Natural Weight Losss: The Minor Changes That Can Have Huge Affects On Your Future Health

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People always ask me " how it is that your grandfather a man over 65 can go to the gym 5 days a week , bike many miles every other day and still do many other physical sports without constant problems ?". Well I asked him. He told me it was a combination of a few things.

My grandfather was about 61 years old and he was over weight and was not feeling his best. But after 6 months and some minor changes, he was passing me (his 23 year old grand son) on his bike and I was having problems keeping up. He said he was taking "all natural" products and that he felt like a kid again.

At first I wasn't sure if all the things he was telling me were true. But with research and physical proof, from my grandfathers changing conditions and even others I have talked with and along with research articles I have been reading.We found that there are some natural products that made a huge difference.

And when I say huge difference, I mean huge. Physically feeling better and losing weight without help of drugs or medicine from the doctor. But dont forget , some physical fitness is also needed to make these changes happen. But it is made easier with help of some ingridients. One of them is Apple Cider Vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is a solution of acidic acid produced by fermentation of apples. It consists of acid, water, and only relatively small quantities of minerals. Although, it does contain a fair amount of pectin, which has recently been identified as lowering cholesterol and may be the secret behind it is fat burning effects. Cider vinegar also promotes digestion, assimilation and elimination and it neutralizes any toxic substance taken into the body.

The use of apple cider vinegar for the relief of arthritic stiffness and as a treatment for sore throats, acne, and other skin problems, high blood pressure, headaches, dandruff, sunburn, and elevated cholesterol levels has been around for ages.

There have been claims to the effect that the ancient Egyptians who used apple cider vinegar for weight loss created the apple cider vinegar diet. Claims have been made that apple cider vinegar works as an aid in weight loss and fat burning.

Copyright protected 2005 by M.Landry

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About The Author

Michel Landry lives in beautiful Kamloops, BC in Canada. He has a huge interest in Health, fitness and business.


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