Lose Weight with One Simple Mindset

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Diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases today. One of the things dealing with diabetes is maintaining consistent sugar levels in the blood stream.

No matter if you have diabetes or not, you probably have experienced times in the day when you could just lay down on the couch and take a nap. In many cases, this is not because you are tired, it is because you have elevated your sugar levels in your blood, either by not eating for a period of time or eating to much during a meal. We eat a big lunch, or foods filled with starches and at 2:00 we need a nap.

Here is what else happens when blood sugars are low, we have a don't care attitude. In other words we make poor choices in what to eat, just to make us feel better. I get a little irritated when my blood sugar levels are low. This is when I could care less about good of bad food.

So a good simple mindset when we get up in the morning is; maintain my sugar levels today. Here are some suggestions:

Put some snacks like nuts in your car incase your energy crashes and burns.

What the portions of foods at each meal.

Eat more of your complex carbohydrates for breakfast.

Increase the amount of protein in your meals.

Eat less rice, breads and pastas at meals.

Try not to allow five hours between grazing.

The fact is you are not burning many calories when your blood sugar levels are low. You will also tend to make poor choices too. Yes, you may have to pre plan your day. Yes, you may have to eat more often during the day. But, in the long run, you will lose more weight if your blood sugar levels are not as if you are riding a rollercoaster.

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