Weight Loss Information

Food Intolerance and Low Carb Diets

Food intolerance is a pharmacological reaction to the consumption of certain foods. In many cases, food intolerance may appear to be the side-effect of pharmacological drugs, but in fact, it is generally caused by the consumption of natural foods products, additives, or the combination of both.

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #10

WOW!! Here we are on lesson #10. Hasn't it been an amazing journey over these two months? What you are discovering is all the secrets to your weight loss are within you.

College Weight Gain

Students today are faced with the serious reality of unwanted weight gain as they enter college. A recent study by Cornell University found that on average, college freshman gain about 0.

The College Student's Guide for EASY WEIGHT LOSS!

Weight loss is a hot topic among college students today, especially considering the fact that most college freshmen gain half a pound every week! Since the schedule of college students is almost always hectic, weight loss efforts are not a priority. With so little extra time it is impractical to join the latest diet fad or commit to sweating in the gym for hours at a time.

Cafeteria At Fault for College Weight Gain

College weight gain is at an all time high, and as students continue to pack on the pounds at an increasing rate, we naturally want to know where the blame lies for this growing epidemic. Since food consumption contributes significantly to weight gain, is it safe to assume that cafeterias are responsible for the expanding waistlines of our students? Read on for three reasons why the cafeteria food you eat is making you fat, and tips to help you stop the weight gain.

Cruisin to Lose

Recently, I won a family cruise on the Regis and Kelly talk show. For a person whose business is fitness that is a good news, bad news dilemma.

It's Not Just About Dieting

You may not like what I'm about to say, but dieting alone will not help you to lose weight. You have to give your body the exercise it needs.

Throw Out the Scale

Do you know someone that is obsessed with the scale? Someone who hops on the scale morning, noon and night? And stepping off each time with feelings of frustration or disappointment? With obesity on the rise and weight loss a common household topic, its easy to become obsessed with weight, diets and the scale. This multi-billion dollar industry brings about constant marketing and advertisement on the next solution or quick fix that hits sixty five percent of American's weight issues.

Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips - Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 7 of 10

People usually quit weightloss and exercise programs for one of two reasons: boredom or lack of results, maybe even both!I cannot explain this, nor did I learn this in a classroom, but twenty years in the field proves it to me all the time- after about ten weeks the body starts catching onto what your workout will consist of that day. I believe that your body knows after awhile exactly what you are going to put it through, adapts to it and stops progress.

Green Tea And Weight Loss

There's recently been a LOT in the weight loss news concerning green tea.Green tea's weight loss effects have been causing more and more people to start sipping the ancient Japanese brew.

An Introduction to Tummy Tucks

Abdominoplasty, or "tummy tuck" is a major surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the stomach and tightens the abdominal muscles. Many people who are unable to achieve desired results with traditional diet and exercise seek a plastic surgery tummy tuck.

Atkins Diet -- The Final Verdict

Supporters of the Atkins Diet claim that a low carbohydrate diet is a safe and effective method for losing weight. This article evaluates the low carbohydrate diet and specifically the claims made about ketosis.

Do You Know These Tricks To Help Conquer Food Cravings?

Food cravings are crafty -- they appear from nowhere and hit you just when you least expect them, don't they?And the critical thing is that the way you respond to your food cravings might just make or break your success at weight loss and maintenance.That's why you need simple ways to deal with cravings whenever they pop up.

Glycemic Index: A Magic Weight Loss Solution or a Soap Bubble Ready to Burst?

Glycemic index ranks different carbohydrate foods depending on their potential to raise blood glucose levels.The ranking is on a scale from 0 to 100.

Gastric Bypass Surgery - Is It Right For You?

When we hear all the success stories of the gastric bypass, it sounds so easy. One pricey operation and the pounds just fly off! Right? Not quite.

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