Weight Loss Information

The Real Challenge Of Weight Loss

Weight loss is never easy. Although this is stating the obvious, it is nevertheless very true.

The Results Of Being Overweight

Being overweight is no laughing matter. For those who are obese, it often starts as a young child.

Weight Loss Methods

On the market at any given time, there are hundreds of weight loss methods. You will no doubt see hundreds of commercials in your time for a weight loss drug, a weight loss plan, or an exercise machine.

The Tao of Weight Watchers Part One

Weight Watchers inspired me to change my eating habits, lose weight, exercise and, indirectly, learn to cook healthy and incredibly delicious food.Now, I'm not affiliated in any way to the organisation, and I am not in their payroll.

The Tao of Weight Watchers Part Two

As I explained in the first part of this article, the Weight Watchers' Points system teaches you to budget the amount of kilo joules and fat you consume every day.How many points do you need to consume will depend on your weight, height and gender.

Bat-Wings: The Dreaded Hanging Arm Skin After WLS

Gastric-bypass surgery is only the first step many morbidly obese patients take in their total body make overs. One residue of massive weight loss is the dreaded "bat-wings".

After WLS: Goodbye Self-Loathing! Hello Self-Loving!

You won't believe what happened to me today!I was getting ready for work and saw myself naked in the full-length mirror and I didn't hate what I saw! I actually gave myself an unrehearsed slightly passive self-compliment "You don't look bad today."The reason this is monumental is because most of the time when I look in the mirror I do not like what I see and I give myself harsh criticism.

Gastric Bypass Friendly Eating: Cantaloupe and Melons

Many gastric bypass patients report melon to be one of the easiest of fruits to enjoy after surgery. Melons are generally low in natural sugar, ripe on flavor and easily digestible.

Running from the Fat Monster after Gastric Bypass

Many patients of gastric bypass report feeling fearful of succeeding at weight loss after a lifetime of failed diet attempts. In most cases, the fear of success subsides as a patient reaches goal weight and becomes comfortable in their new body.

Advanced Body Acceptance: The Secret To Weight Loss Success

Self-acceptance and body love can be tough concepts to grasp and even tougher to incorporate. The degree of difficulty doesn't seem to matter if you're thin or very large or somewhere in-between.

Be a Loser: 50 Reasons to Get Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is fast becoming a very popular way for obese and morbidly obese people to get and keep the weight off. America is the fattest it's ever been and they're even saying there is an "obesity epidemic".

Diet Sodas & Losing Weight: Is Diet Coke Good Or Dangerous For Healthy Weight Loss?

Zero Calorie Diet Sodas: Good Or Bad For Weight Loss?Calorie-free diet sodas, like Diet Coke?, Diet Pepsi? or Diet-7 Up? seem very good for weight loss or maintenance, compared to their sugar-saturated counterparts. For example, just a cup of orange juice contains a whopping 110 calories.

South Beach Diet - South Beach Diet Plan Information

Perhaps you've had them too, nightmares about rice cakes, granola, and eight glasses of water a day. Do visions of diet supplements, green tea and mechanical scales dance through your head? If so, you are not alone.

Rapid Weight Loss Tips - Lose Weight with the South Beach Diet

It's the American Dream: "If I could just lose a little bit of weight..

Fast Weight Loss - 7 Day Diet Program for Quick Weight Loss

Do you have a big event coming up? Perhaps you have a great dress that you bought in the hopes of losing ten pounds, but just haven't gotten around to losing enough weight to fit into it. In addition to supplements and other weight loss products, maybe the solution to your problem is a seven-day diet.

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