Weight Loss vs. Body Fat - Mirrors and Clothes dont Lie!

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With the growing epidemic of diabetes and obesity in our country, we fitness experts must education you on how to slow them down or give you some form of prevention guidelines.

First, what does it mean to be obese? Obese means that at least thirty percent of your weight is made up of fat. Most people become obese from poor eating habits and lack of exercise. You could also say that aging plays an in direct role in obesity, too. The older we become, the muscles naturally start to deteriorate. This increases the fat percentages in our bodies.

Most of you gauge your progress or lack of progress on what the numbers on the scale say every day. Unfortunately, most of the time this is a misleading number. The scale never really tells the truth. But, it's tangible and has some form of immediate gratification.

One of the ways you can get a headstart on not getting diabetes or becoming obese is to educate, motivate and concentrate on lowering your body fat levels more than the numbers on a scale. The best way is to get daily exercise and eat a balanced diet. The best way to gauge your progress in decreasing your fat levels other than a medical test is to feel how your clothes are fitting or what the mirror tells you. These two tend to be more truthful and forthright when it comes to your body fat levels.

If your fat levels are getting lower, your clothes can not help but fit better. The national averages are around twenty eight percent. Where do you fall? Get started today before it is too late. The awful thing about diabetes is you may wake up tomorrow morning and have it.


Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor's DON'T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.


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