Slimmer Legs... Stress-Free

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Well, with the success of my article, "Wrinkle Remover That WORKS!!", I realize that there is a really strong interest in getting information that is going to do something for you, rather than generalities that come under the "same old thing" category. And, as you know if you read the article, we found a great and effective cream that does a knockout job of actually reducing wrinkles.

Funny thing is that the product started out as a solution to a completely different problem (and they tell you all about that on the web link I mentioned in the article), which is kind of like the situation of the equestrian horse product, a coat conditioner, that was flying off the shelves and it took an incredulous tack shop owner's question to uncover the mystery. I mean they were selling more of this stuff than any over fastidious horse community could possibly use, they would have had to be conditioning their horses coats every day or even twice a day to use that much.

So what was the answer? Well the story goes, ladies were using it themselves as it gave a great result, smooth and soft hair (and there was a suggestion that guys were using it too, to encourage hair re-growth). Anyway that story is from a few years ago and now the company actually sells the same product in a small, "human" size bottle for about the same price as you can buy it in the tack shop in the horse size bottle. The name is Mane n' Tail and I use it when getting ready for a horse show as it really does get the tangles out of that tail.

Now I seem to have got a little sidetracked here because I started out with the intention of writing about slimming the legs, and certainly having your legs toned, lithe and athletic makes you feel great, and here is my best advice on how to get your legs to be slimmer, with that better muscle tone and looking sensational: get in the pool!

OK I guess you need a little more info than that, so here we go. Number one let's find a schedule for going to the pool that is going to induce you to continue, because you may be motivated to give this a try but then, on being confronted at your pool by a wall of screaming kids jumping all over the place, you may as quickly be discouraged and resolve to give the whole thing up as another one of those facile, "here's how to do it" nonsenses written by folks who never actually do the stuff they are telling you to do. Well relax, I've been there, and I know that it's pretty important to make the "doing" as comfortable as possible if we have any expectation of making it into a routine. So we find out when is the best "pool time" for us, and I always go for the quietest group (I suppose that's no rocket science suggestion), anyway having got that part organized all we need to do now is the actual swimming.

Now the point of this article is to focus on slimming and toning the legs so obviously we are going to work that area mostly, but first you need to loosen up the whole body a little, so just do some easy, relaxing laps and enjoy the feel of the water.

OK ready for the legs? We'll use a kick-board if you like, although I often don't as I feel it tenses the muscles across my shoulders and behind my neck, so I feather the water with my hands out in front and only lift my head to breathe. Certainly you will get more upper body support using the kick-board and, as far as the legs are concerned, they are going to get worked the same whichever method you use. So we want to start out by doing a few easy laps freestyle leg kick; and then when you start to feel any tightening or stiffness in the upper thigh, stop and stretch the muscles. Remember, swimming lengthens the muscles and we particularly want long, slim, elastic muscles, so stretch and loosen off the legs if you start to feel any tightening up.

So, we've loosened up, we've started on the leg work, now how much do we do and how hard? Well, as with almost all my work, I stress gradualization, you can't just jump in there and do one hundred laps flat out, you've got to build your fitness, your capacity and your endurance, so do what you can comfortably achieve and strive to increase gradually over time. Getting those legs slim and toned is no great secret, it's just getting in there and doing a terrific set of leg-kick, way easier on the joints than almost any other exercise and terrific for your overall body health, heart and lungs.

About The Author

Gordon Black is a world-ranked Master swimmer and Canadian national record holder. A member of the British swim team in the late '60s, after thirty years out of the pool, last year Gordon returned to competitive swimming in the Masters forum. He offers an online weight loss, fitness and motivational coaching service through his web site where his competitive comeback is chronicled. Gordon is currently working on a book based on his own weight management and fitness system - publisher's enquiries welcome!

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