The One and Only Way to Lose Weight

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There is only one way to lose weight

There really is only one way to lose weight. You have to burn more calories than you use in a day. It sounds clinical and counting calories is probably going to be involved. Every weight loss program on the market today uses one or a combination of the following methods. So whether you do it yourself or through weight loss programs, this is the only way you will lose weight. Find many to choose from at

1. Eat less calories

Eat less calories than you use in a day. You have to make your body convert stored fat into calories for energy. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to eat less food. But you are going to have to modify your eating habits. More on that later. Unfortunately, your body can also use muscle as energy too. As a survival instinct, your body is programmed to keep as much stored energy as possible. When you start to eat fewer calories than your body normally uses in a day it will begin to think that food is not as plentiful. You will begin going into starvation mode. Your metabolism will slow down to use as little energy as possible to get through whatever hard times your body thinks it is going through. Fat is the storage vehicle for your body's energy. But energy can come from both fat and muscle. Muscle, however, uses energy (calories). So it makes sense that your body would use your muscle first (through catabolism) and then go after the fat. Your body's main initiative, after all, is to keep you alive as long as possible. So it's going to be somewhat of a battle to balance out getting rid of fat over muscle. That's why exercise is so important when trying to lose weight. Read on for the important benefits of exercise.

2. Exercise

Exercise will preserve the muscle you have, and it will increase the amount of fat you burn. As long as you are not eating more than normal to compensate for the exercise, you should be burning more calories and hopefully building muscle which will require more energy and thus also burn more calories even when you aren't exercising. It's always good to check with a health care professional before beginning any exercise program to see how much exercise you are allowed. Of course, different exercises will use more calories than others.

3. Raise your metabolism

While exercise can help to raise your metabolism there are other natural weight loss programs and pharmaceutical ways to go about it too. Several natural programs can be found at Again, check with a health care professional before using any kind of products to raise your metabolism. Even some of the natural ones can be dangerous to your health. Your thyroid is what controls your body's metabolism. It's a small gland located in your neck. Hypothyroidism and other conditions may cause it to function less than normal. If you have trouble losing weight, it may be an indication that you need a thyroid supplement. Your doctor can determine this by doing a simple blood test. It may return things back to normal so you can lose weight easier. Doctors can also prescribe weight loss medications, which not only suppress your appetite, but they also boost your metabolism to enhance weight loss. Stimulant medications can have other adverse side effects such as increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Fortunately, there are some natural alternatives that do not have these side effects and can help you lose weight. One of the more popular supplements today is green tea extract.

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