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Compulsive Eating and Binge Eating Disaster Plan
Congratulations on waking up each morning and greeting the day with renewed determination! Perhaps you rise and say, Today's the day - I will make it through the entire day sticking to my diet goals." What a wonderful, optimistic way to begin a fresh day. Ahead of you lies the promise of a new day, a fresh start. Sometimes though, as experience has shown, good intentions alone aren't enough to overpower the urge to binge. This is where positive desire needs to be coupled with a sound action plan. Willpower alone isn't enough to overcome a craving, the desire to binge or compulsively overeat. What provides empowerment is a predetermined, personalized plan of action. An individual plan that was carefully thought out ahead of time and written down. Think about it - when was the last time you 'easily' sidestepped a binge or craving? Or 'effortlessly' drove past the fast food restaurant when a craving hit? Chances are, the urge to eat was so strong that it blocked out all rational, goal oriented thought. In a moment of crisis, focus and optimistic intentions seem to disappear. Believe it or not, the part of you that woke up this morning and firmly stated that today was going to be a success, is still there. A part of you does still want to make it through the day without overeating. Hidden somewhere behind the overwhelming urge to eat is that aspect of you that was so confident earlier. It''s going to be your job to go looking for it and to bring it back to the forefront. For this, you''re going to need some tools in your tool box. When you're in the midst of a crisis is no time to be gathering new tools. Instead, during strong and confident times is when it's time to prepare your tool box. That way, when you need them they are already there. You'll just have to open the box and dig them out when needed. Use the guidelines below to begin preparing your personal plan of action to bypass a possible binge or craving. PRE-BINGE PLANNING A. "CRISIS STRATEGY LIST" Develop a list of things you can do, or have done in the past, to overcome the need to eat. When a crisis moment hits, you can decide which category or categories of ideas might help you through the moment. Include ideas in all the following categories: DISTRACTION Ideas that bring pleasure and/or distance from food. Examples might include craft hobbies, walking, cleaning house, planting in garden, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. BEHAVIORAL STRATEGIES Options that help you deal with your environment. These strategies might include drinking water to see if you were really thirsty instead of hungry, throwing away the tempting food, inviting a friend over, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. SELF SOOTHING AND COMFORTING STRATEGIES Instead of using to food to calm or feel better, what are other ways that you can soothe your soul with? Examples could include a warm and fragrant bath, deep breathing, yoga, peaceful music, or going to the park to watch the trees and feel the wind. 1. 2. 3. 4. EMOTIONAL NEEDS Find alternative ways to first identify and then cope with the underlying emotion you might be feeling. Talk to a friend or counselor, journal, begin to sit with the emotion, are just a few ways of dealing with an emotion instead of eating to suppress it. 1. 2. 3. 4. After your list is completed, keep it in a place where you can easily get to it when needed (i.e. purse, refrigerator, etc.). Revise or update your list as needed. B. PHONE LIST It is also important to reach out during times of crisis. During moments of urgency we often feel scared, alone, and out of control. Reaching out to someone during this time can help to relieve some of the distress that you may be having. It might also help to prevent a slip or set-back. Talking to someone about your feelings can remind you that others care for you and that you are not alone. Below write down names and numbers of compassionate, understanding people you can reach out to. While it may initially be difficult to "reach out and touch someone," it will gradually become easier. The person that you call will be glad that you trusted them enough to lean on them during a tough time. NAME PHONE NUMBER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. PERSONAL MANTRA Examples: * I have the strength to stand strong for everything I believe in. * I have the ability to change anything in my life that I choose to change. * I take complete responsibility for my life. * Everyday in every way I am growing more and more confident. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Begin developing your own personalized strategy now. Don't worry if it's not perfect or if you're not sure if the ideas you write down will work. It's an ongoing plan that you will revise, and continue to fine tune. No one strategy works in every situation. Take a look at your past successes and begin to note what occasionally worked. Notice also what did not work. Copyright 2005, Dr. Annette Colby, all rights reserved. Dr. Annette Colby, RD For free inspirational newsletter, articles & info visit: http://www.LovingMiracles.com
