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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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How to Design the Perfect Diet
All Diets Are Based on the Same Premise: Eat Less Calories and You'll Lose WeightDiets come in all sizes and flavors and all tend to rely on the formula of less calories, despite their claims to the contrary. The Peanut butter diet is low calorie with some peanut butter at every meal. The Cabbage Soup diet is unlimited amounts of cabbage soup but how much cabbage soup can you really have before you're sick of it, meaning you'll eat less calories? The Atkins Diet, SouthBeach diet even Weight Watchers all are based on the idea that you'll consume less calories than your body requires, hence you'll lose weight. No one at Atkins estimated people would eat two pounds of cheese and a pound of bacon every day, yet some people do just that and then are alarmed when their weight loss stalls. My present diet includes a small piece of chocolate cake and a quarter pint of Haagen Daz most every nightYou can design a diet around any food you want. Like cheesecake? How about the Cheesecake Diet, three very low calorie meals a day plus a tiny sliver of cheesecake equals the Cheesecake Diet. Love french fries? Here's the French Fry Diet: Eat three very low calorie meals a day, with a small order of fries to go, and you've got The French Fries Diet. The chosen focus food is whatever the diet developer wanted, in a scaled back portion so as to provide the common suggested amounts of from 1200 to 1600 calories a day. The fewer calories you have, the faster the initial weight loss; at least that is the expected outcome. Remember the liquid protein fasts (Oprah used this the first time she reached size 10)? Liquid Protein Fasts were once very popular until a few people died, and that put a damper on them in a hurry. The sad truth is we want to believe the lies of the diet purveyors so badly we'll try anything which is why the diet industry is a multi billion dollar industry. If these diets worked such as The Zone, the Perricone Prescription, Life Choice (opposite of Atkins), the Negative Calorie Diet, etc. wouldn't we slowly see the obesity rates fall, instead of watching them continue to rise? Design Your Own DietA more reasonable approach of choosing foods you love, estimating how many calories would be reasonable for your body size and designed body weight, and then getting started is usually greeted with sneers and jeers. I've heard, "2,000 calories a day? I'll blow up like a balloon!" No you won't. You'll lose weight, although slower than the other more drastic diets, wouldn't you prefer to lose it permanently this time? How can you lose weight eating 2,000 calories a day? Think about it. The typical adult female eats about 3,500 calories a day, whether you believe it or not. Our typical lady, Carol, eats at McDonalds every day for lunch, grabs a StarBucks Latte every morning on the way to work, drinks four cups of coffee with cream during the day, pops two donuts at breaks, and stops for take-out chicken for dinner. She "treats" herself to ice cream and half a package of Oreo's for dessert. Let's see how many calories that might be: Typical Adult American Meal Plan: Breakfast: Skipped, we're watching our figure Snack: StarBucks on way to work; Caffe Mocha with whole milk and whipped cream, venti (20 Oz) = 530 calories Total Morning: 530 Lunch: McDonald's Big-n-Tasty with Cheese; 540 calories Super Sized Fries 610 calories Super Sized Coke (20 Oz) 250 calories Apple Pie - 265 calories Total Lunch: 1665 Snack: Sugar free gum - 0 Daytime: 4 Cups Coffee with half-n-half - 160 calories (from the half-n-half) Break: Donuts - glazed, two Krispy Kreme - 424 Snacks & Breaks: 512 Dinner: Kentucky Fried Chicken Dinner 3-piece meal: Extra Crispy Drumstick, two Extra Crispy Thighs, Potato Wedges and Biscuit: 1,420 calories Large Soft Drink (20 Oz): 250 calories Small Dish Ice Cream (1 Cup): 260 calories Total Dinner: 1930 Evening Watching TV: Oreos - 10 cookies (about 1/3 a package): 530 calories Evening Snacks: 530 Grand Total: 5,167 You may think that's ridiculous but I think it's conservative. You maybe wouldn't have had exactly this menu but the point is we're eating far more calories than we realize. If you cut back to 2,000 calories a day, you'd be eating far fewer calories and you'd likely lose a pound a week or more. If you don't think that's fast enough you're probably going to remain overweight. Your body cannot add or subtract muscle and fat any faster. Faster weight loss is water loss and comes back as soon as you resume eating regular foods. Remember, losing it slowly, means losing it permanently. The mathematics are not precise. I lost 80 pounds in nine months which was actually 2.07 pounds per week. Would You Be Happy if