The Number One Secret Of Successful Weight Loss

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There's one thing that most people forget about when it comes to weight loss. The truth is it's even more important than the right diet or effective exercise. It's motivation.

Weight loss is not easy and you need a real drive force to move you towards your goal.

Sit back, relax and think for a second. Do you really WANT to lose weight? Are you ready to change your lifestyle? Do you have enough motivation to lose weight?

To lose weight all you need is three things: desire, belief, and motivation. If you have all three I can guarantee you a success.

1. Desire: Do you really WANT to lose weight?

Are you sure your desire is strong enough? Are you ready for some changes? Are you willing to sacrifice? How committed you are to achieving your goal? Under what condition will you give up?

What if you wanted to lose weight so badly that you knew with absolute certainty that you would absolutely, positively never ever give up?

There's one little trick to help you intensify your desire. Take a piece of paper, and write down all the reasons why do you want to be slimmer. Write down all the benefits of being slim. Try to write down at least 15. The more reasons you'll find, the stronger your desire will get.

2. Belief: Do you BELIEVE in yourself?

If you don't believe you can reach your goal... you won't.

You have to believe that you can do it. Can you picture yourself being slim? Do you have any doubts in your mind that you can achieve what you want?

There is nothing impossible in loosing weight. Everyone can do that. And you are no exception.

3. Motivation: Are you MOTIVATED enough to follow your plan every day?

In order to achieve you goal you have to keep yourself motivated. There are three effective techniques that will help you to stay on track.

- Remember your reasons and benefits.

Take the list of benefits you wrote before. Read it. Read it every morning before you get up. Read it whenever you need stimulation.

Think about your wish, stay connected with your goal. When you are able to keep your mind on success you will be virtually certain to reach that success.

- Visualize yourself being slim

Close your eyes and relax... Create a clear mental picture. Visualize yourself being slim. How it feels? Do you feel satisfied? Happy? How others look at you? What are they saying?

Try to make the picture as realistic as possible. When you continually see yourself in possession of your goal, your subconscious mind will move you into actions that align with the mental image you hold. Visualize your goal at every opportunity.

- Use affirmations

Affirmations are the words we say to ourselves. It is the simple repeating a positive phrase in front of the mirror, in the car, or writing it on paper.

First, develop a couple of affirmations that are the most motivational to you. For example, it can be something like:

"My body is strong and healthy."
"I enjoy eating foods that are delicious and full of vitamins and minerals."
"I love the burst of energy I get after exercising."
"Every day, I am burning calories and getting closer to my weight goal." "My healthy lifestyle empowers me."

Then repeat it as often as you can. While driving, cooking, brushing your teeth... Say it loud, add emotions. Listen to your affirmation. Feel it.

The trick is not to force yourself, but listen to yourself.

Get motivated first and you won't have to struggle trying to make yourself exercise or keep away from that doughnut. Your desire will keep you committed to your goal.

Copyright 2005 Arina Nikitina

Arina Nikitina is the owner of a website where you can find free weight loss guide, weight loss myths, and a collection of diet and fitnes articles. Visit:


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