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Diets Dont Work Any doctor worth their salt will tell you diets don't work. Plain and simple. Hunger Free Eating - How To Eat Less And Not Feel Hungry There are many diets, all of which boil down to taking in fewer calories especially of the foods, which tend to lay down fat in the body.The reason most people become over weight is that they are eating foods that are high in calories and low in bulk and, that they eat too quickly. LapBand Surgery. The Rules of the Road...Part 1 When you begin the decision making process to have Weight Loss Surgery (WLS), and specifically LapBand Surgery, it is vital that you fully understand the changes you must make in your lifestyle. WLS is never the magic pill. Conventional Dieting Wisdom That Works for WLS Patients In many cases conventional dieting wisdom simply doesn't work for gastric bypass weight loss surgery patients. Surgery changes the rules. Low Carb Intelligence vs. Low Carb Stupidity Remember that movie with Jim Carey, "Dumb and Dumber?" And remember the sequel to that movie, "Dumb and Dumberer?" Well, the low carb mania that is sweeping the globe today has reached a level beyond dumberer? It's more like dumberererer (try to say that five times real fast)There is an epidemic of "low carb stupidity" running rampant among millions of people throughout the world today - and fast food restaurants, food product manufacturers, supplement companies, and weight loss programs are capitalizing on it in a big way!The low carb diet is not inherently "stupid," however. It can be quite beneficial within certain parameters and under the right circumstances. Super Sizing: Money Shrinks While Waist Lines Grow "Your Eyes are Bigger Than Your Stomach""Your eyes are bigger than your stomach," my mother said, which meant, "No, you can't have a milk shake." She didn't think my 10-year old appetite was sufficient to finish all that food, and she was probably right. Ghost of Binge Past Holidays and special events should be a time of great joy, but dieters customarily imagine these occasions with dread and horror. Why? Because celebrations are not celebrations without lots of high-calorie, tempting foods. Fad Diets & Weight Loss A diet may be a fad diet or a healthy diet. People often start a fad diet for fast weight loss. Fat, Fat Go Away I am Dr Patrick Flanagan, and this is the latest edition of my Dr Health Secrets newsletter.Lately I have written about toxins in our water and food supply. Shape Up! 4-Alternative Weight Loss Solutions I am embarrassed to admit how many different commercial weight loss programs I've tried. I don't know about you, but after a while I grow tired of talking heads touting empty promises. A Clean Diet For Permanent Weight Loss Getting Started on The Clean DietIf you want to lose some weight then following a healthy eating plan is a good start, but allowing someone else to dictate exactly what, when and how much you can eat is crazy making. Guidance is good but ultimately you must learn to make better choices in your eating which leads to your gaining the ability to maintain your new shape after the weight has been lost. The Results Of Being Overweight Being overweight is no laughing matter. For those who are obese, it often starts as a young child. Do You Need To Cut Down 100 Calories A Day? But Dont Know What 100 Calories Is? The difference between weight loss, and steady or weight gain, can be as little as 100 calories a day. Well, that is according to the American Dietetic Association, and it is very easy to believe the underlying truth in that. Food Cravings: Use EFT to Learn Patience Food Cravings: How to Practice PatienceDuring holidays and parties you may try to "plan ahead" so you can avoid some of the rush. Last year at Christmas I realized I had to take three major dishes for Christmas Eve dinner and it suddenly dawned on me that I'd have to bake the cake the night ahead. Exposed: The 95% Dieting Lie Thats Keeping You Fat Repeat a lie often enough and people take it as truth. This describes the plight of the hackneyed statistic that 95% of all diets fail. Is Body Mass Index or BMI a Real Measure of Obesity or is It Flawed? Body Mass Index (bmi) A Misleading measure of ObesityMany professionals use body mass index also known as bmi as a measure of excess fat or obesity, but the system is totally flawed and misleading. So. Fast Weight Loss - The Importance of Low Body-fat Levels! My name is Greg Ryan and I am a high profile fitness expert. In twenty years of being a personal trainer and health club consultant, I am frightened at how fast the health of Americans is deteriorating. QuickTips for Healthy Weight Loss More than any other time in history, people are all vying to have the best, healthiest body. The health and fitness industries are making billions of dollars every year on herbal supplements , fitness equipment, gyms, and special diets. Running from the Fat Monster after Gastric Bypass Many patients of gastric bypass report feeling fearful of succeeding at weight loss after a lifetime of failed diet attempts. In most cases, the fear of success subsides as a patient reaches goal weight and becomes comfortable in their new body. When is a Diet not a Diet? When Its a Lifestyle! Dieting and weight loss is almost certainly the most lucrative of all health- related businesses both online and off. our waistlines are bulging, our health is deteriorating and diet "guru's" are on the run. ![]() |
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