This Time Next Year You Were at Your Goal Weight?If at the end of a year you'd taken off 100 pounds (or however much you needed to lose if less than 100 pounds), wouldn't you be happy? The more weight you need to lose, the faster it comes off initially. It's not what the scale says that matters though. What matters is do you feel better? Are you able to bend lower and even reach your toes perhaps? Can you get up from a sitting position easier? Is walking more pleasant, are your clothes feeling looser? These are the things that matter. Is your blood pressure back to normal? Track what you eat for one week, meaning what you really eat. Don't make an effort to eat better or less. That isn't helpful for this exercise. You want to catch yourself being yourself. Get it down on paper, what you really eat on a regular basis. If you eat out you're likely eating far more calories than you realize. We all wonder how it is we can't lose weight, then we drink a 600 calorie coffee drink! Think about it. Once you have your weekly eating routine on paper, you can take a look to see what changes you could make. For instance, by switching from a Caffe Mocha to a Caffe Latte two days a week you'd save 540 calories right there. Once you're used to that change take it a step further and switch to a Caffe Latte every day and now you're saving 1960 calories a week. One step further and switch to a Skinny Latte (non-fat milk instead of whole milk) and you save another 100 calories every day, meaning you've gone from an additional 3780 calories a week from your morning Starbucks to just 1120 calories a week, or a calorie savings of 2660. This is how you can keep your Starbucks habit, but make a small change and suddenly you're not adding to the problem but you're well on your way to losing that pound a week. The less fancy drink costs less too so you can put that money toward the new clothes you'll be wanting soon. Track Your Eating and You'll Get a Better Idea of What's Going onFor the next seven days write down everything you put in your mouth and start to get your eating patterns into view. I use a simple software program called the Food & Exercise Diary for Windows. Making an effort to write down my eating helps keep me on track, plus what I've eaten and how much I've exercised six months ago is still at my fingertips. That's especially handy when you develop a routine that works for you because you can always go back and see what you did differently, if you catch yourself regaining weight a year later. One of the best things I ever did was track my weight workouts and eating habits when I got in shape so many years ago. Now, to reproduce the results I can go back and see what I did before and do basically the same thing again. Learn from your successes, keep a journal. Then, don't make the mistake of cutting back too severely because it's simply not necessary. Just cut back around 500 calories a day and you're on your way with much less trauma in the process. Design a diet that fits your lifestyle and you've got a winning plan for the rest of your life. ~~ Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of the free e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.
MORE RESOURCES: Lilly's next obesity drug serves up dramatic weight loss -- and side effects: report - Seeking Alpha Woman struggling with years of yo-yo dieting shares trick that made her body transformation permanent New York Post Fat burn to health crisis: Rapid weight loss can result in paralysis The Times of India Woman who dropped 25 kg during weight loss shares 4 realisations that changed her fat loss journey Hindustan Times Understanding the impact of weight loss medications on female reproductive health - News-Medical.Net Omaha women deem popular weight loss drugs ‘life-changing’, high cost prevents more from using it WOWT New Study Finds Online Advertising for Compounded Diabetes and Weight-Loss Drugs May Mislead Consumers Yale School of Medicine Weight-loss surgery associated with reduced dementia VUMC Reporter Attorney General Bonta: FDA Should Take Quick and Decisive Action Against Makers of Counterfeit Weight Loss Drugs California Department of Justice Doctors Explain If Red Light Therapy Really Works for Weight Loss Prevention Magazine Eli Lilly wants to use its weight loss drug windfall to fight Alzheimer's and hearing loss Yahoo Finance Illinois Attorney General co-leads coalition for action against counterfeit weight loss drugs wcia.com Illinois Attorney General warns consumers about counterfeit weight loss and diabetes drugs Northern Public Radio (WNIJ) Orlando Health regional Weight Loss & Bariatric Surgery Institute The Community Paper Attorney General Raoul Co-leads Bipartisan Coalition Calling For FDA Action Against Makers Of Counterfeit Weight Loss Drugs RiverBender.com The complicated world of compounded weight-loss drugs