Hoodia Gordonii - The Hoodia Cactus - Whered My Appetite Go? My Experience with Pure Hoodia

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If you are into herbs and natural cures, you've undoubtedly heard of the Hoodia Gordonii cactus, the latest natural diet discovery for suppressing the appetite. Pure Hoodia (Hoodia Gordonii in it's purest form), acts as a natural appetite suppressant and has helped its devotees naturally curb their appetite and consequently take the lbs off.

So, what is Hoodia exactly? The Hoodia Gordonii cactus is actually a cactus of the "succulent" cactus family which originates and currently only resides inside the African Kalahari desert. The San bushmen of the Kalahari desert, one of the oldest and most primitive tribes, have been eating the Hoodia cactus for thousands of years, to suppress appetite during their long hunting trips.

The active chemical in the Hoodia cactus that is thought to be primarily responsible for the decrease in human appetite is a previously undiscovered molecule named "P57". Current speculation is that the P57 molecule is the chief reason for the appetite suppression, but that this also most likely works in unison with the Hoodia cactus' other chemical compounds, not just one specific compound, since this is usually the way natural herbs typically work in the human body.

My Story

I began taking a pure Hoodia supplement about two weeks ago to help curb my seemingly "bottomless pit" appetite and perhaps shed a few pounds for the summer season. I have taken two of the Hoodi pills every morning with a full glass of water, and usually wait my typical hour before eating breakfast. Two Hoodia pills a day is all that is required for about six to eight hours of appetite suppression, so I only need to worry about taking it once or twice a day, depending on my goals, which is a bonus for someone who forgets to take pills.

It produced almost an immediate drop in my appetite. I found that, while I still got hungry for my meals, I would only eat about one half to three-fourths the amount I would usually consume. Not only that, but my meals filled me up completely and I felt satiated, not still hungry for "dessert" or more food.

As I previously mentioned, I do still get hungry, but even my feelings of hunger have been noticeably "dulled". Now, don't get me wrong, I still believe exercise and eating the right foods is the key to healthy and long-lasting weight loss and weight maintenance, but if you're looking for a "jump start" to your diet, or you just need to regain some appetite control and willpower, but you need help readjusting your body and biological hunger signals, Hoodia pills (pure Hoodia, not low quality so called "hoodia" pills with fillers - it won't work the same!) are a great way to jump start yourself into a better and healthier lifestyle.


Now, one more thing before you let your fingers do the walking on a Hoodia google search for the nearest Hoodia supplement! Make absolute sure that the product you choose is a pure Hoodia supplement, without fillers and other ingredients. Only pure Hoodia will actually curb your appetite.

Other "fake" Hoodia supplements may contain caffeine and other harmful and/or unnatural ingredients that actually may hinder your weightloss effort by increasing your appetite two-fold when the supplement is discontinued.

Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of Herbal-Therapeutics.com, http://www.herbal-therapeutics.com, an excellent source for information on the latest and most effective nutraceutical and herbal therapeutic products. Information on pure Hoodia supplements can be found at this site as well.


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