Weight Loss Information

The Solution to Healthy Weight Loss

The overweight and obesity epidemic is a worldwide problem. There are no official statistics for spending on diet products, but estimates vary from $40 to $100 billion in the US alone, much of that on scams and fad diets that promise the impossible.

Small Changes to Weight Loss

As much as many of us who are over-weight do not like to admit, it is our past and current eating habits that have us looking the way we do today. We need to make many small changes to our eating and drinking habits to reach our healthy weight.

Tips for Weight Loss

For a healthy body, it is very important to have ideal body weight. Try to reduce your weight gradually.

3 Easy Dieting Success Tips

1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water each dayOkay, for many people this is a big problem.

South Beach Diet Overview

Developed by Dr. Arthur Agatston, The South Beach Diet touts itself as teaching dieters to eat the right carbs and the right fats.

The Fail-Safe Weight Loss Formula

Yes Virginia, the fail-safe weight loss formula exists.It's so simple, we overlook it.

Tips to Help You Lose Excess Fat

Believe it or not, losing a little or a lot of fat involves pretty much the same concept - consistent dieting coupled with cardiovascular exercise and weight training. This is how the professionals do it, and it works.

Weight Loss Surgery: What are the options?

To understand how surgical procedures aid the grossly overweight person to reduce their body fat, it helps to first understand the digestive process that is responsible for handling the food we take in.Once food is chewed and swallowed, it's on its way through the digestive tract, where enzymes and digestive juices will break it down and allow our systems to absorb the nutrients and calories.

How To Avoid Common Diet Scams

As our country gains weight at an alarming rate, we are spending more each year on products that promise us easy, effortless weight loss. Each year in the United States, an estimated 35 billion dollars is spent each year on weight loss products.

Winning at Post-Partum Weight Loss: Six Simple Strategies for New Moms - Part 1

A healthy pregnancy almost always involves weight gain. But now that baby's here, you're probably wishing those extra pounds would hurry up and disappear! While it won't happen overnight, these six simple tips can help you lose that extra weight in a healthy way.

Winning at Post-Partum Weight Loss: Six Simple Strategies for New Moms - Part 2

A healthy pregnancy almost always involves weight gain. But now that baby's here, you're probably wishing those extra pounds would hurry up and disappear! While it won't happen overnight, these six simple tips can help you lose that extra weight in a healthy way.

Winning at Post-Partum Weight Loss: Six Simple Strategies for New Moms - Part 3

A healthy pregnancy almost always involves weight gain. But now that baby's here, you're probably wishing those extra pounds would hurry up and disappear! While it won't happen overnight, these six simple tips can help you lose that extra weight in a healthy way.

Government Against Diets

The Government of the Australian state of Victoria has started a campaign aimed at warning people of the dangers of fad diets. The campaign is believed to be the first of its kind in the world.

Phentermine Generics & Brand Names: How To Avoid Prescriptions Riddled With Impurities

Which diet pill are you currently taking for your weight loss needs? Recently, many people have been switching to brand names as opposed to generics. This is because generic manufacturing is put under far less strict rules and conditions.

Hoodia - An Elixir that Fights Obesity Part 1

Humanity is always in search of a wonder drug that ends all physical ailments. While it is a wishful thinking yet, there are areas where the dream is almost accomplished.

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