Weight Loss Information

Negative Calorie Foods & Weight Loss

You gain weight when your calorie intake is more than your calorie expenditure. But if this calorie equation is reversed, then it results in "negative calorie" balance in your body.

An Incredible New Weight Loss Product - Your Brain!

I would like to introduce you to an incredible new weight loss product: Your brain? I discovered this technique for weight loss many, many years ago from a great New Thought teacher. When I posted it on a business forum last year, a member publicly thanked me for her weight loss a short time later.

Approaches to the Treatment of Obesity and A Free Weight Loss Formula

The general approach for treatment of obesity is to suggest a low calorie diet and increased physical activity. Ther are many weight loss programmes in the market.

Drink Beer AND Lose Weight

Want to shed that beer belly? Why not try the low-carbohydrate approach? Following the philosophy of today's most popular low-carbohydrate books, dieters gradually increase the early restrictions of their daily carbohydrate intake while excess weight continues to come off, once again enjoying starchy foods like potatoes, rice and pasta ..

Tips For Successful Weight Loss

Throughout my childhood and teenage years I watched as my mother tried every fad diet under the sun. I recall one time she ate boiled cabbage and nothing else for a whole week.

Want Power Before Will Power

The problem isn't that you don't have enough will power to achieve what you want. You have will power, but it's not will power you need, it's want power.

The Pain of Instant Gratification

What a great world we live in. You want something, you get it! You need something, you buy it! You don't have money, you charge it!You don't deny yourself anything??do you? Why should you? If it feels good -do it!Right?WRONG!As we have found out over the years, feeling good and being good for you are two different things.

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss

Discover secrets to overcome food addictions by releasing negative thoughts and reframing with powerful affirmations, and manifest all that is yours by Divine right.My name is Tami Close and my intention is to empower women to realize they are responsible for their own health and well-being.

Diets Dont Work

Any doctor worth their salt will tell you diets don't work. Plain and simple.

Do Low Carbohydrate Diets Lead to Weight Loss Success?

So your neighbor, office mate, best friend, whoever just lost 10 pounds in only two weeks following the latest in high protein low carbohydrate diets. And now you're thinking you should give it a go -- have even started the search for high protein low carbohydrate recipes?True, high protein low carb diets seem to be leading many people to weight loss success.

How Do I Begin A Fat Loss Plan?... Let Me Count The Ways!

Most people are unsure about how to begin a fat loss program. They have many questions about food choices, meal composition and exercise.

Are Fruits Making You FAT?

I want to make this perfectly clear, fruits are healthy and they are good for you. They are loaded with vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

To Diet or not to Diet, That Should Be The Question!

Diet information is everywhere. In advertisements, on TV, in magazines; the bookstores are crammed with books on many different diet options - The South Beach Diet, The Atkins Diet, Weight Watchers, The Cabbage Soup Diet.

Weight Loss Diets with Negative Calorie Foods

Negative calorie foods are said to use more calories to digest than the calorie content of the foods themselves, resulting in a negative calorie balance. It is therefore natural to consider a diet containing these foods for weight loss.

Getting Through the Holidays Without Gaining Weight

Now that the holiday season is here, holiday foods and meals take center stage. And this is as it should be.

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