Weight Loss Information

Conquer Those Carbohydrate Cravings

Are you a hopeless carbohydrate addict? Let's conquer these cravings once and for all?..

Serious Dieting Tips, Humorous Explanations

A few months ago, I set out to lose 22.6 pounds, then to put back on at least half of it.

Be Aware Of Your Reasons

You have decided that you want to lose weight and improve your health. What is the first step? Start by asking yourself what your reason(s)is for wanting to make this change.

Slimming Solutions

Here are 5 solutions to slimming:1. Set Mini-Goals: Try setting short-term or "mini" goals to help you achieve your goal of shedding the excess weight.

Weight Loss & Health Tips Revealed: Can I Be Fit And Fat?

We all have an image of "fit" - lean, even thin, with a healthy glow. Many researchers are now beginning to question that picture of fitness - there may be more to being "fit" and less to being "fat" than conventional wisdom suggests.

High Carb & Low Carb Diets: How To Avoid The Dangers

There's a two hundred year history of people prescribing both high and low carb diets for weight loss. So how does one choose? One factor you should consider is the dangers associated with each diet.

How to Burn Fat: Doctors Proven Weight Loss Secret #1

Let me ask you a personal question. As you read these words, right now-- are you burning fat?If you don't know the answer, you need to know about a simple, inexpensive way to make sure.

Dietary Recommendations After Gastric Bypass Surgery

When obesity gets out of hand, unresponsive to dietary, lifestyle and medical interventions, drastic measures are needed to cut down calorie intake. Morbid obesity with a BMI (body mass index, a measure of malnutrition) above 40 kg/m2 is an indication for surgical procedures such as gastric bypass surgery.

Weight Control For Webmasters

Are you gaining weight sitting in front of the computer? It's easy to do.It's easy to get stuck in a rut and forget about your health needs.

Low Carb and Lowfat Diets...A Scam?!

If anyone knows anything about fitness, it's that a low fat diet is the healthiest way to avoid serious diseases, right? Maybe wrong.In many instances quality research has shown just the opposite?that a low fat diet, sometimes even a vegetarian diet, can be harmful to your health.

Dieting Torture By Another Name, It Doesnt Need To Be That Way

I have tried many "diets" here in the USA and in England and to me they all felt like self inflicted torture. They were boring, tasteless, and restrictive.

Low Salt Diet Tips for Kids and Adults

Our bodies only require a small amount of salt for proper nutrition. But the fact is that we all, including our children, consume way more salt -or rather, the sodium - than we should.

Protein Diet - What Does It Mean For Your Body?

To really understand the impact of a protein diet, it's important to know how it affects and interacts with your body.When we speak of your muscles, glands, and organs, they are mainly made up of protein.

4 Keys to Weight Loss

First off, let me start by saying this list is by no means exhaustive. However, if you can manage these 4 important components of a weight loss program, you will be on your way to a slimmer body.

Leaning Toward Lean: Clear Thinking For Better Health(Care)

Mindfulness is all about paying attention. It's amazing what can be accomplished when mindfulness is applied to systems that need all the attention they can get.

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