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Ambrotose Complex

Mannatech's patent-pending glyconutrients complex, Ambrotose, is perhaps the greatest wellness discover in the last 50 years. By understanding it, you are in a better position to help others realize that they too would have this phenomenal nutrient Ambrotose complex working on their behalf as well.

The product information site on Ambrotose has a wealth of information at your command.

For your convenience, Ambrotose comes in several formats: capsules with lecithin, capsules without lecithin (for those allergic to soy), and two sizes of bulk powder. Ambrotose capsules, along with PhytAloe and Plus, are in individually wrapped packets in our super-convenient Optimal Health Pack. Ambrotose AO is now available as Super Antioxidant Blend with all the same nutrients of Ambrotose.

The advantage of the capsules is convenience. The advantage of the ambrotose bulk powder is cost savings.

Read on if you'd like to know more about the story of Ambrotose...

The story of Ambrotose begins with Aloe Vera. In the 1980's, Dr. Bill McAnalley, a research pharmacologist, was determined to identify the active component in Aloe Vera. After many years he discovered the functional component in Aloe Vera that is responsible for its health-promoting properties. To his surprise, the active ingredient was a carbohydrate with many mannose sugar molecules linked together.

He found that Aloe products are not effective unless the active carbohydrate molecule has been stabilized, and he developed a special, patented process to maintain that effectiveness. Today the pharmaceutical and dietary supplement versions of this standardized Aloe substance are protected by over 100 patents in numerous countries. The dietary supplement form was named Manapol.

Positive Feedback

The positive feedback from the extensive use of Manapol overwhelmingly demonstrated that it supports the immune system. However, it was also clear that many of the results were not limited to immune support. For instance, there were numerous reports of improved cognitive (mental) function. This puzzled Dr. McAnalley.

The Carbohydrate Connection - Ambrotose becomes a reality. By now, Dr. McAnalley was one of the most knowledgeable scientists in the world in the mysterious, little-known field of carbohydrate research. Further study led him to take a closer look at the carbohydrate connection. The journal, Biotechnology (February, 1990), stated that almost without exception, whenever two or more living cells interact in a specific way, cell surface carbohydrates will be involved. These cell surface codes tell every other cell who they are, what they do, and whether or not they are healthy. The alphabet for that communication is made up of carbohydrates, or simple sugars (NOT table sugar!). This code system is so basic to human life that it is the means by which a sperm recognizes an egg for the purpose of fertilization.

The 1996 edition of Harper's Biochemistry (chapter on Glycoproteins by Dr. Robert K. Murray) identifies eight essential carbohydrates necessary for the creation of cellular words. By the way ambrotose is a product that gives the body these 8 essential carbohydrates. When Dr. McAnalley saw that mannose, the carbohydrate in Manapol, was listed as one of those eight essential carbohydrates, it all started to make sense.

This could also explain the positive results that were not directly linked to immune function. He realized that the proper cellular words (glycoproteins) were essential for the effective manifestation of the genetic code - the body's blueprint - and that proper cell-to-cell communication could have a crucial role in every aspect of the maintenance of optimal health. Since only two of the eight carbohydrates identified in Harper's Biochemistry are found in adequate quantities in our modern diets, Dr. McAnalley decided to find good plant sources of all essential carbohydrates associated with cell-to-cell communication (including Manapol) and combine them in a dietary supplement.

These nutrients are called glyconutritients. Dr. McAnalley called his new product "Ambrotose" because the Greek word, ambrosia, means "nectar of the immortals." He added the "e" at the end of the word because in chemistry, a substance that is a sugar ends in "ose." The discovery linking this biochemical knowledge to the field of nutritional science made it possible to apply for international patents for his new complex.

In his early days of discovering the effectiveness of carbohydrates in immune support, other scientists laughed at him -- to think that carbohydrates played such an important role was ludicrous! The Science behind ambrotose is changing many view points to support ambrotose's importance. Now, the importance of carbohydrates is well established, and research in the field of glycobiology is accelerating.

In 1997 Science & Medicine reported that five of the eight carbohydrates considered essential for cell-to cell communication have been found in human breast milk. In 1998 a respected scientific journal, Acta Anatomica, published a special edition on Glycosciences.

The cover of the March 23, 2001 issue of Science Magazine shows a picture of carbohydrates on the surface of a cell, and contains a section of articles on Carbohydrates and Glycobiology, including "Saving Lives with Sugar." On page 2352, Fig. 1 displays the structures and names of eight sugars -- the same ones that are already available in Ambrotose! The cover of the July issue of Scientific American also featured a number of amazing article on this same topic - Glycobiology. All of this provides strong support for the need for ambrotose in our bodies.

There's no telling where this story will end, but the most exciting part of the story is the impact that Ambrotose is having on the health of so many people.

Medical Disclaimer: I am not medically qualified to diagnose or treat people. The intention of this website is to provide quality health and nutritional information for it's readers, but not to replace the advice of their physicians.

More on Ambrotose

Helping people get back the nutrition their bodies need through Glyconutrients and proper supplementation.

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