Weight Loss Information

Help to Reduce Belly Fat

Can You Lose Weight Where You Want?If you have excess weight only in specific parts of your body, you still must look at yourself as a whole. It's not possible to spot reduce; in other words, you can't dictate that you only want weight to come off one place or another.

Ive Been Dieting for Five Minutes - Am I Thin Yet?

When Instant Results Take TimeYesterday I decided to "get back in shape," and today I'm already checking in the mirror to see if there's a difference. Sound familiar? Everything else is instantly obtainable from microwave dinners to pay-on-demand TV, so why should weight loss take so long?Before microwave ovens people had to decide in the morning what to make for dinner because it took all day to thaw the meat.

Stop Putting Life Off Until You Lose Some Weight

No One I Know Looks Like a Bathing Beauty, so Why Should You?If you don't enjoy the life you've got because you think you don't look good in shorts or you can't bring yourself to wear a bathing suit, you're just wasting your life for nothing. Maybe you don't look like a bathing beauty but who does? I've heard so many people tell me that they would give anything to be at a weight they once were, but when questioned they almost always say, "Now that I think about it, I thought I was fat back then too," but guess what? They weren't.

Help me, Im Addicted to Sugar

A client wrote, "Help me! I thought I was finally getting a handle on my weight issue but the sugar is killing me. I had an awful day.

When Losing Weight Seems Hopeless

Sometimes it's good to just let the feelings flow. Take out a piece of paper and just start writing your feelings down on paper.

How to Design the Perfect Diet

All Diets Are Based on the Same Premise: Eat Less Calories and You'll Lose WeightDiets come in all sizes and flavors and all tend to rely on the formula of less calories, despite their claims to the contrary. The Peanut butter diet is low calorie with some peanut butter at every meal.

Get Back Weight Loss Motivation with NLP: Setting an Anchor

NLP Setting an Anchor Process to Get Back Motivation for Losing WeightA client recently wrote saying, "When I was losing the weight I felt so good about my exercise and weight loss I actually considered going into the health field. I want to get that [feeling] back!"It can be easier than you think to "get that feeling back.

Weight Loss Maintenance Tip - Staying Aware

Stop Weight From Creeping Up By Staying AwareEveryone has small weight gains and losses but if those gains aren't noticed, and if the trend toward weight gain continues, then those extra pounds can become permanent. You'll know it because your clothes start to be too tight.

How to Exercise and Lose Weight on a Busy Schedule

In my fitness consulting business, I get the opportunity to talk with people from all walks of life about their health, fitness, and weight loss goals. Whether their goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, stick to a diet plan or program, improve their cardiovascular health, or simply to maintain their current fitness level they all have one common enemy---TIME.

Mastering the Motivation to Stay Fit

Have you ever just felt like you were doing everything you were supposed to in order to lose weight and STILL weren't dropping the pounds?During her journey to lose 40lbs in 16 weeks, my good friend Kim faced some pretty serious challenges with regards to her level of motivation before being featured on my YourBestBodyNOW web site.Another friend of mine, Antonio Goodwin, who lost 4 inches from his waistline in 9 weeks with my program, faced the same frustration.

How Many Calories Can I Have And Still Lose Weight?

How to Estimate How Many Calories You Can Have and Still Lose WeightTo figure out how many calories you should have, first start with where you are. In other words, figure out how many calories it takes to maintain your present size and then reduce from there.

Lose Weight and Get Fit by Getting Fat

Getting enough of the good fats will help you lose fat, build muscle, and recover faster from your workouts. In addition, it has myriad health benefits, including being good for your heart.

For Effective Weight Loss - Curb Hunger And Avoid The Binge

Curb Hunger and Avoid The Costly BingeEveryone's been there - you miss a meal or you are getting used to a lower calorie phase of your nutrition plan when the munchies hit. You grab the nearest and quickest food available - usually a high carb snack food - and you chow down.

Learn the Truth About Weight Loss and Getting Great Abs

Debunking The Ab MythAb training has been done to death but it's time to take another look. Why? Because people are still training their abs wrong so all that ab training information must not be doing the job.

Why is it so EASY to GAIN WEIGHT during the HOLIDAYS?

I'm sure you have pondered this question, for it is no secret that we all tend to put on a few pounds during this magical time of year! For many of us across the globe it is a tradition to ring in the New Year with our belts loosened and seams bursting. Read on for 5 reasons why it is so easy to gain weight during the month of December, and what you can do to avoid them!REASON #1: Have Yourself a Merry Little EggnogWhat tastes better on a cold December day than a mug of Hot Cocoa, Spiced Apple Cider, or Rich Eggnog? The holidays are filled with occasions for us to congregate and indulge in calorie packed beverages.

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