Weight Loss Information

The TRUTH About How to Lose Weight

The huge companies stealing your money by promising impossible results if you just drink their shake, take their pill, or do 10 minutes of exercise on their wiz-bang machines are abusing your trust in the name of profits and market share.The real truth is that most (if not all) the products they're peddling are worthless - to you, that is.

Dont Just Melt Fat Off - Burn It Off With A Blow Torch!

Cardio Exercise..

3 Simple Changes In How You Eat That Will Make Dramatic Results In Your Ability To Burn Fat:

1. Increase your water intake to at least 1 gallon of Plain, fresh water per day.

Diet Tactics You Must Know To Lose Fat?

This article is about making long-term changes in the foods you choose and eat, WITHOUT sacrificing good taste.Let's take a look at protein.

7 Weight Control Habits

Here are 7 simple habits that can help anyone enjoy a healthy diet and keep their weight under control without feeling hungry all the time.1.

10 Easy to follow Tips to help YOU Lose Weight

Dieting is not easy. If it were, we would probably all be thin.

Two Words That Guarantee Success (or failure) When Planning To Lose Weight

Did you know that being successful with losing weight starts with just two words?Two words will either guarantee you'll lose weight, or guarantee the you WON'T lose weight.You see, words are very powerful.

Weight Loss: Its Not Always What You Eat, But What You Dont Eat

On a little island half way in between Guam and the Philippines there is a rampant epidemic affecting the inhabitants. This tiny island of approximately 8,200 people is not afflicted with famine or a deadly disease as you might think when talking about an epidemic.

Are Your Co-Workers Making You Fat? Avoiding Unexpected Treats

Taming the See Food Eat Food ResponseWhat happens when you're just minding your business and suddenly someone walks by with a delicious looking cake, muffins, or some other goodie you weren't expecting. You weren't hungry a minute ago but now you are suddenly ravenous.

7 Ways to Stop Nighttime Snacking in Front of the TV

Stop Being Influenced by Food Ads on TVThere is much in the news today about obesity and you can be assured that the food industry fully intends to place the blame squarely on the individual, despite the fact they spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year in an effort to entice us to buy more and more of their products. Children are especially vulnerable to the advertising for cereals, snack bars, crackers, cookies, candy, and fast foods.

Why Friends Sabotage Your Diet at Parties

How to Say No When You Don't Want the FoodA friend's doctor said he should lose 10 pounds and so he is trying to break his sugar habit. He generally eats well during the day but his downfall is cookies while watching TV.

Fast Weight Loss Takes Time

I recently received the following email:Q. Five weeks ago, I began an exercise program and so far I have not lost any weight or gained in muscle tone, which is my goal.

Food Cravings: Use EFT to Learn Patience

Food Cravings: How to Practice PatienceDuring holidays and parties you may try to "plan ahead" so you can avoid some of the rush. Last year at Christmas I realized I had to take three major dishes for Christmas Eve dinner and it suddenly dawned on me that I'd have to bake the cake the night ahead.

How to Get Started on Permanent Weight Loss Program

Why We Start Diets on MondayThe biggest problem with any attempt at change is where to begin? There are so many things to think about, so many distractions, so many reasons why it won't work. Have you ever noticed everyone seems to start a new eating plan on Monday? Why not start on Wednesday afternoon, or Friday morning for that matter?We've grown up counting the days, weeks, and years off like worry beads.

Super Sizing: Money Shrinks While Waist Lines Grow

"Your Eyes are Bigger Than Your Stomach""Your eyes are bigger than your stomach," my mother said, which meant, "No, you can't have a milk shake." She didn't think my 10-year old appetite was sufficient to finish all that food, and she was probably right.

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