Weight Loss Information

Proven Strategies to Effectively Burn Fat Out Of Your Body! Part 1

It is much safer to your long term health to reduce weight by natural means rather than taking medication that poses a series of health threatening side effects. In order to attack the problem of reducing weight we must identify the kind of bodies we have.

Snack Ideas for Kids That Wont Wreck Moms Diet

If you are a mom at home on a diet, you will probably related to a frequent situation I encounter as a weight loss consultant. Many of my clients with children are able to keep to a healthy eating plan through most circumstances except two.

No One Ever Got Fat Eating Broccoli!

Diet tips for losing weight abound. Some are good, some questionable and some are just plain crazy.

NotOneOunce -- Junk at the Office

After the post-Halloween sugar surge, everyone coaches you to get the candy out of your house. This is terrific, but many people solve the problem by taking it straight to the office.

Excess Weight - Is It Going To Kill You?

For many years, the experts, including our government have been telling Americans that obesity is a leading cause of preventable deaths. For example, as recently as January, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) ranked obesity as the second leading cause of preventable death, and estimated that about 365,000 Americans died as the result of obesity every year.

Not One Ounce -- Candy At Your House

Here come the candy canes. In our house, Santa always hung Hershey's Kisses on the tree.

Weight Gaining

I learned about gaining weight when I heard the question of a skinny girl asking, "how does someone gain weight." First I came to surprise because gaining weight is not something that people want to have around you.

Healing Food Addiction

Hannah was distressed that, with all the inner work she had done on herself, she still found herself binge eating."There are times when I just can't stop eating.

Push a Button to Lose Weight

Trash Your TV! is pleased to announce the easiest weight loss program in the world. It is as easy as pushing a button-the "Power" button on your TV.

Obesity - The Underlying Historic Causes

The scourge of obesity has reached such gigantic proportions across the world that it is now termed as globesity. The obesity is now accepted as a global epidemic and governments are pouring in money and resources to fight this menace, which is quietly swallowing the economic gains of a country.

How Many Calories Are Too Many

In today's bustling world we are constantly surrounded by media hype about "Weight Loss" and "Calorie Controlled Diets". As a Nutritional Therapist, I am often asked "How many calories are too many?" The simple answer to this question is that we are all individuals, and we all require a different amount of calories per day.

Trying To Lose Weight? Heres A Low Carb Tip If Its White, Dont Eat It.

Dr. Hagglund's Healthy Eating Tips(All wheat products, bananas*, breads, rice, sugar, and potatoes.

1-2-3, Weight Loss & Maintenance Has Become So Easy

Millions of people spend billions of dollars, hoping to achieve the same thing, effective weight management. For years, many people have struggled to maintain a healthy weight and body.

Ephedra - Is It Safe And Effective?

Burn fat while you sleep! Eat whatever you want and still lose weight! Don't suffer through hours of grueling exercise to burn fat!You've probably heard all these phrases before but are the fat burners containing ephedra that these claims are attached to really that effective and are they safe?The primary ingredient in fat burners is the herb ephedra, also known as ma huang, or it's manufactured version ephedrine. It has been used in Chinese herbal medicine quite safely and effectively for thousands of years.

Pizza, French Fries, Beer and Other Diet Foods

Now this is the real American Dream! I'm here to let you know that it is totally possible to lose all the fat you want while eating nothing but junk food. The only hitch is that all the fat you want to lose is going to have to be zero!Here are some tongue-in-cheek (or burger-in-belly) suggestions for how you can turn even the greasiest, sugariest, most overprocessed calorie bomb into lean, mean diet food.

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