Obesity - The Number 1 Health Issue in the US

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Obesity is quickly becoming the number one health issue confronting America today, and it's not just America, other countries are affected also. Obesity leads to a multitude of health problems including, but certianly not limited too:

Heart disease
High Blood Pressure

These 3 alone are rapidly becoming the leading causes of premature death in both men and women, in our society.

While it is easy to blame our sedentary lifestyles, our eating habits and the fast food industry. It really boils down to choice, in most cases we either choose to be overweight, or we choose not to be. Yes there are some people with medical conditions that are beyond their control, however for most of us it is really a matter of eating less (or eating the right foods) and moving more (exercise). For some, those with a very good sense of personal discipline, it is very easy to lose weight. Most of us need some kind of guidance. That guidance can be in the form of a simple diet plan and exercise program, an organized diet program that lays out what we should eat and when we should eat it, a support group or professional medical help.

Many of the popular diet plans are designed for you to follow yourself, some have websites offering recipes, plans, progress charts, tips and motivation and even support groups or "diet buddy plans". Some encourage weekly meetings. Most work for some of the people who try them, however to really be successful and maintain your weight loss, you need to change what you eat, how you eat, and have an exercise program you will stick to for the rest of your life.

This is a huge committment to make, finding the diet program that you are comfortable with, and can stay with will make a big difference.

If you or someone you know is overweight, finding a way that works for you or them to lose weight and to maintain a weight healthy lifestyle could improve health and extend life.

Many people who are overweight are on medication to lower blood pressure, control blood cholesterol levels, or control diabetes. Losing weight can lead to improvement in those conditions and may even allow your Doctor to reduce dosages or in some cases take you off medications.

How can "To Your Health" 101 help?

New and original articles concerning weight loss and many other health issues, written by myself and a multitude of guest authors.

Motivational and support tips

Internet resources you can go to for help, including:

Links to Diet Plan sites
Suggested reading

Because I am also overweight, and constantly battle to maintain that elusive healthy lifestyle, chronicling my own journey, may provide inspiration for someone to continue.

To Your Health

Jim Newell

Please visit http://www.ToYourHealth101.com for current and timely health & wellness information, links to other health & wellness sites, and to subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Jimmie Newell is the webmaster for http://www.ToYourHealth101.com, a health & wellness website, featuring editorials, tips, information and links addressing many of the health issues of today.


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