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Positive Imaging for Weight Loss
Visualization is a powerful technique that can help you make lasting lifestyle changes. Just by "day dreaming", you can significantly improve your chances in achieving your goals. Visualization is a great weight loss tool and its as simple as visualizing your body as you want your body to look like. This mental image of yourself is then transferred to your subconscious mind, which in turn starts to work on your body, shaping it in accordance with your mental image thus reducing your weight. This means that if you program your subconscious with a mental image of yourself as a slimmer person, through persistence your mind will accept this and aid your body to conform to this mental image. Once your mind is programmed with the proper mental images, it will start to work in assisting you to losing weight. I can't stress enough how important it is for you to believe in your visualization goals. You have to let go of past dieting failures and refuse to entertain any negative images that come into your mind. If you can visualize your body at its perfect weight and proportions, the subconscious mind will work to make it become a reality. It will then begin to positively reinforce your body into aiding the metabolism and eating habits. Programming your mind into believing that you can lose weight, and to visualize yourself at your ideal weight is of the greatest importance. Try to think of a different image of yourself, then let your subconscious do the work for you. If you think of your own body fat and being out of shape all the time, then the subconscious mind will find ways to make it so. The subconscious looks after all of all your vital functions, it is the cause of all your good and bad habits, and also regulates muscle (the muscles are controlled by the subconscious) and body-fat composition on the body, and the latter is the one we are most interested in. So please try to visualize your body as lean as you would like, and your mind will work on that image. The mind can be a great partner in losing weight. Getting Rid of Bad Nutritional Habits A bad habit is like second nature and is acquired over a long period of time. Bad habits are programmed into the subconscious and "will power" alone will not get rid of it. Many try using all sorts of different ways to break it but without success. Obesity is the result of bad nutritional habits and some of the causes are boredom, stress, tension and different complexes. Food becomes the substitution for these causes and before too long, obesity sets in. Most people become concerned that they're obese, eat more and a vicious cycle is established. The only way for lasting permanent weight loss is to break these bad habits and replace them with positive new ones, and the only way to do this is with visualization. Visualization puts you in charge of your subconscious where all these bad programs are stored. All the will power in the world is not going to break these bad habits unless one has the help of their subconscious. Relaxation Relaxation the best way to reach the sub-conscious and will slow down the mind, turn off the exterior world so as to tune in to one's inner self. The best times for these sessions are in the morning and late at night right, just before going to sleep. Try performing two sessions, one in the afternoon (primary) and the other before going to sleep (secondary) but once a day is quite sufficient. Sessions usually last 20 minutes, which isn't time consuming especially when taking in the benefits received. It has been stated that one of these sessions is equivalent to 2 hours of deep sleep and upon waking you will feel revitalized and full of energy. Believe me instead of worrying about time constraints; you will be looking forward to the next session. When you begin your relaxation sessions, make sure you won't be disturbed - lock the door, take the phone off the hook and loosen all clothing. Now find a comfortable position, whether it is lying down or sitting in a comfortable chair. Sitting may be preferable as you may fall asleep if you become too comfortable. You want to be conscious and not asleep in order to tap into your sub-conscious mind. Try to exhale all the air from your lungs completely and then breathing in through the nose. Take ten seconds to fill the lungs with air (not to capacity, but comfortable) hold for ten seconds and then exhale slowly through the nose for another ten seconds. Each one of these breathing cycles should last for 30 seconds, complete five cycles and after each cycle you will be feeling more and more relaxed. If you are sitting, open your eyes and look straight ahead. If you are lying down, open your eyes and stare at the ceiling. After a few minutes, slowly close your eyes. Having reaching this calm relaxed state start your visualizations. Put together images that power your emotions. Make them alive and colourful. Make the scenes as real as possible and imagine yourself as slim and toned the way you will look after successful weight loss. Picture yourself ten weeks from now on the beach, walking briskly and confidently to your favourite spot, your breathing is normal and relaxed. You smile to yourself; you could keep walking like this for miles without feeling fatigued. You lay your towel out and begin to take your clothes off revealing a firm, toned, well conditioned body. You have just bought a brand new swimming suit which just weeks before would have been lying in your closet waiting to be used. Glancing around you notice the beach is busy, you catch the eye of someone of the opposite sex, they smile at you and you smile back. You walk confidently to the water and swim a couple of hundred yards with no problem or fatigue. Or try this: Visualize your family and friends complimenting you about how good your body looks and how slim you look. Try to view the scene as it is happening this instant - in the present, not in the future. Using these visualizations you can construct in your mind any scene that desire. See yourself exercising, socializing, in the company of friends. Try and hear people complimenting you about your slim new body, and watch their admiring glances. Make the mental image as real as possible. � Remember set a goal for your ideal weight � You must want to lose weight � Visualize yourself at your ideal weight � Use positive images at every opportunity Practice these sessions on a daily basis and over a period of ten weeks you'll be on your way to become more fulfilled, happier and leaner. Gary is the author of several e-books, including "Maximum Weight Loss in Ten Weeks" - the complete e-book and time-saving solution for burning away unwanted fat, and "Maximum Weight Gain in Ten Weeks" - easy-to-use and follow techniques that serve as a guide to muscle growth without having to "live in the gym". Visit Gary's website at http://www.maximumfitness.com/
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With so much of knowledge around you, following a trend blindly doesn't confirm the fact that you are intelligent. Pushing Gastric Bypass: When to Talk, When to Keep Quiet Sharing our bariatric stories is as personal decision as electing to have the surgery itself. Some of us are very private and others of us are very open. Can Caffeine Tights Beat Cellulite? At around �350 pounds a treatment, Lipo-Dissolve the so called "flab-jab" injection that dissolves fatty tissue in the knees is costly, painful and requires ugly plasters on both knees, as recent pictures of Gerri Halliwell and Nicole Kidman show.There is an alternative however, that involves no effort, discomfort or sticking plasters, wearing Coffee Tights!Coffee Tights or Caffeine Tights as they are also known as are normal-looking sheer tights that are impregnated with caffeine. 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You will no doubt see hundreds of commercials in your time for a weight loss drug, a weight loss plan, or an exercise machine. Weight Loss: Where to find Hidden Calories If you have been eating as usual and the pounds seem to be creeping on - you could be a victim of hidden calories.When we are busy, stressed or focused on something else we reach for convenient snacks that are usually high in fat. Diet and Exercise Evolution: Water: 65% of Your Body Cant be Wrong The Liver The function of your kidneys is to filter your blood (which is mostly water). And one of the functions of your liver is to metabolize fat. ![]() |
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