Northwestern Now TN Attorney General Call for Action Against Sellers of Counterfeit Weight Loss Drugs SValleyNow.com | Local News for Marion County and the Sequatchie Valley Bottom Line: Are weight loss drugs safe? Action News 5 Trump casts psychiatric and weight-loss drugs as threats to children The Washington Post American rapper Lizzo achieves major weight loss goal, sparks online conversations The Economic Times Bottom Line: Are weight loss drugs safe? Action News 5 Lizzo flaunts incredible weight loss in black lingerie as fans say 'can't believe their eyes' The Mirror US 'Is she okay?': Fans left shocked by latest picture of Ariana Grande as apparent weight loss sparks concern NationalWorld Options Medical Weight Loss Expands in Chicagoland with New Bucktown Clinic Kilgore News Herald Bandits’ New Demand in Brazil: Hand Over the Ozempic! The New York Times Premier Weight Loss offers affordable and accessible in-person care for weight management WISH TV Indianapolis, IN Attorney General Tong Calls for Federal Action against Counterfeit Weight Loss Drug Makers Greenwich Free Press Wilson among 37 AGs asking FDA to combat ‘counterfeit’ weight-loss drugs South Carolina Daily Gazette Oprah Steps Out Looking Slim After Sparking Debate About Weight Loss Entertainment Tonight Eli Lilly bets big on weight-loss pill with $550 million inventory stockpile -February 20, 2025 at 12:50 pm EST Marketscreener.com Muscle loss on Ozempic: Antibody treatment may help prevent decline Medical News Today Lizzo Reignites Ozempic Speculation After Flaunting Weight Loss With Photo in Just Her Underwear Parade Magazine Lizzo now truly unrecognisable in wild pic news.com.au Here’s What You Need to Know About Using Injectables for Weight Loss Northern Virginia Magazine New weight loss drugs aim to promote muscle growth New York Post Trying to lose weight? Sparkling water could be your secret weapon South China Morning Post Mangoceuticals Announces the Launch of “PeachesRx” - a GlobeNewswire |
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Yes, you read it right?no diets!The first step in this weight management program is to gather all of your old fad diets, quick weight loss remedies, and "magic cures". Once you have them all together in a nice, neat pile- throw them into the trash! One thing we have learned in the last 20-30 years is diets don't work and actually can make things worse. Compulsive Eating and Binge Eating Disaster Plan Congratulations on waking up each morning and greeting the day with renewed determination! Perhaps you rise and say, Today's the day - I will make it through the entire day sticking to my diet goals." What a wonderful, optimistic way to begin a fresh day. Dieting Effects - Diet Pills When it comes to our weight and the appearance of our bodies, most of us are concerned about one thing or another. We have a hard time fitting into our clothes and we want to do something about it. Dieting? 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Dieting 101 - For Those Who Want to Start But Dont Know Where to Begin Okay, so you've read some of these articles, done your homework and now you're finally ready to begin a diet and exercise program. But you still have this one same nagging question in the back of your mind. Weight Loss Is All To Do With Calories What is a calorie? The definition of a calorie is "the amount of energy, or heat it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius". A calorie is a unit of energy that is associated with food and drink and is a measure of the energy, or heat, that food produces as your body uses it as fuel. Have You Given Up on Weight Loss? Have You Given Up on Weight Loss? by Greg Landry, M.S I receive several email messages every day from people who have given up on weight loss. Mediterranean Diet - What is It? Well, to begin with, there isn't really any one Mediterranean Diet! There's a whole swag of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The basic Mediterranean Diet has common characteristics even if the sourrounding countries differ in culture, language and recipes to some extent. 7 Diet Tips For Rapid Weight Loss 1. Quit snacking in between meals. Loose 10 Pounds by Drinking Water? Drink plenty of water. Our body needs a lot of water so give in to water. Fourteen Reasons Why Dieting Is Bad For Your Health 1. The lower the calories eaten per day, the harder it is for you to get your daily requirements of proteins and vitamins. Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Discover secrets to overcome food addictions by releasing negative thoughts and reframing with powerful affirmations, and manifest all that is yours by Divine right.My name is Tami Close and my intention is to empower women to realize they are responsible for their own health and well-being. ![]() |
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