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Healthy Aging - The Clean-Meat Connection

It is shocking how many people are not taking advantage of the lessons from 21st Century research on cellular health. The syntax of disease is known by many researchers; and many of them are telling you what you can do to protect yourself. They wonder why so many still choose to age and ultimately die prematurely.

Throughout human history, infectious disease was the leading cause of death. By the 20th Century, non-infectious ailments like heart attacks, strokes and cardio-vascular disease along with cancer replaced it as the leading cause. Furthermore, this occurred among the industrial nations, despite greater wealth, better housing and so-called, better nutrition.

So, whether you live longer and healthier than your parents just may depend, not on your monetary wealth or your medical insurance card, but on how well you know and react to the mechanisms of disease in the modern world.

While the message of ancient wisdom has also spoken clear enough, leaving us clues for the last 6,000 years of mankind's history, our modern world has equally spoken. In a world that has the greatest scientific research available, men, women and children still die prematurely. Why? Is there a root cause for this effect?

To find the answer, just compare how many people suffer from disease and early death, while others live long full lives in radiant health. Why does John, an 89 year old man, who smoked cigars and drank a shot of whiskey every night before he went to bed still live, while Josephine, a tea drinker who never smoked, died of cancer at the tender age of 51?

How can that be? The answer must be there for all to see. Your metabolism must be unique; and, therefore, requires a unique set of solutions to maintain better health, stamina and longevity; meaning, one-size health care strategies does NOT fit all needs, except for one: The health strategy that is tailored to you and your metabolism. And that is one of the principle beliefs of healthy agers!

For some, that may be as simple as finding the right combination of nutrients that your body may be lacking. For others, it may mean undoing some habits that may be OK for your neighbor, but not for you!

These solutions, 21st Century style, are available in what I call, "Personal Longevity Technologies." in direct obedience to the original, natural laws designed to protect mankind. Unfortunately, religion and science have not always agreed, haven't they? And mankind has suffered many consequences as a result.

In fact, it was written in the bible many years ago, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because they have rejected knowledge." Please, don't let that be you!

For sure, there is a wealth of knowledge about healthy living that is thoroughly backed by sound scientific research. And you can have access to this wealthy information to begin your very own wellness program! That's right. You can devise your very own, tailored wellness program based on "Personal Longevity Technologies" and the knowledge of cellular health research.

And nobody is saying you should quit seeing your doctor either. Simply be more informed so you can help your doctor help you. You would be surprised how some doctors appreciate patients who take a concerted interest in their own health. When you feel good, they look good; but we won't tell them, will we? It's your personal wellness program at work!

For the record, I have spent multiple years searching for links in multiple research papers that provide information not found in your average health magazine. For example: Did you know that not all meat is fit for human consumption? Do you know what they are? Did you know that you can feed your body with the building blocks of collagen so your arteries won't harden? What are they? And what combination of vitamins assist your body in its processing?

Unfortunately, on average you won't find answers to those kind of questions talking to your doctor! Why? He or she won't take the time. Furthermore, doctors primarily follow what the pharmaceutical companies promote to them, never questioning the ultimate validity of the research. That's why awakening your body and mind to healthy aging is so valuable to you and the state of your longevity.

Choose the Cleaner Human Food Chain

It is amazing with all of the higher education available that many do not understand that the human food chain does NOT include everything that flies, crawls, swims and wiggles.

Putting organized religion aside for the moment, ancient writings like the Bible and the Koran agree on what defines food fit for human consumption, and what is defined as unfit for human consumption.

In reality, those animals fit for human consumption by nature eat grain, grass and roots. In other words, the animals are vegetarean. Their metabolisms are, therefore, designed differently than scavenger animals. If they were to eat like a scavenger, they surely would die of disease, just like those mad cows that ate cannibalized animal feed.

That means that scavenger animals like buzzards, snakes, crabs, lobsters, clams, mussels and pigs have metabolisms for being environmental cleaners. That is their created purpose.

When you eat a scavenger animal, you are actually partaking of THEIR food chain, including decaying, dead animals. That means that you are introducing into YOUR system much of the cells, bacteria and viruses common to THEIR food chain.

Some question rightly if there is a connection with the stress of the modern lifestyle with an unclean diet. While stress reduces the immune system, the unclean foods have the ability to feed on the human host with its micro-organisms, thus compromising the human immune system's ability to fight off disease.

While it's true that modern forms of farming often break natural laws by forcing the land have a reduction in elements that are vital to human health, eating "clean" foods' will certainly support your immune system.

Frank Sherosky is a research author with a passion for health and nutrition. His ebook, "Awaken Your Body to Healthy Aging" supports Hippocates' philosophy of "First, do no harm!" For more information and research links, visit

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