Weight Loss Information

Fat Does Not Make You Fat

Fat does Not Make You Fat. One of the other huge myths is that fat makes you fat.

The Right Diet Pill - Where Do You Begin?

The right diet pill should be carefully considered when deciding how much weight you are looking to lose. More importantly, it is necessary to consider how you will keep the weight off once your targeted weight is achieved.

Is the Dr Atkins Diet Safe?

The Dr Atkins Diet has been around for ages, but it has gained significant popularity just over the last several years. Despite its popularity, as with many low carb diets, the Dr Atkins Diet has been the subject of a lot of controversy.

Low Carb Diets: Craze or Crazy?

Low carb diets, though popular, have met with much controversy. This type of diet simply doesn't fit with what the American Heart Association recommends.

Weight Loss Success with the South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet was not created by your typical weight loss guru. A cardiologist developed an eating plan in response to his patients lack of success with the diet recommended by the American Heart Association.

Weight Loss Woes

Weight loss is an issue that affects men and women alike. Children, particularly young girls, are also starting to think about weight loss at younger and younger ages.

Staying Toned After Weight Loss

Staying Toned After Weight Loss ---------------------------------------- Following significant weight loss, it is vital to have an exercise routine to keep your muscles firm and help to tighten the skin. One of the biggest drawbacks to significant weight loss is the flabby skin that is visible that often can take months to disappear.

Anger: The Unexpected Emotion After Gastric Bypass Surgery

The words I read made me furious. There it was, in black and white, the story of a fussy baby who was spoon fed ice cream to keep her quiet.

Pediatric Obesity: A Look at the Epidemic

Obesity in America is at an epidemic level. It is a global issue and the statistics only prove that it continues to rise.

Weight Loss Product Warnings -- How to Spot Bad Pills

There are numerous ways to make a bad weight loss product look good. How to Spot Bad Pills is the first article in a series on evaluating weight loss products.

Diet Pills - Do They Work? Are They Safe? Which One Should I Use?

Diet Pills are the fastest growing segment of the dietary supplement industry. Sales of diet pills and related supplements have been increasing 10 to 20 percent annually to the point where last year they reached $2 billion.



9 Quick Ways To Conquer Cellulite

In our never ending search for the illusive "Fountain of Youth," nothing strikes a chord like the term "cellulite." Interestingly, the term "cellulite" was first introduced to us by a fashion magazine.

Rating the Fad Diets

THE 200 POINT SYSTEMWith so many different diets available, how are we to know what works and what is safe? The only way to be sure is to discover the author's background and the research behind the diet's methodology. Every good diet should give a background about the author and his/her credentials and experience in the fields of nutrition and biochemistry.

Why Do All Diets Fail?

There's a dirty little secret in the diet industry. The sellers of weight loss programs won't admit it, but no weight loss plan works for everyone.

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