Weight Loss Information

Move, Move, Move for Greater Weight Loss

The loss of fat comes from fat cells all over the body, not from one or more specific area's so spot reduction of a certain area is not possible. The main priority of this article is to show you the quickest and safest way to lose fat from the body.

How to Lose Weight: Food for Thought

When it comes to weight loss, most of us would like to engage in what psychologists call "magical thinking." We'd like to believe that some easy trick or ritual would allow us to shed pounds while eating anything we liked.

From Fat to Fit: Read One Womans Amazing Weight Loss Story

An Interview with Success Story, Caitlin JohnsonIf you don't know who Caitlin is, you will soon. She appears in the June, 2005 Issue of Ironman Magazine.

How We Rescued Our Child from Anorexia, Effecting a Complete Recovery in Just Six Months

In March 2003 our then 13 year old daughter, Helen, was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, at which point she was on the verge of being emaciated. Her BMI was approximately 15.

Four Steps to Hunger Control

Axiom Number Two: Hunger ControlTrying to lose weight without understanding how to control your hunger -impossible. Probably the main reason so many diets fail is because they ignore hunger.

Heres A Diet That Wont Work

How's this for a diet: Take in fewer calories than you expend and you'll lose weight. I just read another article that suggested this as the sure-fire way to lose weight.

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #4

How's the practicing going? Are you spending time each day to practice RET, EFT and affirmations? When you make yourself a priority, then everything else falls into place.When we lose our connection to God, to ourselves, then we get off track.

Advice for the Ill = Advice for the Well

All of the things we tell sick people so that they recover more quickly are exactly the things that we should be doing every day. Following that advice will not only ward off disease, but also lead to greater energy and vitality, and best of all, weight loss.

Are you Making these Weight Loss Mistakes?

There are all kinds of fad diets and quick fixes to weight loss out there. In reality, if you want to lose weight (besides liposuction) there is only one way to do it - that is to burn more calories than you consume.

Children of Gastric Bypass Patients at Risk for Eating Disorders

As parents who've had gastric bypass we face many challenges raising a family. Perhaps an unexpected challenge is when a child develops an eating disorder that may be exacerbated by the parents dieting habits.

Hydrate to Lose Weight: Drinking Water & Its Relationship to Weight Loss

It all begins with water ..

Four Common Mistakes that Overweight People Make

I am a Registered Dietitian who has spent over 10,000 hours researching the lifestyle habits of thin people for my book Thin People Don't Clean Their Plates. In this research, I discovered striking differences between the choices that thin people make versus those of overweight people.

Weight Loss Is All To Do With Calories

What is a calorie? The definition of a calorie is "the amount of energy, or heat it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius". A calorie is a unit of energy that is associated with food and drink and is a measure of the energy, or heat, that food produces as your body uses it as fuel.

If We Are Eating 99% Fat Free, Why Are We 99% Fat?!

Unfortunately, obesity is reaching epidemic proportions, with over 60% of our population now overweight. We need to take control of this problem NOW.

A New Option for Weight Loss Surgery

These days, Jennifer Secrist has little interest in idle activities. The 23-year-old loves to rock climb, hike, ride her mountain bike, and do almost anything that gets her outside and moving.

More Articles from Weight Loss Information:
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