Weight Loss Information

Weight Loss Problems? Are You on the Path of Delusion, Depression, and Destruction?

Are you weighted down with delusion, depression and on the verge of destruction because of your weight?Am I missing something here? If I am someone please email me and tell me. But, the shape of you and America tells me I am not missing the boat at all.

Weight Loss Problems at Their Worst -America is on the Path of Delusion, Depression, and Destruction

Am I missing something here? If I am, someone please email me and tell me. But, the shape of you and every person in America tells me I am not missing the boat at all.

Are You Controlled by the Urge to Splurge

I gotta confess: I'm completely addicted to crisps. Any kind is fine.

Can I Eat Sugar Alcohols On My Low Carb Diet?

"Polyols" or sugar alcohols are a number of different carbohydrates that are neither sugars nor alcohols--and are commonly used as artificial sweeteners in a range of products, from ice cream to chewing gum.While these tasty sweeteners appear to be the perfect solution for both low-carb dieters and low-carb food producers, recent studies of sugar alcohols have painted a somewhat different picture.

What Low Carb Dieters Should Know About Nitrates And Nitrites

Nitrates and nitrites are preservatives that are added to certain meats to affect a desirable color and prevent the growth of poisons and bacteria. When nitrates and nitrites are exposed to heat and other conditions during the curing process, they are sometimes transformed into nitrosamines, which have been linked to cancer in a number of studies.

The Benefits of Omega3 Fatty Acids - Losing Weight with Fat!

Essential Fats for Weight LossOver the past few decades, the cornerstone of a good, solid weight loss plan has included studying the 'Nutrition Information' on food packaging, thumbing nervously through a 600 page (yet implausibly titled 'pocket sized') calorie counter and triumphantly and guiltlessly striding down supermarket aisles with a trolley brimming with exquisitely packaged, molecule sized, fat free food.To most people, avoiding fat (or consuming as little as possible) is the sure-fire path to a slim and slender body.

Walking: A Key to Weight Loss

Doctors prescribe Walking as the best medicine for weight loss.We walk everyday.

An Interesting Look at Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery has many forms and can involve stapling and banding of the stomach as well as bypassing a portion of the small intestine. The most popular method today is a combination-approach that staples the stomach into a small pouch while reattaching the small intestine to the pouch forming a Y-shape so patients lose weight both because they eat less and their bodies absorb less of what they eat.

Alternatives When Considering Liposuction

One alternative method to traditional and tumescent liposuction is mesotherapy. Mesotherapy involves a series of injections of varying ingredients.

Weight Loss: Keeping Your Results Over the Summer

Having just returned from a week of basking on a beach, I couldn't help but notice how many over 30's were overweight and apparently doing little to help it.The other thing I noticed from chatting, was how many people had low carb dieted prior to getting to the beach, yet didn't seem to be following any diet now, except perhaps a weight gain diet.

Farewell To The Atkins Low Carb Diet

Atkins Nutritionals recently announced that they are filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. It seems that the "low carb craze" was nothing more than just a passing fad.

Why Did Your Diet Fail You? Or Did You Fail Your Diet?

Are you someone who has, in the past, been on a diet, only to find at the end of it you had lost no weight? Despite putting your best efforts into the diet much of the time, and keeping quite close to recommendations when it came to calories and so on, for some reason things did not quite work out. Eventually, with the pounds drifting off too slowly and back on again too quickly, you just gave up, and went back to "normal".

Turn Your Body into a 24hr Fat Burning Furnace and Still Build Muscle!

Is this even possible?Well hold on to your seat because you are about to learn a whole new way of doing cardio and burning fat that will turn your body into a fat burning machine and still pack on the muscle.I have been working on natural bodybuilding for the last 3 years, and it has taken me 2 and a half years to realize I was going about it completely the wrong way.

Saboteurs to Your Weight Loss Plans

Saboteurs are people and thoughts that are going to sabotage you when you are at all weak in your bid to better yourself. I can identify many internal and external forces that will try to stop me from what I want on an almost daily basis.

Why Low Carb Dieters Can Eat Chicken Skin And Meat Fat

While low-fat dieters and non-dieters may want to avoid chicken skins and fat on meat, most "low carb" diet plans encourage low carb dieters to do the exact opposite.The reasoning for this somewhat surprising deviation from common wisdom is two-fold.

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