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Nutrition Information

Summer Sun Cures

With summer comes more sun and with more sun comes an extra desire to be outdoors and with spending additional time outdoors comes ? you guessed it, sunburn.We all know the major importance of using sunscreen these days.

The Portfolio Diet: The Solution to Heart Disease

What if there was a combination of foods that were as effective at lowering LDL cholesterol as prescription drugs? Would it be worth adding some new foods to what you eat each day to avoid medication?This is what the latest in a series of research studies Dr. Jenkins from the University of Toronto shows.

Let Your Freezer Be Your Ally!

Most recipes end with instructions to "serve immediately." You could conceivably serve any one immediately but how about putting meals in the deep freeze for prosperity.

Using Calcium and Magnesium for Constipation

Calcium helps reduce constipationUsing calcium and magnesium in the right quantities can prevent or relieve constipation. They can support the health of your colon and keep you regular.

Maximizing Your Nutrition Dollar

Because of consumer demand, the food industry focus is on producing fruits and vegetables that ship well, not nutrient content. How food is stored and processed has an impact on nutrition.

The Benefits of Healthy Eating

These are questions we have to ask ourselves? because after all We already know all the benefits of eating healthy foods. We've read it in books, seen it on TV, and been told by our friends.

Water - The Natural Choice

Proper hydration is extremely important during exercise. Adequate fluid intake for athletes, even the recreational kind, is essential to comfort, performance and safety.

Take Back Your Life 5

In parts 1-4 of this series of articles titled "Take Back Your Life", we discussed what could be considered the four wheels of the human wellness vehicle. We discussed the importance of proper cell function, the necessity of having and maintaining a balanced endocrine system, and the role of vitamins and minerals, including certain trace minerals as they relate to wellness, and the value of antioxidants.

Essential Fatty Acids - Americas Major Dietary Deficiency

America's major dietary deficiency - EFA a panacea for good healthToday you cannot so much turn a corner without seeing a sign on a fast food restaurant's window boasting the "Low Carb" menu. You cannot read a magazine without seeing an ad for "Adkins friendly" foods.

What Would You Think if I said that You could Overdose on Water?

You would probably think that I was writing a lot of old rubbish, but please stay with me, as I can assure you that it is very possible and there are many cases reported worldwide to back up my statement.A number of medical experts recommend that everyone should drink eight glasses of water per day, which is about two litres.

Just The Tea FAQs: Health Benefits (Part III)

The wonders of modern science continue to amaze us with new cures and essential information on healthy living: what to eat, what to drink, what do to; and, of course, what not to eat, drink, and do. All of this is quite wonderful.

Oregano: Nature's Antibiotic and Antiseptic

Many of us sprinkle oregano on our pizza and stews without realizing its impressive healing powers. But oregano is much more than a flavorful herb.

Just How Dangerous Are Splenda and Artificial Sweeteners - Which Side is Spinning?

There seems to be fairly poor tracking by any formal standards once a product is approved as a food additive. Despite supposedly tracking adverse reactions, the reality has been different at the FDA.

Avocado - Ooh, What a Lovely Pear!

Many people avoid avocados thinking them to be fattening, but the truth is they are packed with Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) which burn fat so actually they make you thin! So now you are over that little misconception, let me tell you the rest of the avocado story?Avocados contain over 12 minerals. These minerals stimulate growth and keep other body functions in check.

Protein Wont Make You Fat: Myth #1

How many magazines have you read where they tell you to take in X grams of protein? How many times have you see .75g of protein per lb of bodyweight or 1g maybe 1.

More Articles from Nutrition Information:
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