Weight Loss Information

Why Do You Say You Want To Lose Weight?

How many of your New Year's resolution start out with "I want to lose x amount of pounds" as if just saying it were some kind of magic mantra.As if the weight would just fall off, in response to the spoken words!Why do we not want to pay the price for anything? Gaining weight is not an overnight effect and it will NOT be reversed overnight.

Focus: A Weight Loss Strategy

I just finished working my quads on a weight machine. My head races and my body hums all in an attempt to lose weight.

Before You Burn - Information About Weight Training Routines For Beginners

Information About Weight Training Routines For BeginnersSo you need to lose a few pounds? Perhaps you want to bulk up and strengthen and define your muscle tone? Maybe you just want to add a bit of variety to your exercise program? Weight training routines offer a great way to accomplish these goals. These types of training routines are used by professional athletes, fitness pros, and body builders.

Dieters Need More Calcium

Women on diets need more calcium than normal to avoid bone loss, say Rutgers University researchers.Studies showed a weight loss diet of 1.

Measuring and Monitoring Your Bodyfat: Improves Overall Health

With so many diets and fads being offered on the market today, it is no wonder why people are not just confused about weight loss and health, but in many cases, actually doing their body more harm than good. Unfortunately, one of the aspects of dieting that you see most often is the reduction or elimination of fat.

Weight Loss Begins in the Mind

Not only was I fat, I was in poor health too.Constantly fatigued, constipated through over-eating, with an aching knee to boot, housework almost left me dead!The last time I was pregnant, I suffered sleep apnoea, the folds of fat around my neck playing tricks on me at night.

Americas Secret Addiction

America is a nation of self-disclosers, amiably acceptant of our weaknesses. Celebrities, family members, coworkers and friends think nothing of admitting their compulsions and dependencies on alcohol, street drugs, prescription medications.

Diet: Changing Your Focus

Have you ever decided to take a trip somewhere relatively unfamiliar? Suddenly, everywhere you look, there is something about your planned destination. Turn on a television travel channel and it is featured.

Weight Loss Surgery: A Last Resort

Thinking about weight loss surgery? You're not alone. Over two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese.

Low-Carb Diets: Are You Losing More than Weight?

The average American eats about twice as much protein than what they require. Some people, in the pursuit of thinness, are going on low-carb diets and are eating up to four times the protein their body needs.

Why Most Diets Dont Work

Ever thought of, known someone, or gone on a diet? You probably have. The word diet seems like a common word for someone who is unsatisfied with their current physical condition.

Who Said Low Carb Diets Ever Meant No-Carb?

A little information if often a dangerous thing..

Some Straight Talk About Low-Carbohydrates and Your Health

There have been many diets and weight loss plans that have come and gone over the years. Low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets were popular decades ago.

Citric Fruits - A Healthy Food

New studies suggested once again that citric fruits including oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits help fight cancer, high cholesterol, and obesity.Studies both at Texas A&M University and Kanazawa Medical University in Japan showed that compounds in citric fruits can help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Shape Up! 4-Alternative Weight Loss Solutions

I am embarrassed to admit how many different commercial weight loss programs I've tried. I don't know about you, but after a while I grow tired of talking heads touting empty promises.

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