Weight Loss Information

Basic Approaches To Weight Management

Being over weight is usually being 20 percent or more over the normal weight for his or her age, sex, build, and height. According to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, a person's weight is healthy if it falls within the acceptable range for his or her height and age; if the pattern of fat distribution does not place the person at increased risk for certain diseases; and if the person has no medical problem for which a physician recommends that he or she lose weight.

To Be or Not To Be: Low Carb...

I get asked all the time, "what do you think about the Atkin's Diet?". Well, as a Nutritional Bio-Chemist, my opinion and answer to that question would have to be a biochemical response.

Hybrid Sweeteners in Todays Health

What is the advantage of these new half sugar and half synthetic baking sugars that are on the market? These drink products made with � the sugar carbs and � synthetic sweeteners and foods marketed and eaten by our kids, does it really give the consumer that much more of an advantage?There was a national news story on NBC Nightly News with Tom Brocaw (11.08.

Diets May Have Long Term Side Effects...Do You Know What They Are?

To see the "low carb" diets on the way out is a somewhat reflective process, not that I was an advocate of ketogenic diets at all unless you have Adolescent Epilepsy, but bringing the "low carb or ketogenic diet" into the forefront of our American Society meant that more people were being educated about obesity, food and eating. This acknowledgment about food was astounding and became overwhelming , causing restaurant chains and some farmers to really suffer from these trendy diets, people have lost farms that have been in their families for years , businesses that lend job and economic stability to an area, have gone out of business or lost business, all on a dietary whim, with no research done on the side-effects of "not eating" what these diets restrict.

Surviving Glycemic Diets (Ketogenic, Low-Carb or Atkins):

1.The first step to living a Glycemic Diet Lifestyle is knowing what you can have, and have lots of.

Weight Control: Operationalizing Your Plans

We have such good weight loss intentions. We emotionally beat ourselves up for lack of self-discipline, weakness, cheating.

Could False Memories Be An Efficient Diet Helper?

Speculating on the scientifically proven memory unreliability, the memory specialist Elizabeth Loftus, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Irvine thought of using the technique of false memory induction as a new approach to dieting. And this is how: by inducing false memories about specific foods.

Resolve + Enthusiasm = Power

Think for a moment about the highest mountain you ever climbed, the deepest valley you ever crossed, or the longest river you ever had to swim. Perhaps it was healing a relationship with an estranged loved one, closing a big deal at work, overcoming an addiction, surviving an illness, succeeding against the odds or making what seemed like an impossible dream come true.

10 Tips for Dining Out

There is no doubt about it; Americans are eating in restaurants more often than ever before. In 1970 Americans spent just 26% of their food dollars on restaurant meals.

New Hope for Attaining--and Maintaining--A Healthy Body Weight

The percentage of Americans who are overweight and obese is increasing very rapidly. "Overweight" is defined as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) from 25.

Lose Weight and Feel Great

Many people search for a pill, a special diet or some other quick fix to lose weight. The key to weight loss and good health is changing bad habits and developing a healthy lifestyle.

Weight Loss: Where to find Hidden Calories

If you have been eating as usual and the pounds seem to be creeping on - you could be a victim of hidden calories.When we are busy, stressed or focused on something else we reach for convenient snacks that are usually high in fat.

Weight Management Secrets That My Mother Never Told Me

There have been endless numbers of fad diets over the years, each one promising to free you from the bulge. You see numerous infomercials on the next so called proven weight loss strategy such as diet programs, supplements, and fitness equipment.

Heel Pain and Obesity: The Chicken or the Egg?

A new survey has found that heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis, a problem affecting almost a third of people who are overweight, often limits exercise and therefore makes it difficult for people to lose weight. The survey of 381 adult Americans, conducted by Heeling Solutions LLC, (www.

Schoolchildren on South Beach diet

As a part of a children's diet and health study, conducted by Dr. Agatston, six elementary schools from Osceola County, Florida were included in a diet program from September through May 2005.

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