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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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Low-carb Diets: Fad, Fallacy, or Fact?
The most common and popular diet fad over the past two years has undoubtedly been the low-carb diet. It has many followers, both in the U.K. and the U.S.A., and its various celebrity endorsements, particularly of the most renowned version, The Atkins Diet, have undoubtedly played a large part in its popularity. Is it merely another fad diet designed to hook the diet junkies amongst us and deliver more opportunities for the food manufacturers to create another new product in response to the "demand"? Or could it be that it is actually a healthy and effective way of losing and controlling weight? The whole concept of a "diet" is, of course a false one, perpetuated in order to keep the "diet industry" in profit and playing on our insecurities and gullibility. The word diet simply means the food that is customarily eaten on a daily basis. People living in less developed countries and living on a subsistence diet would be totally baffled by the notion that a "diet" is a means of eating less in order to lose weight! However, in the greedy and overfed western world, we either fail to grasp that we eat too much for our needs, or we lack the self control to eat less. Furthermore, we are inundated with opportunities to eat delicious tempting treats at comparatively low cost, and these items are often those with the highest calorie content. Many studies have shown that reducing our carbohydrate intake is not only an effective way to control weight but also has a part to play in reducing the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, the incidence of which has shown a worrying increase in recent years. It would be a fairly simple step merely to reduce the amount of carbs (bread, rice, potatoes, for example) that we eat on a daily basis. Over time, we would undoubtedly lose weight. From the point of view of our long-term health however, we need to take a more scientific approach and look at carbohydrates in terms of "good" and "bad" ones. The most commonly consumed carbohydrates in the western world, and particularly the U.K. and U.S.A. are the simple or refined carbohydrates. These include sugar, white flour, potatoes, white rice and products manufactured from these ingredients. They are generally low in fibre and nutrients. On the other hand, the range of complex carbohydrates, which includes whole grains, many fruits and vegetables, beans and pulses are generally high in fibre and nutrients and can make a valuable contribution to our health and well being. It would be misguided to eliminate these "good" carbohydrates from our diet in the interests of short-term weight loss. Surely it is better to adapt our way of eating on a permanent basis, to one which includes a range of complex carbohydrates, among other elements, and if necessary to just eat less? Jon Davis gives you the Low Down on Low Carb foods, diets & recipes, so you can make your own intelligent well formed decisions using http://www.LowCarb-LowDown.com
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How to Design the Perfect Diet All Diets Are Based on the Same Premise: Eat Less Calories and You'll Lose WeightDiets come in all sizes and flavors and all tend to rely on the formula of less calories, despite their claims to the contrary. The Peanut butter diet is low calorie with some peanut butter at every meal. Top 5 Most Popular Diet Programs Reviewed There are many subscriber programs available both online and in the real world for dieters. In order to help choose one or just learn more about them in order to help round out your daily life and coordinate your activities, foods - - i. Fitness Wars: Revenge of the Girth As of the writing of this article, May 16, 2005, we are all almost 5 months into our New Year's Resolutions.Are you skinny yet?Did you find your six-pack?Does your butt look like you wanted it to in those jeans?For a lot of you, the answers to these questions are going to be "No, No, and, I took the jeans back to the store". Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #12 Are you just exploding with the presence of light all around you? Isn't it awesome when you take time out for yourself, how amazing you feel? Just keep believing in yourself and the miracles will keep happening. The right people will show up and the right opportunities will show up. Tips For Cooking Low Carb If you are committed to the low carb way of eating, but also craving some of your old comfort foods you may still be able to satisfy those cravings with a little bit of creative substitution. Some of the foods that you used to know and love, have a low carb alternative available - the taste might be a little bit different but you will soon get used to that and be well on your way to happier and healthier eating!Here's some tips you can use to make your low carb cooking easier and tastier:1. How To Avoid Gaining the Holiday 7 As the holidays approach, a frequent question from my clients and subscribers is "How can I avoid gaining weight during the holidays"? Their concern is legitimate. The average American adult gains seven pounds of fat between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. Learn the Truth About Weight Loss and Getting Great Abs Debunking The Ab MythAb training has been done to death but it's time to take another look. Why? Because people are still training their abs wrong so all that ab training information must not be doing the job. Lose Weight and Exercise Now - Or Face the Music Later! My responsibility as a high profile fitness expert lies not in if you like me, or even if you buy my e books. My responsibility lies in giving you straight talk with no sugar coating it. How The Motto Be Prepared Can Help You Lose Weight Be Prepared. For the Boy Scouts it means you are always ready in body and mind to do your duty. The Psychology of Weight Loss: Part 2 - How are You Motivated? New Years Resolutions do not work because you are really not motivated when you think you are. On the surface you may be, but deep down you are not. Holiday Eating: Party Hearty Without Putting on the Pounds! The holidays are definitely a special time of year. These days, however, many women wonder whether "special" means happy -- or stressful. Developing Mental Toughness For Permanent Weight Loss Losing weight and keeping it off is much more than eating right and exercising hard. In order to lose weight and keep it off, especially in today's stressful society, you must be mentally tough. Why Diets Are A Waste Of Time & Money - What You Can Do Instead A 'diet' is always seen as a temporary measure. An unpleasant episode that must be endured in order to reach some weight target, often in time for a major event such as a wedding, your own or your children's. How To Measure Body Fat When it all comes down to losing or gaining weight, most people turn to the scales to determine how much they should lose or gain to have the weight or the shape that they desire.However, health experts said weight alone is not a clear indicator of good health because it does not distinguish between pounds that come from body fat and those that come from lean body mass or muscle. The Secret To Permanent Weight Loss AND SAVE MONEY IN THE PROCESS. The secret is simple and basic. The Culprit of Obesity in Children - Inactivity It was bad enough hearing almost daily that obesity in adults is a growing problem, now our children are the focal point. Yes, moms and dads, the research is in. How to Buy Chocolate Then Forget to Eat It Some Say I'm Strange. I Prefer to Think of Myself as Resourceful If you'd like to learn how to obtain quality chocolate, put it in a drawer and forget it's there, learn to use EFT and NLP techniques to conquer your emotional eating. Managing Cravings with EFT There are several ways to manage cravings. You can: Attempt to stop eating the food you crave entirely (out of sight out of mind). The Secret of Weight Loss In the medical community, "obesity" is generally said to be present in women with more than 30% body fat and men with more than 25% body fat. "Morbid obesity," a more serious condition still, occurs when a person is 50-100% or 100 pounds above his or her ideal body weight or has more than 39% body fat. Lose Weight and Burn Fat with One Simple Eating Principle Fifteen years ago the doctor's suggested that we eat pasta as a good healthy food. They also thought we would possibly lose some weight by doing so. ![]() |
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