diets and other so called weight loss strategies with no major success. This means that you are getting something from being fat or overweight subconsciously or you wouldn't be fat in the first place. It is serving you on some level of your being. Because you have a "NEED" (usually it is a NEED for protection of some kind) to be overweight, you will not be able to lose weight permanently. The NEED keeps your subconscious locked into protection mode and will continue to have your brain send out that message to your body. This in turn keeps you overweight regardless of what you do physically (diets, exercise, affirmations, praying). Again, this may not apply to everyone. Just do some deep soul searching and you will discover if it is applicable to you or not. You could say that this process is like a spring cleaning for your mind and your soul. Until you do it, then you will always have an issue managing your weight. It is the inner work that will give you the permanent solution that you seek. You could also follow some additional health advice such as taking digestive enzymes on an empty stomach since this will aid in the break down of fats in the bloodstream and the body. Something else you could experiment with is Coconut butter or coconut oil. There is a compound in coconut oil that actually speeds up your metabolism better than anything else and will aid in losing weight in a healthy manner. If fact, I would recommend eating this every day for 2 weeks and see for yourself. Put this on whole grain bread, steamed vegetables, potatoes, and even pancakes or waffles. Coconut butter has a very pleasant sweet taste and is very healthy to consume daily since it contains other essential oils that are important for your overall health. Health food stores usually carry this product but just make sure that it is 100% EXTRA VIRGIN pure coconut oil. If there are any other ingredients on the label then do not buy it. Ask the store rep and they will direct you. You see, it is the metabolism that is key to gaining and losing weight. If you are overweight, you want to speed it up so that it burns calories more efficiently. You would be surprised what can do with your mind and inner healing. By working on your inner self, you will see improvements in your body as well. Weight will begin to come off easily and you will feel much better in general. The metaphor that I use quite often is as you begin to shed old hurts, traumas, and learn to forgive people including yourself, symbolically, you also begin to shed weight. As you release all old hurts, you become lighter inside so therefore, your outside must reflect this new inner state of being. This is an inner journey that no one but yourself can travel. You must go within and find the solution you seek. What I tell most people is to draw a circle around yourself. If you step outside that circle to find the solution to your weight issues or whatever life dilemma you may be experiencing, then you will miss the true remedy. Yes, you can receive assistance or guidance, however, you have the magic answer in you all the time just waiting to be discovered. Haven't you had enough of diets and always wishing you could fit into smaller size clothing? Wouldn't it be nice to eat certain delicious foods without worrying about weight gain? Well, you can have all this come true? It is up to you! SEEK TRUTH WITHIN YOURSELF AND YOU WILL FIND IT! Rino Soriano - "The Chronic Fatigue Buster"
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3 Fast Weight Loss Tips That Work Looking to lose some pounds quickly? Fast and safe weight loss is possible - but only if you do it right. Just keep in mind that we're only talking about losing a few pounds here. Weight Loss Success -- The Most Important Determinant Adherence to diet for one year, not the specific diet plan, is the most important determinant of successful weight loss. According to the results of a randomized trial published in the January 2005 issue of JAMA. How to Shed Pounds Fast! Very few Americans are satisfied with their current weights. There are too many good tasting, high-calorie foods, and too few hours available to burn the fat. Quick Weight Loss Secrets The Secrets have been in our family recipes, some even date back as far as 3000 BC. For years our Ancient ancestors have been using natural herbs and spices to heal and cure, even to take the weight off. How to Lose Weight in a Healthy Way with Hypnosis More and more people are turning to hypnosis or hypnotherapy for help with weight loss. Most people who seek the help of a hypnotherapist will have already tried numerous diets or slimming programs with little in the way of lasting results. Possible Pitfalls There are as many reasons you've given yourself to eat as there are minutes in a day. Storm clouds do it for me. Weight Loss vs. Body Fat - Mirrors and Clothes dont Lie! With the growing epidemic of diabetes and obesity in our country, we fitness experts must education you on how to slow them down or give you some form of prevention guidelines.First, what does it mean to be obese? Obese means that at least thirty percent of your weight is made up of fat. Helping Your Overweight Child With the rise of obesity and the increasing incidence of type 2 diabetes occurring in children, many parents are now faced with helping an overweight child. This may not be a daunting as first seems and here are some simple, but effective steps to take to help your child develop eating habits and active lifestyle that will assist improve their health. Weight Loss Tips: Get Free and Effective Weight Loss Tips! Looking for Diet Programs on net is like looking for water in an Ocean. But trust me, looking for good Diet Program is like finding a pearl in the ocean. The Papaya Diet: A Guaranteed Loser Search Yahoo for "papaya" and "kirstie" and you'll find at least a hundred sites that claim papaya is single-handedly responsible for melting literally dozens of pounds off the body of a popular actress.I can recall, from my own quality-time spent in line at the grocery store, virtually every food known to man being touted as the key ingredient in a new "miracle diet. Learn the Secrets the Weight Loss Industry Doesnt Want You To Know About Weight Loss Diets All weight loss diets make you FatThat's right, because on all weight loss diets, you always gain it back, and usually with a few extra pounds as a bonus, so why diet?What's the point in losing 20 Lbs, and gaining back 25?Are you fed up with being overweight, and sick and tired of going on diets?Why go through all the struggles of dieting, the starvation, the cravings, and the ultimate struggle with willpower, only to gain it all back?When you consider the damage this does to your health, it's simply not worth it, however.. Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #13 Life is great, isn't it? Stop and just look around you as you're reading this and breathe in all that you have to be grateful for. You have a computer; you have the Internet; you have the ability to type; you can read; you have an attractive, intelligent, vibrant 50-year old woman who cares about you-that's me! Remember to define yourself as Divine. Weight Gain = Poor Quality of Life Gaining up to 20 pounds over four years can significantly decrease quality of life, according to a study in the Dec. 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Weight Loss/Control Glossary of Terms A Little Help With Some Difficult terms ------------------------------------------ Aerobic Exercise. Any activity involving large muscles, done for an extended period of time. Supersizing America For some of us, food is warmth and love. We associate it with home and childhood: tempting smells that greeted us after school on a cold December afternoon. The Science of Obesity: Fats & Cholesterol For years we heard that a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet would keep us healthy and help us lose weight. And many of us jumped on the bandwagon, eliminating fat and high-cholesterol foods from our diets. Can You Attain Weight Loss While Fasting? Fasting, when done properly, can be a basic part of a solid weight loss plan. If done correctly it can be a great start to your new way of living. Weight Loss Benefits of Massage There is no question that having a massage makes you feel great. Even having a deep-tissue, sports massage makes you feel wonderful afterwards. A Soda a Day: How is it Affecting Your Weight? Many people limit themselves to one soda a day especially those looking for a quick sugar or caffeine boost. However, new research shows that daily soda may be affecting your weight more than you think. Myth: Gastric Bypass Patients Can Never Be Nutritionally Healthy A common claim from gastric bypass detractors is that after surgery patients can never be nutritionally healthy and they must take daily vitamin supplements just to survive.It is a mistaken notion that weight loss surgery patients cannot lead a nutritionally sound life. ![]() |
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