Pediatric Obesity and Vitamin Deficiency - Developments to Fight Future Disease

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Obesity, especially in children, is a matter of rapidly growing concern in the United States. For the first time in decades, we are projecting a decline in life expectancy for the current generation of pre-teens and children! This crisis has attracted the attention of everyone from former president Bill Clinton to the Surgeon General to pediatricians and parents everywhere.

Not only is childhood obesity decreasing the life span of today's kids, but it's also affecting their quality of life. Diseases that we used to see primarily in adults are cropping up in children, even toddlers. Diabetes, emphysema, and other troubling health issues are beginning to plague people at younger and younger ages.

New research tells us that the primary cause of our obesity problems is, ironically, malnutrition! Although our kids are eating a lot more food, they are simply not getting the vitamins and minerals they need. This means that their bodies will continue to crave food, desperate for the necessary elements of survival.

Dr. Anhalt is a world-renowned endocrinologist and childhood obesity expert. He has studied the problem, and found a way to reverse it. "EssentiaLean" is a product he has created to offer our children's bodies the vitamins and minerals needed to finally satiate the bone-deep need for building blocks such as antioxidants and vitamins B12, E, and D. When the human body is getting what it needs, the compulsive search for more and more food can be eliminated.

The causes for obesity are proving to be more complex than were once thought, and more and more researchers are looking to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies to explain the problem. It used to be that obesity, especially in children, was thought to be a result of lack of willpower, even lack of parental supervision. Now, however, there is new information coming to light that is dramatically changing how we think about weight and weight gain.

Our bodies need real, complete nutrition in order to function, to process oxygen, to think, and to act. This means adequate amounts of vitamins like B6, E, Folic acid, and Biotin. Proper nutrition also means getting quality minerals into our systems like copper, manganese, and zinc.

Pediatric obesity is a term that is becoming increasingly common. What used to be an anomaly--a child who weighs at least 20 percent more than is healthy--is now increasingly commonplace. In addition the increased health risks and decreased life span of overweight children, there is also the not-inconsiderable social stigma attached to being heavy. These children tend to withdraw into themselves, becoming shy, uncomfortable, and solitary.

Clearly, an overweight child is dealing with a number of issues concerning all areas of health: emotional and mental, as well as physical. Now, people want to know: what is causing this distressing trend? Can anything be done to stop it?

What Is the Cure for Pediatric Obesity?

Experts on pediatric obesity have been working non-stop for years to unravel this mystery. They have had worldwide support, since obese children imply great social health concerns long into the future. Fortunately, new light has been shed on this problem.

Experts such as Dr. Anhalt, the director of pediatric endocrinology at the St. Barnabas Medical Center, believe a solution has been found. Dr. Anhalt has noticed that obese children are remarkably deficient in some very basic vitamins and minerals, and that getting the child's body back into balance can make a world of difference. As such, this esteemed doctor has developed a formula called "EssentiaLean," which supplies children with the nutrients they need, which, when combined with better eating and exercise habits, will reverse the weight-gaining trend and lead to a much healthier and happier life.

Lauren Jackson is a free-lance contributor to many nutrition forums highlighting children's issues. She is currently working on her PHD and looks forward to private practice counseling for children and their familes struggling with obesity.


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