Dealing with Childhood Obesity

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Experts tell us that overweight or obese children have reached epidemic proportions. If you spend your childhood being obese then there is a very good chance you will spend your adulthood being obese. Our children could end up as adults facing problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, depression and poor self esteem. These are problems we do not want our children to have to deal with.

How can help our kids reach their ideal weight and live a healthy lifestyle? First off, remember that your child did not become obese quickly nor will they reach their ideal weight quickly. Take a long term approach - healthy lifestyles develop slowly over time and remember that your kids watch you and learn - Some of your lifestyle habits may need to change during this process. If you are living an active healthy lifestyle it will make it much easier to teach your kids. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Limit the amount of time your child can watch television - Take a walk after dinner and don't turn the TV on until 8:00 pm.

Likewise, limit the video games and look into some of the new "active" video games such as dance dance revolution or ddr. These games allow your child to move while they play.

Remember to reinforce a good food choice or exercise with positive feedback.

Limit snacking and make available healthy snacks.

Keep tabs on whether or not your child is eating at a friends house or being exposed to food advertising away from home.

Keep only healthy foods in your house - eliminate temptation

Encourage outdoor activity and team or individual sports

Purchase your child a bicycle and ride with them

Consult with your doctor

Talk to your doctor about your child's eating habits. Discuss your healthy eating plan with your doctor to ensure there are no nutritional gaps in your plan. Your child needs optimal nutrition during developmental years. Try to avoid the word "diet". Eating healthy can be delicious, fun, and make you feel good.

As you look for more information on dealing with your child's obesity - keep in mind you are looking for resources that promote health and well being above all.

Bill Herren is the webmaster for Everything weight loss related! Weight loss success stories, product reviews, exercise articles, weight loss recipes, and diet articles. All Free and all designed to help you lose weight!


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