Weight Loss Information

A Revolutionary Product Called Hoodia Part 2

The rediscovery of the wealth of the wonder drug Hoodia was a chance occurrence. While scientists were busy searching a cure for HIV/AIDS they found it and the test conducted revealed that the expedition turned out worthwhile.

Hoodia - Its Basic Nature Part 3

Hoodia Gordonii a cactus plant found thousands of miles away in the Cape Town of South Africa, has become incredibly beneficial for people all over the world. Centuries ago, the simple tribal folk of South Africa cultivated the plant so that they could chew it and satiate hunger and thirst for three to four days.

The Magic Formula Works its Wonder Today Part 4

The people of earlier times depended on the rich resource of plants and herbs to cure them of various ailments and maladies. The world has changed a lot but not the basics of life.

Seven Reasons to Choose Hoodia Part 5

Good health is an invaluable bliss and you cannot simply count on its benefits. Similarly, a drug that solves a typical health problem is exactly an elixir for its sufferers.

Understanding the Glycemic Index

Things get so confusing when it comes to understanding what foods are high on the glycemic index scale and what effects your blood sugar production. I have focused a lot of my diet around eating lower glycemic index foods, but more importantly understanding that even when you eat high glycemic foods you can help reduce the blood sugar impact, by eating a combination of both high and low glycemic index foods together, that overall helps slow down the insulin production in your body.

High Protein Diets Can Have a "Bad" Impact on Your Career

With all the excitement regarding high protein diets, one area that is often not talked about is a diet rich in protein can be a major contributor to bad breath. Actually, there are several causes of bad breath, many of which most people have given little, if any, thought to.

Weight Training for Weight Loss

Weight training combines building muscle tone and working the cardiovascular system. Weight training tones your muscles and raises your metabolism, which helps your body burn more calories not only when exercising, but also while you sleep.

Understanding Weight Loss

A pound of fat represents approximately 3500 calories of stored energy. In order to lose a pound of fat, you have to use 3500 more calories than you consume.

The Mediterranean Diet - Oh So Tasty

Yes, there is more to the Mediterranean than sun, beach and wine..

On-line Weight Watchers Diet Helper for Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and Mobile Phones

At the beginning of December, WeightWatchers.com announced the release of an application for Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and PDA mobile phones.

How To Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind!

Ah the ever present battle to lose those unwanted pounds. In today's society we are bombarded with weight loss products and programs.

5 Simple Steps to Start Your Weight Loss Program

Remember there's more to you than meets the eye. You've got personality, brains, feelings? in short, all those things that make you, YOU.

Weight Loss Program - Weight Loss? Why Bother With a Diet Plan? Does Weight Loss Matter?

We all know that weight loss is important. We know we need a weight loss plan or to start a weight loss program - but .

The R Factors - Your Answer For Getting To The Perfect Body For Fitness And Health

Building a Perfect Body for Body Perfect Fitness and Health Is just Four Factors Away!!! The R Factors!!!!What are they?Rev upYou must incorporate an on-going Aerobic (with oxygen) exercise program in each of your weekly goals. That means a minimum of 3 times per week, you must work on strengthening and protecting your heart from the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

A Startling Fact About Losing Dangerous Belly Fat -- Without Exercise

The story broke in the international press on October 4th, 2004. Scientists in Japan announced that laboratory rats lost large amounts of organ fat, and increased muscle strength, when a portion of their diet was replaced by a new fruit extract.

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