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The Virtues of Water

Did you know that much of our dry skin comes from not drinking enough water? If your skin is dehydrated, then what is drying up on the inside? The human body is over 70% water. Water is not only important for hydration, it is the primary transporter of nutrients throughout the body and is essential for proper bodily functions including elimination. Think you need a laxative? Try some extra water first. Have a headache? Have a drink before you take an aspirin, you might not need it. Just 3% dehydration can cause your thinking to be fuzzy and even cause you to gain a whole pound within 6 months if it is a habit to forgo the faucet. Your minimum water intake should be 64 ounces for adults and more if you exercise. Don't let thirst be your guide. By the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

Fresh water will help flush toxins out of your system, keep your skin clearer, is a natural appetite suppressant, regulates body temperature, and can even aid in weight loss. The key is fresh and filtered water. City water is regulated and safe for all intents and purposes but it must come chlorinated. Chlorine is necessary for sanitation purposes but so is the plastic wrap on your loaf of bread. You want to remove it if you can before consuming it.

Because chlorine is a known cancer causing agent it should be removed by a good filtration system that includes a good antimicrobial agent. Damp dark places naturally breed bacteria so be wary of the cheap water filters that don't have it. Do not drink distilled water on a regular basis either. Distilled water has properties whereby it looks for molecules to bind with. It will do this in your system also which could cause important nutrients like minerals to be leached. In fact, distilled water can have some serious side effects if you drink enough of it. It does have some short term benefits in a supervised cleansing program but should never become your standard drinking water.

What about bottled water? Bottled water is not as regulated as city water so be careful. If you insist on the convenience and taste of bottled water, keep it in a cool dark place, do not let it sit in the sun, don't freeze the bottle and don't drink from the same water bottle all day. Drinking from the same bottle all day can cause quite a proliferation of bacteria from repeated exposure to the mouth. Having said all that, drink up! You will be amazed at how much better you will feel.

Corie Goodson is a health educator and speaker, freelance writer and author of the book Tween Kwisine: A Road To Better Health. For more information log onto:

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