Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #11

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You are the GREATEST, aren't you? You are focusing on you and attracting all the wonderful things you deserve. You are enlightened about your Divinity as God only creates the Divine. Think thoughts of abundance and be amazed at what shows up for you. Referring to Lesson #2 will help you as it is all about clearing your thoughts to keep you focused on the positives. This is your year. It's all about you and being the person you want to be. I have my own sign that people bought me that I put on my refrigerator: It's All About Me! You have achieved your weight loss goals. Remember to think of it in terms that it has already happened because the brain does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. This is exactly what athletes do!

Wayne Dyer has an interesting cell phone message that he created. It goes something like this: You have reached Wayne Dyer and I want to feel good. If your message is designed to do anything other than make me feel good, you have reached the wrong number. Pretty powerful, right? You can create these same conditions. Surround yourself with positive people, positive experiences and keep doing those daily affirmations. If you find that you're attracting something that you don't want, then step back and look at your thoughts and ask "Why am I attracting this?"

This particular lesson I want to focus on having a great relationship with an ex-spouse or ex-significant other. Some of you may be in this position or know someone who is, and I'm here to tell you that it is possible!! We want to feel good, don't we?

A few years ago my ex-husband and I decided to end our marriage and begin our lives as single people. We don't look at our marriage as a failure, but rather as something that we attracted because we had lessons to learn and we showed up for each other to learn those valuable lessons. It took a few short months for us to work through anger and hurt, but we have transcended those negative emotions. I could truly not exist with having anger towards him. That would keep me stuck and hold things in my body and "I want to feel good!" I have forgiven him, and more importantly, I have forgiven myself. We have a wonderful relationship as friends, and I am grateful to him for the lessons he taught me. One of the lessons he taught me was to stand up for myself. I became my mom as she experienced the same lesson with my dad. In all of us we carry DNA patterns and Rapid Eye Technology is wonderful for clearing these patterns.

I recently took my ex-husband out to dinner for his birthday and people would be baffled by our conversation. We talked about our dating experiences and did a lot of belly laughing as a result. He has been dating for much longer than I have and so had more to share. Nonetheless, we could truly be happy for each other and want the best for each other as well.

If you're intent is to feel good, but you're still holding on to anger, how can you accomplish that goal? Get out lesson #5 which focuses on forgiveness. I'm including a visualization exercise from Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life. I extend gratitude to Louise as she has helped me more than she can ever possibly know.

Here's the exercise. Have someone read this to you or put it on tape and listen to it so you can close your eyes and truly act as if they are in the room with you.

"Begin to visualize yourself as a little child of five or six. Look deeply into this little child's eyes. See the longing that is there and realize that there is only one thing this little child wants from you, and that is love. So reach out your arms and embrace this child. Hold hi/her with love and tenderness. Tell him/her how much you love him/her, how much you care. Admire everything about this child and say that it's okay to make mistakes while learning. After all, mistakes are God's way of saying choose a different path. Promise that you will always be there no matter what. Now let this child get very small, until he/she is just the size to fit into your heart. Put him/her there so whenever you look down, you can see this little face looking up at you, and you can give him/her lots of love.

Now visualize your mother as a little girl of four or five, frightened and looking for love and not knowing where to find it. Reach out your arms and hold this little girl and let her know how much you love her, how much you care. Let her know she can rely on you to always be there, no matter what. When she quiets down and begins to feel safe, let her get very small, just the size to fit into your heart. Put her there with your own little child. Let them give each other lots of love.

Now imagine your father as a little boy of three or four, frightened, crying and looking for love. See the tears rolling down his face when he doesn't know where to turn. You have become good at comforting frightened little children, so reach out your arms and hold his trembling little body. Comfort him. Let him feel how much you love him. Let him feel that you will always be there for him.

When his tears are dry, and you feel the love and peace in his little body, let him get very small, just the size to fit into your heart. Put him there so those three little children can give each other lots of love and you can love them all."

I'm going to now add your ex-spouse or ex-significant other to this visualization.

Now picture your ex-spouse or ex-significant other as a little child of four or five, frightened and looking for love and not knowing where to find it. He/she is so scared and cries for someone to love him/her. You reach out your arms and in that loving, comforting way hold him/her close to you. Let him/her know you will always be there. Dry his/her tears and let him/her get very small, just the size to fit into your heart. Put him/her there so all of you children can be comforted and give each other lots of love.

Back to the end of the Louise Hay visualization.

"There is so much love in your heart that you could heal the entire planet. But just for now let us use this love to heal you. Feel a warmth beginning to glow in your heart center, a softness, a gentleness. Let this feeling begin to change the way you think and talk about yourself."

Remember, according to Marianne Williamson, "All behavior is either a call or love or extension of love." Extend love to yourself and then to all those around you, including your ex's. It will be remarkable how you feel and then manifest wonderful things as a result. Holding on to anger serves no purpose, other than to create destructive things in your body like extra weight. Remember, your intent is to feel good. When you feel good, you feel God!!

You are the most incredible person and I'm so grateful that you're in my life. God has given me the gift of you!!

Love and hugs,


Tami Close is an Integrative Body Therapist and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight loss management practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. She is also a Reiki Master. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others.


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